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Atheist GAF, I seek your help!

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Unconfirmed Member
For those of you just joining us...

Our story began with the seemingly simple premise of our OP, fifasnipe2224, being upset after a disagreement with his girlfriend over how to introduce their eight-month old daughter to religion. The girlfriend, being raised in the Greek Orthodox Church, desired for their child to be baptized. The atheistic OP decried her decision as forcing her religion on their child and indoctrinating her before she could choose for herself. After some general arguing, and attempts to compromise from the girlfriend, eventually she takes the child to an "introduction" program at the church, which welcomes to new mother and her child back to the congregation.

The OP was most furious that his girlfriend would do this without his consent and raised quite a stir over this, viewing it as a betrayal. The argument soon extended to the parents of both of them, with everyone on all sides seemingly saying that the OP was not doing the right thing. The girlfriend takes the child with her, which the OP's parents seemed to believe was the right course of action. fifasnipe2224 then left his parents' house, later referring to the incident as "dad kicks me out of the house because I am an atheist."

Of course, GAF, as always, was eager to help, but while there were a few claiming that the OP did have the right to feel passionate about the role of religion in his child's upbringing, most seemed to believe that the way he was going about it was selfish and immature, and that he was valuing his own pride over his girlfriend and daughter.

Throughout the thread fifasnipe2224 would respond. Early on he ignored those who chastised him, as not reading his (admittedly lengthy) OP, and not being able to see their point. Much ado was made about why this issue wasn't settled a long time ago in the relationship, and other flaws in the OP's argument. All the while, fifasnipe2224 continued replying to complaints, explaining why he was "right" and recounting the various "victories" he had won in their previous arguments over the matter.

But it wasn't until post #394 that things escalated to ridiculous levels.

At this point, it was thrown into question whether of not the OP was simply having fun with GAF, as most users were not able to seriously see someone treat their significant other in such a ridiculous and demeaning manner.

Still, some users were genuinely eager to help the situation.

But it remains to be seen just how much worse it will become...

Will Ashley get a baptism? Will the OP man up? Why is the OP so against religion if he clearly enjoys being a martyr? Let's find out...
Oh fuck, that post of him smells like not-so-subtle trolling. I could kinda see where he was coming from on the OP, but now I can totally say her baby would not miss anything by not having him as a father. Either because he can't function like a proper human being, or he's a lying fool who likes wasting people's time on internet forums.

The Lamp

This. I was baptized and raised Christian but I'm still an atheist. Just make the wife/GF/family happy and then educate the child down the line. Shouldn't make a big deal out of nothing imo. Totally not worth losing your house and livelihood over.

Yeah. Water on your head, especially as a baby, doesn't magically make you a Christian. The Bible is clear about that.


Loser slave of the system :(
How about simply being a decent person and being there for your daughter instead of stirring unnecessary shit up and directly affecting her future? She's 8 months old. She needs a dad, not an oversensitive jerk.


This has to be a troll. It's just some caricature of the evil unreasonable demanding bitter angry atheist.

If this is real then I don't know what to say besides grow the fuck up and get over yourself. A stupid little ritual is not go to turn the baby into an instant believer. You may not realize it but the Orthodox community is typically very tight knit and it is a social as well as religious group. The baptism is a celebration of your child's birth and a presenting of the new baby to her community. Not being there makes it look like you are ashamed of the baby and your girlfriend.


People like OP give atheists a bad name. They are not all like that fellow earthlings of various religions! It´s just a small group that ruin it for the rest of us.


I can't tolerate this shit. I DEMAND THAT HE WRITES ME A 50-PAGE ESSAY!

The topic is: "Which is the best Powerpuff Girl?"
Who ever the angry green one was, I think I started dating my first girlfriend cause she reminded me of her.

She was an atheist for sure.
Oh, Buttercup. Yeah, best PPG. And I'm pretty sure she was a satanist.

Buttercup (voiced by E.G. Daily) is the toughest of the three. Her personality ingredient is spice, her signature color is green, and she has short black hair in a bob. She is a tomboy, who loves to get dirty, fights hard, and plays rough, she does not plan and is all action.[22] Buttercup is the only Powerpuff Girl without a unique super power (aside from being able to curl her tongue as shown in the episode "Nuthin' Special").[24]


Really Really Exciting Member!
A troll thread: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Fucko

I don't think he is trolling. I think he really is that weird. Sucks that her "girlfriend" didn't realize this before they had a child.
Buttercup (voiced by E.G. Daily) is the toughest of the three. Her personality ingredient is spice, her signature color is green, and she has short black hair in a bob. She is a tomboy, who loves to get dirty, fights hard, and plays rough, she does not plan and is all action.[22] Buttercup is the only Powerpuff Girl without a unique super power (aside from being able to curl her tongue as shown in the episode "Nuthin' Special").[24]

Huh? What was her unique power?


Unconfirmed Member
Who ever the angry green one was, I think I started dating my first girlfriend cause she reminded me of her.

She was an atheist for sure.
Lol, you dated Buttercup? (I actually know her by her Spanish name, Bellota).
I'd love to date
a grown-up
Blossom. And then leave her when she wants to baptize our child.


Awful position to be in. Your both the kid's parent, I don't see how she even thinks she has a right to take full control of the situation and leave you out in the cold. I hope you get your kid back, and sorry for saying this, but fuck your dad. I'd cut all ties with someone like him.
I hated it when my sister and my brother in law got my two nephews a catholic baptism. But being a good uncle i still attended some of their stupid church things which i'm still not sure what they were all about. Being the voice of reason in my family i think i did a good job to influence my nephews in the right direction. One of them told me recently that he doesn't intend to pay church tax when he's a grown up and the other told me he thinks it's all bullshit.

Of course not a completely similar situation but a baptism in itself doesn't magically make a child an idiot.


So much overflowing ego in this post, you write about being open minded as atheist, but from what i have read you are pretty closed minded, you think you are smart as atheist, it is the exact opposite.

It's all about what you want to do, and how bad they are dealing with you, poor you, poor crashed ego, poor pride, no one cares about ME!

Your ego is going to make you lose everything that is important in your life, go on and on on its path, feed the beast, your future will be bright as a black hole.

Take this as a lesson, learn from this situation, grow up, be a man, an husband, be a father.
I don't think he is trolling. I think he really is that weird. Sucks that her "girlfriend" didn't realize this before they had a child.

I don't know. It would be a bit easier to buy that he really wanted an apology in essay form if he wasn't such a terrible writer.


I hope this is a troll really hope so, because OP your some sort of control freak. You need to wise up before your gf figures out the fact you are an asshole. Else your going to lose your daughter. Your not married which means she has more rights that you do. Wake up before you lose the most important thing in your life. You seriously need yon ask the question to yourself do you still love your gf. If you do get this sorted else the only time you'll see either of them is on the visitation visits you get a week.


I hope this is a troll really hope so, because OP your some sort of control freak. You need to wise up before your gf figures out the fact you are an asshole. Else your going to lose your daughter. Your not married which means she has more rights that you do. Wake up before you lose the most important thing in your life. You seriously need yon ask the question to yourself do you still love your gf. If you do get this sorted else the only time you'll see either of them is on the visitation visits you get a week.

I'm pretty sure he'll still be an atheist after all of this.


I can't believe you had and continue to have the audacity to act like GAF is any sort of factor at all while you go on acting like this toward your own family, directly against the vast majority of posters advice. Fuck you for wasting everyone's time and honest good will in trying to help just so you can completely disregard it and put on the belligerent dickhead show. It's bad enough that you so greatly demean your girlfriend with this ridiculous assignment, but then you go on and present the story of it on a public forum as a means of patting yourself on the back. It's disgusting.

Have you done any research at all on the nature of religious faith? While you so adamantly try to prevent your daughter from being indoctrinated, how can you have no compassion for those still subject to it? Do you realize you have a permanent lifetime connection to the people you're treating this way? Do you ever think of others before yourself? It has been six years since I interacted with someone so inconsiderate and self-absorbed. Fuck.

*makes a mental note never to get on Dice's bad side*


The OP is too long to be a troll post if you ask me. Too much thought and effort.

It's clear he was looking for GAF backing and it sort of backfired so now he's asking for an essay to further his cause. He will use that essay for years to come as something he can retain to wave in his daughters mothers face.

We're not dealing with an adult here that's for sure.


I can't tolerate this shit. I DEMAND THAT HE WRITES ME A 50-PAGE ESSAY!

The topic is: "Which is the best Powerpuff Girl?"

Blossom of course.

Who ever the angry green one was, I think I started dating my first girlfriend cause she reminded me of her.

She was an atheist for sure.

Thats Buttercup.

Huh? What was her unique power?

There was a whole episode about it.

Blossom had ice breath, Bubbles could talk to squirrels and speak spanish and Buttercup didnt seem to have a special power.

She spent the whole episode trying to figure it out, only to realize shes the only one in the entire town that could curl her tongue into a taco shape.

it was pretty funny, i miss that show.

if anyone is interested the entire series was released on DVD a few years ago, including the new 10th anniversary episode that serves as the series finale.




OP's a loon but mom doesn't exactly sound like a prize.

One thing I've learned not to doubt is a mother who loves their children. If the mom cares for the daughter even a little, I think she'll be good, that's said, I could see where you're coming from.
I just feel sorry for the baby.
Getting raised up in a pretty extremist religious environment, with no father around because he was a stubborn dumbass.


Neo Member
She will take care much more properly just by looking at the OP behavior in thread.

Considering how insistent she is about her religion... probably not all that well. She didn't discuss things, she went behind his back to do stuff from her fanaticism. OP doesn't know how to pick his fights though.


Considering how insistent she is about her religion... probably not all that well. She didn't discuss things, she went behind his back to do stuff from her fanaticism. OP doesn't know how to pick his fights though.

I don't even blame her for going behind his back, considering the OP is a complete nutjob.
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