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At least 4 dead, dozens injured after stage collapse at Indiana State Fair (video)

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdpzTOTo_UI video of stage collapsing


It was a temporary stage set up for concerts for the fair (the show was Sugarland), and a severe thunderstorm moved through with 60 mph wind gusts. Horrible, I hope there aren't any more deaths.

Four people were killed and at least two dozen people were injured shortly before 9 p.m. tonight when a stage collapsed during a storm at the Indiana State Fair's Sugarland concert.

Independent state police officers said both the death and injury tolls may be higher. Reports said Indiana Fire Department took 24 people to hospitals. A press conference with Cindy Hoye, the fair's executive director, and Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard was set to begin soon.
Medics and rescue crews throughout Indianapolis converged on the State Fairgrounds, 1202 E. 38th St., after Hoosier Lottery Grandstand stage rigging for an outdoor concert collapsed, trapping and injuring fans. Preparations were under way at 10 p.m. to inflate large air bags to lift the rigging from the track.
Injured people were being taken to Methodist Hospital, according to Indiana State Police.
Sugarland posted this on Twitter just before 10 p.m.: "We are all right. We are praying for our fans, and the people of Indianapolis. We hope you'll join us. They need your strength."
Fallen stage rigging extended about 15 feet onto track, where up to 200 concert-goers were seated between the stage and the grandstand in a VIP area called the "Sugar Pit."
Thousands of people attending the Sugarland concert were awaiting the start of the country band's show when the rigging for the stage fell onto the track.

"It was like it was in slow motion," said concert-goer Amy Weathers. "You couldn't believe it was actually happening."

Emily Davis, who was in the Sugar Pit, told WTHR, the Star's newsgathering partner, the crowd had been told it could be evacuated if the storm grew worse and a short time later the stage collapsed.

Other concert-goers told WTHR that a gust came from the west and rocked the rigging, causing some panic in the crowd prior to the stage's collapse.
Emergency workers established a command center and triage area to tend to the injured. Those hurt were being moved to a tunnel below the Grandstand stage. A hole was reportedly being dug in the dirt track to try to reach people trapped beneath the rigging.

Indiana Homeland Security has declared a Level 1 emergency.

People were told they could evacuate to a nearby building minutes before the collapse, when winds were strong. Heavy rain and winds estimated as high as 60 mph were reported from the storm after the collapse. A severe thunderstorm warning had been issued at 9:09 p.m.
According to Indianapolis Star reporter David Lindquist, who was at the concert to review the Suglarland performance, “the entire stage rigging collapsed at the track.”

Lindquist described a chaotic scene after a storm gust took out the apparatus between the opening and main acts shortly before 9 p.m.
Just in case anyone mentions it I'm not making a joke with the "People died in that!" meme from the funny pics thread.
It's pretty intense watching this knowing that people were killed. I wonder how it was getting out of there, hopefully people didn't start panicking and running out or anything.
Tron 2.0 said:
Sugarland? It was a mercy killing.
Damn, man. Too soon.

Did the band actually die? I assume not, since they'd pretty much be the four people killed. Or is Sugarland a rapper or something? I have no idea!


Holy shit, I was just at the fair last night. Been staying in all night because of how bad the storm was outside, didn't expect anything like that to happen though.

Tron 2.0

dr3upmushroom said:
Damn, man. Too soon.

Did the band actually die? I assume not, since they'd pretty much be the four people killed. Or is Sugarland a rapper or something? I have no idea!
No, according to the article the band hadn't taken the stage yet.

It's insane to watch that rigging collapse. I hope it was a freak accident and not something that could have been prevented by the contractor.

That video is really sad.


I was going to go to the fair tonight but I was tired and took a nap instead. Hope there aren't any more casualties.


Crystal Bearer
Yeah, it broke in on the news just now, and I know before it happened we had high winds (up to 70MPH) and thunderstorms in my area (Hamilton County).

Glad I didn't go to the fair.


Oh my fucking god :( That's terrible.

Ugh don't turn this into a war of genre's of music, this is just a terrible tragedy. That video was hard to watch, would not watch again. RIP to those that died and my thoughts go to their families. I hope anyone else injured makes a well recovery.


Man, maybe this is why people listen to rap and pop, because shit like this don't happen.

This is a sad story, my thoughts to those who died and their families. Nature fucks us all in the end.


Holy crap, how horrible. :(

Isn't safety with impending storms taken into consideration when erecting these stages, or even letting people near them?


Crystal Bearer
Davidion said:
Holy crap, how horrible. :(

Isn't safety with impending storms taken into consideration when erecting these stages, or even letting people near them?

There was a warning for people to go inside, but the stage fell almost a minute after that announcement.


Happened here during a concert, only one guy died, it was a little bit smaller but holy shit it was a terrible thing to go through, quite possibly the scariest moment of my life.

This is terrible.


Kagari said:
There was a warning for people to go inside, but the stage fell almost a minute after that announcement.

That's what the State police are claiming but multiple eyewitnesses they are interviewing on the Indianapolis TV stations are saying that they just told people where they needed to go to if the weather got bad. There was no evacuation order given over the PA.

Latest is 4 dead, 46 injured (sounds like maybe 10 of those are life-threatening), but some reports of 200 injured.


Heard about this on the radio on the way home from the bar tonight. Storm got pretty bad at the bar we were at but calmed down in like 30 minutes. Fucking crazy.

Adam J.

I was in the area ( just down the street) when it happened. Didn't seem that windy tonight. Damn...I'm assuming next weeks Janet Jackson concert at the Fair is now cancelled.
Saw the storms coming east through Indiana toward us in Ohio. Lots of wind with them. We were worried here in town about them because BalloonFest is this weekend and storms during the middle of that would be really bad.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Kagari said:
The crowd reaction in the video is probably one of the most horrible sounds in the world.

It's bad, but the worst I've seen is the phone call cutting off as the towers fell in 911.

Who approved having masses of people standing around a weak structure during extreme weather conditions? Infrastructure, engineering, and planning matters.
teh_pwn said:
It's bad, but the worst I've seen is the phone call cutting off as the towers fell in 911.

First thing that came to my mind as well.

A close second is the audio of an elderly woman calling 911 to report someone lurking outside her home, then getting murdered while still on the phone. Single most bloodcurdling scream I've ever heard, it's pretty haunting.


I just saw this video on Twitter, I was like holy shit, that was a lot worse than I thought it would be... I didn't expect the entire stage to fall down on the crowd

My heart goes out to those people, their family and friends :/


I woke up an hour or so ago and hopped on facebook only to find out that a bunch of my friends were there at the time. Luckily, it seems like everyone I know managed to make it out okay. I had actually planned on going to the fair tonight too.


Neo Member
My wife's cousin was at the fair tonight, so we were freaking out. Thankfully she called a bit ago and said she is fine.

Prayers go out to the families and people that were injured.
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