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At what age did you first start masturbating?

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Being serious for a moment here, folks...

I'm taking a course in Health & Sexuality over the summer semester, because it's a totally online class and an almost-guaranteed "A". The topic that we're discussing this week is masturbation, and the class has been given a number of online resources to browse through on the subject. Stuff on the history of masturbation, origins of myths and taboos surrounding mastubation, religious and medical views on masturbation, etc etc.

One of the hypothetical questions that's been posed to our class is, "If you had an 8 year-old son, would you talk to him about masturbation and, if so, what would you tell him?" And that's a question that really got me thinking.

Right off the bat, I thought "8 years old? That's waaaaay too early for masturbation." But I think that had more to do with the fact that I consider myself something of a "late bloomer" with regards to sexual activity; my parents didn't discuss sex with me AT ALL, and I was too closed off emotionally to discuss such things with my friends until well into my teenage years. I was in high school before I had a decent grasp of the subject of sex. It also had something to do with the fact that I didn't deliberately masturbate for the first time until I was 12.

But then I thought about how much things have changed since I was that young. Today's kids are being exposed to a higher amount of sexual content than ever before, are maturing at a faster rate, and are becoming sexually active earlier and earlier. Given those circumstances, perhaps 8 years old isn't too early at all. I think that, more than anything though, deciding to have that talk would depend more on the 8 year-old the talk's being given to.

So help me out here, guys, I'm trying to decide what age is appopriate for the masturbation talk. 8? Younger? Older? Much older? And how old were you when you masturbated for the first time; I want to know where I stand, and get a feeling for the age appropriate-ness of the subject.

Ladies chime in, too; according to recent studies, 2/3 of all women masturbate at least once per year. ;)


I think 8 is pretty young...

I can't remember 100%.....but I'd say around 13-14....I could be off a year (a year younger..if I was off)

Ladies chime in, too; according to recent studies, 2/3 of all women masturbate at least once per year. ;)

2/3 do it.....once a year?!

That makes us look awful. I think 90% of guys do it once a week :p


Beats me... Har har har. Anyways, I don't remember, but it was pretty young since my parents owned a video store with an adult section. Boy that was fun!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
2/3rd bullshit.

all chicks do it. ALL.

the ones that don't aren't actually women but ghosts with no soul.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
I dont know. After the experience i was a bit light headed and time did not seem to exsist.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Trevelyon said:
What year did Blossom start showing on TV?

I think it was that year. :D

Very early 90s, had to be like 90 or 91. Who did ir for you? It was her best friend wasn't it? So yummy...so yummy.

I don't even remember, had to be like in 6th or 7th grade. Those were the good days of masturbating, when it was just good clean fun. Now I have to plan for cleanup, its just too much work.


Probably around 12 or 13... 8 is WAY too young. I'd be hard pressed to believe that a majority of guys start masturbating any earlier than 11-13 years old

I'm only 18 now, but masturbation is no longer safe in this house. I pretty much programmed my brain to have multiple orgasms, so I have 2 "dry" orgasms (Where I don't Ejaculate) and then one final orgasm that is quite explosive. Although it's very fun, it takes waaaaaaaay too long to do in my house (Especially since there's always someone home) so I haven't wanked off in some time. Obviously the technique has helped me a lot with sex, because sometimes when I finish the chick is on her 7th orgasm.
muncheese said:
I was humping shit since I was like 5, "hands-on" didn't start until about 8th grade.
Actually, that's what some of the research we were given says. Studies have indicated that children as young as 5 may begin to stimulate themselves for pleasure, without even realizing that they're masturbating. So, while intentional masturbation (ye olde "jerking off") may not start until the pre-teen years, sexual experimentation and manual stimulation can begin much earlier.

Hence, my quandary on the subject of my imaginary 8 year-old. o_O


GAF's Bob Woodward
ItalianStallion said:

I'm only 18 now, but masturbation is no longer safe in this house. I pretty much programmed my brain to have multiple orgasms, so I have 2 "dry" orgasms (Where I don't Ejaculate) and then one final orgasm that is quite explosive. Although it's very fun, it takes waaaaaaaay too long to do in my house (Especially since there's always someone home) so I haven't wanked off in some time. Obviously the technique has helped me a lot with sex, because sometimes when I finish the chick is on her 7th orgasm.

bwahahahaha..sorry, you sound too much like the guy who posted after sex about his girlfriend who was lying curled up on the bed *still* orgasming!


I think I was 11. No 12... Argh, 11 or 12, I dont' remember!

I cannot remember right now, but my parents must know, they never forget that day, because I did beat the record of the longest child's bath in the world, 2 hours taking bath! :|


Hollywood Square
I was 13. It was the same time I started playing Ocarina of Time. Zelda + Mastubation = The Pinnacle of Human Achievement.
In Eighth grade, so I was 13. I sat behind this girl in English class 6th period that I had a huge crush on. She also had really huge knockers; bigger than any other girl in school. I think she was my inspiration to cause me to experiment with masturbation. Although several years before that, I felt sensations that caused me to want to touch my pee-pee, and stuff, I never orgasmed until 8th grade.
Christ I remember looking up porn on AOL, but not only did I have 56k, but my parents had put Parental Locks on the browser so I couldn't view porn!

Luckily I found a way around that, which was just fine a porn site that was relatively new to the internet and that AOL hadn't had a chance to block -- worked like a charm.

The first time I wanked scared the shit out of me though, man. Probably one of my best orgasms too, ha. If you ever tried NOT masturbating for a month or 2, and then after that time wanked off, you would know that your orgasms are quite dangerous. Well try going 13 years without wanking off... hotdamn.


Probably 10 or 11. I think it was a combination of two things. One, I had to do one of those stupid collages for school where you cut out pictures from magazines, and one that I chose was a Men's Health magazine which had tips on masturbation. So I happened across it quite by accident. Then there was the scrambled porn channel on TV coupled with the porno magazine I found in a magazine rack in the bathroom at my friend's house during a sleepover. Needless to say, I've been jerkin it ever since.

As for women, not all of them do. But most do, and the ones that don't probably weren't exposed to the material that prompts one to start masturbating. Besides, the key word is 2/3rds of all women do it *at least* once a year. Considering how horrible women are at giving out numbers concerning their age/weight/etc. I'm not surprised they used such a vague figure to make women not look like perverts.
No matter what I put as an answer in this thread, people are going to have a o_O reaction.


Last year. When I was 12, at least the first time on purpose that I can remember.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
To any law enforcement officers reading this, I want no further part in what transpires here.

Your friendly neighbourhood catfish.


Hollywood Square
Yes, I will also step out of this fold and let the long arm of the law dispose of the peverts. Have fun!

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
I was 9 when I started. I had no clue what it was that I was doing untill I was 12, but somehow I got it right.
I actually think I enjoyed it alot more back then. You would still reach a climax, but there was no mess, you could do it almost anywhere with no preparation.

Edit: I am talking about cooking of course. Climax refers to the first bite, and no preperation refers to not needing utensils ase a youngin.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Camillemurs said:
No matter what I put as an answer in this thread, people are going to have a o_O reaction.


Last year. When I was 12, at least the first time on purpose that I can remember.

Mugen said:
I don't see what's wrong with lemur's post but yeah, I wish I could've given her a hand.

He's over there officer.
Wolfy said:
Dude, I didn't really masturbate, but I humped a pillow my first time I 'skeeted.' Does that count?
Of course it counts, if your intent was achieving climax; masturbation methods can and often do vary. I didn't start using the technique most commonly associated with male masturbation until well after my first time.
age 13, I remember watching the playboy channel and being able to see a little bit of goodies through the interference (we didn't exactly get the channel, hehe)
BlackSalad said:
age 13, I remember watching the playboy channel and being able to see a little bit of goodies through the interference (we didn't exactly get the channel, hehe)

Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one who tried to get into the mood with scrambled porn.
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