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At what age did you first start masturbating?

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Willco said:
90% of guys do it once a week? Try more like ONCE A DAY. LOL AM I RITE GUYS?


DigDugDirkDiggler said:
I was 15 I believe.
I had "masturbated" before, but I never knew that the point was to ejactulate. Yeah, it felt good to touch myself, but I never knew what the big deal was. Then one day in my bed (with my brother sleeping in his bed across the room) I just rubbed and rubbed and then I literally felt like I was going to explode. Probably the best (and scariest at the time) feeling I've ever had.

Almost same exact scenario here except I was 14. Quite frankly I am pretty embarrassed at how long it took me.
My first experience with masturbation was rather disturbing. I used to be friends with a guy that turned out to be a complete weirdo. Him and I were big fans of Mortal Kombat 2 when it was all the rage and I'd go over to his house and play MKII with him quite often.
Then one day he started doing really strange things like hopping around the house with his pants around his ankles with his cock flopping around everywhere and making the scariest most evil laugh you've ever heard.
Another time I left the room he was in and came back later to find him openly tugging away in front of the TV for everyone to see! And he didn't CARE. Even his mum could see him and he continued tugging away while making his stupid laugh! There wasn't even anything mildly erotic on the TV. A paused MKII screen if I remember correctly. Then this disgusting stuff "leaked" out of his cock which disturbed me and I thought something was wrong with him.

So I think that gave me the idea to "try it" myself. It still disturbs me that he did it so openly in front of other ppl! lol. I think I would have been 12 years old when I first did it.

And omfg he has the biggest dick I have ever seen on a 12 year old. My friends and I used to joke he had an operation and had a horse dick attached because it was frickin huge!

Ah yeah lol


12 or 13. The summer I spent on vacation visiting my extended family at the farm... just me and the big empty treehouse out back all summer long. Shit, they only had 3 TV stations and one was in french, so thank god I found *something* to do. Around 20 times a day.

You do ease off though - I'm 30 and married and some days I realize I've gone over a week without and for the longest time I was pretty much at a 6 times a week clip. But no matter if you're living with someone and there's always (usually) sex to be had, you just make time for self lovin'. It's like if you have a really good, expensive dinner in a fancy restaurant every night, but every now and then you still want to avoid the bother of getting all dressed up so you just kick back and have a quick slice of pizza.

And really it can't be said enough - you fucking kids today have no idea how easy you got with regards to porn. Before the internet us old timers would work it to middle-aged women in totally unrevealing bras in the Sears catalogue and consider it hot as can be. To have a friend find a 20 year old copy of Playboy with most of the good pics cut out in the garage was cause for a near riot.


Red Dolphin said:
Were you ever aroused by woman? Or did you always know it was other guys that "did it" for you?

Yeah when I first started I thought about girls but then, it was kinda weird, as if one day I just decided to try thinking about guys and that was it from then on!


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
10. A 12-year-old friend told me about it. Orgasms were like 50 megaton explosions until I started "releasing" just before 14. From then on they were anti-climactic (pardon the pun) and messy...


LOL @ this thread

I think I was 11 when I started jerking off, but it was 3 years before semen started flowing. I had the usual 'WTF?' response to that :p.
11 or 12.

I'd love to contribute something to this thread thats funny but im at a loss.

O wait I lie. Theres a dude that went to my school who told 2 friends of mine that he got caught masturbating on 3 seperate occasions by 3 different people. His Mum, his girlfriend and his auntie. Of course my friends then told everyone. Ahh good times. Incidently the same guy looked like the young Alan Parish so we all called him Jumanji. Ahh good times


you know what? my imagination > any porno/hot girl picture/playboys out there. I find that I enjoy myself much more if i use my imagination.

oh and 12. I think.


12, I think.

I remember there was some titty movie on HBO, although I don't recall the name. My thing started to get into the swing of things, so I had to do something about it. Good lord, was I suprised at the stuff that came out. I ran to the bathroom, and was like "OMGWTF? SEMEN!" with what had to be the most joyous look on my face that anyone has ever seen.


Back when I was in 7th grade, there was a kid at the high school who was caught masturbating in the middle of class one day. They had weird punishments at the school, and the teacher caught him doing it in the middle of class while she was teaching. They gave him isolation for one day, which was basically where they made you sit in a huge cardboard box in a room all by yourself for the whole school day. This was perfect for the kid, though, since when they came in to check on him, they saw the box moving violently and he was sitting inside whacking it like there was no tomorrow. Nevertheless, he had to switch schools after this. He ended up being in my scout troop but got so made fun of he had to switch troops, too.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"90% of guys do it once a week? Try more like ONCE A DAY. LOL AM I RITE GUYS?"

2-3 times a day. :p

Something is seriously wrong with your health if your a young guy and getting it once a week. Either wet dreams are letting it loose every night, our your manhood is dieing inside...
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