For those of you just joining us...
Our story began with the seemingly simple premise of our OP, fifasnipe2224, being upset after a disagreement with his girlfriend over how to introduce their eight-month old daughter to religion. The girlfriend, being raised in the Greek Orthodox Church, desired for their child to be baptized. The atheistic OP decried her decision as forcing her religion on their child and indoctrinating her before she could choose for herself. After some general arguing, and attempts to compromise from the girlfriend, eventually she takes the child to an "introduction" program at the church, which welcomes to new mother and her child back to the congregation.
The OP was most furious that his girlfriend would do this without his consent and raised quite a stir over this, viewing it as a betrayal. The argument soon extended to the parents of both of them, with everyone on all sides seemingly saying that the OP was not doing the right thing. The girlfriend takes the child with her, which the OP's parents seemed to believe was the right course of action. fifasnipe2224 then left his parents' house, later referring to the incident as "dad kicks me out of the house because I am an atheist."
Of course, GAF, as always, was eager to help, but while there were a few claiming that the OP did have the right to feel passionate about the role of religion in his child's upbringing, most seemed to believe that the way he was going about it was selfish and immature, and that he was valuing his own pride over his girlfriend and daughter.
Throughout the thread fifasnipe2224 would respond. Early on he ignored those who chastised him, as not reading his (admittedly lengthy) OP, and not being able to see their point. Much ado was made about why this issue wasn't settled a long time ago in the relationship, and other flaws in the OP's argument. All the while, fifasnipe2224 continued replying to complaints, explaining why he was "right" and recounting the various "victories" he had won in their previous arguments over the matter.
But it wasn't until post #394 that things escalated to ridiculous levels.
At this point, it was thrown into question whether of not the OP was simply having fun with GAF, as most users were not able to seriously see someone treat their significant other in such a ridiculous and demeaning manner.
Still, some users were genuinely eager to help the situation.
But it remains to be seen just how much worse it will become...
Will Ashley get a baptism? Will the OP man up? Why is the OP so against religion if he clearly enjoys being a martyr? Let's find out...