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At least 4 dead, dozens injured after stage collapse at Indiana State Fair (video)

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Adam J.

I had planned on making my annual trek to the Fair tomorrow--wonder if they are shutting it down for the year...


It's crazy how my mind works now, I blindly clicked a link to the video, assumed it was some kind of movie viral marketing or something until I started reading news reports.


So terrible and sad. From the video, it kinda looks like quite a few people managed to get away from the front row section before it collapsed though?
Looks like 4chan got wind of this based on the comments on the HD video...

Stuff like this really shows you what a different, instant-on age we live in now. Stuff like this happens where people die and there's instantly HD video of it out there readily available.

I'm not sure it's good for things like this where you watch the death of at least four people, but...it is what it is.
That's crazy.

Ive seen a lot of stages in my day and that one looked shoddy as hell.

Hope the injured people recover quickly.


That looked like a really poorly constructed stage. Surely they should've at least secured that structure with lots of heavy sandbags or something to prevent it from tipping over?


While the HD video is truly terrifying, I'm glad it shows that the front rows were not packed with people. Could have been a lot worse if it were. Sad to see either way.


Sean said:
That looked like a really poorly constructed stage. Surely they should've at least secured that structure with lots of heavy sandbags or something to prevent it from tipping over?

the same thing happened here in camrose alberta. the stages arent made for high winds. the fabric parts are supposed to be dropped if the wind picks up or a storm is moving in and the area evacuated. event planners tend to be pretty slack when it comes to following the rules, expect people to sue much like they did here.
While theres nothing to celebrate about this tragedy, I'm glad people immediately ran towards the collapsed stage to help anyone stuck underneath. Even more respect considering how dangerous the situation still was, but their common sense as a human being kicked in.

In a world today where you hear stories of people just standing around and tweeting, posting on fb, taking pictures with their camera etc, this video proved otherwise.

Condolences to the families :(


Wife and I were coming home from a rollerderby game when we noticed we were passing ambulances left and right for like a half hour. Literally 40 - 60 ambulances. Then we looked up the news and it made sense. :-(


The HD video is wow. I hate to use the word lucky in a situation like this but it could have been much worse if the act had been going and people were near the stage. It looked like most people were already a bit back from the stage.

I echo the sentiments of the earlier poster in that it's a bit uplifting to see all of the people rush in to try and help.
I used to set up stages like this in college. It takes half a day to set up and another half to take down. I remember we were setting up one for Third Eye Blind outside and there was some wind. At the slightest movement, we had to bust ass to get it absolutely secure as possible and bring more weights. It sounds like the people that set this one up weren't doing their job. Extremely sad.


Sad that this keeps happening.
This can be prevented, no doubt about that. The stage does not look like it's properly build, beside that you need a good evacuation plan that can be used when bad weather arrives. A good plan can clear the place in 5 minutes or less.

Is there a independent group of people who have to check there kind of structures in the USA? Like there are on other big buildings/constructions.


That must be a half dozen stage collapses all from wind and only in 3 years or so. How many people are going to be crushed to death before they , idono, just throwing it out there- build a stage that doesn't collapse from 90kmph winds. It's always the same story, a huge thunderstorm blows in and the gust front knocks the whole thing down. Perhaps they needs some kind of dome design to prevent future incidents.
I almost went to the Fair that day. After hearing about this and watching the video, I am extremely glad I decided to not go. That video is scary as hell.
This royally sucks.

The people who were in charge of the whole event should have considered the power of storms before letting a bunch of people near a rickety stage.



Its crazy everyone was still sitting out there with that weather. You think they would cancelled the concert at the first sign of lighting.


Hmm, the youtube debate about which God caused it (somehow violating Ramadan became a possible cause) finally got it closed to comments.

Interesting, that.
unbelievable that there were no storm cables attached to the towers of the stage.
they are named "storm cables" for a reason, for hells sake
iamaustrian said:
unbelievable that there were no storm cables attached to the towers of the stage.
they are named "storm cables" for a reason, for hells sake

The whole stage looked flimsy as hell. Terrible stuff, the video was grueling to watch.


good credit (by proxy)
jaxword said:
Hmm, the youtube debate about which God caused it (somehow violating Ramadan became a possible cause) finally got it closed to comments.

Interesting, that.

How are we even sure that a God caused it?
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