Holy shit. =(
Adam J. said:I had planned on making my annual trek to the Fair tomorrow--wonder if they are shutting it down for the year...
NihonTiger90 said:Closed tomorrow. Maybe open Monday.
Wow, pretty graphic. You can see quite a few people getting creamed right at the base of the stage. Tragic.ZeroGravity said:
Medalion said:It looks very surreal in the HD video, like it was a movie or something
Jesus christZeroGravity said:
Sean said:That looked like a really poorly constructed stage. Surely they should've at least secured that structure with lots of heavy sandbags or something to prevent it from tipping over?
ZeroGravity said:
Thanks!ZeroGravity said:
ZeroGravity said:
Pachinko said:idono, just throwing it out there- build a stage that doesn't collapse from 90kmph winds.
ZeroGravity said:
iamaustrian said:unbelievable that there were no storm cables attached to the towers of the stage.
they are named "storm cables" for a reason, for hells sake
jaxword said:Hmm, the youtube debate about which God caused it (somehow violating Ramadan became a possible cause) finally got it closed to comments.
Interesting, that.
Timedog said:How are we even sure that a God caused it?