Lionel Mandrake
For those of you just joining us...
Our story began with the seemingly simple premise of our OP, fifasnipe2224, being upset after a disagreement with his girlfriend over how to introduce their eight-month old daughter to religion. The girlfriend, being raised in the Greek Orthodox Church, desired for their child to be baptized. The atheistic OP decried her decision as forcing her religion on their child and indoctrinating her before she could choose for herself. After some general arguing, and attempts to compromise from the girlfriend, eventually she takes the child to an "introduction" program at the church, which welcomes to new mother and her child back to the congregation.
The OP was most furious that his girlfriend would do this without his consent and raised quite a stir over this, viewing it as a betrayal. The argument soon extended to the parents of both of them, with everyone on all sides seemingly saying that the OP was not doing the right thing. The girlfriend takes the child with her, which the OP's parents seemed to believe was the right course of action. fifasnipe2224 then left his parents' house, later referring to the incident as "dad kicks me out of the house because I am an atheist."
Of course, GAF, as always, was eager to help, but while there were a few claiming that the OP did have the right to feel passionate about the role of religion in his child's upbringing, most seemed to believe that the way he was going about it was selfish and immature, and that he was valuing his own pride over his girlfriend and daughter.
Throughout the thread fifasnipe2224 would respond. Early on he ignored those who chastised him, as not reading his (admittedly lengthy) OP, and not being able to see their point. Much ado was made about why this issue wasn't settled a long time ago in the relationship, and other flaws in the OP's argument. All the while, fifasnipe2224 continued replying to complaints, explaining why he was "right" and recounting the various "victories" he had won in their previous arguments over the matter.
But it wasn't until post #394 that things escalated to ridiculous levels.
At this point, it was thrown into question whether of not the OP was simply having fun with GAF, as most users were not able to seriously see someone treat their significant other in such a ridiculous and demeaning manner.
Still, some users were genuinely eager to help the situation.
But it remains to be seen just how much worse it will become...
Will Ashley get a baptism? Will the OP man up? Why is the OP so against religion if he clearly enjoys being a martyr? Let's find out...

Our story began with the seemingly simple premise of our OP, fifasnipe2224, being upset after a disagreement with his girlfriend over how to introduce their eight-month old daughter to religion. The girlfriend, being raised in the Greek Orthodox Church, desired for their child to be baptized. The atheistic OP decried her decision as forcing her religion on their child and indoctrinating her before she could choose for herself. After some general arguing, and attempts to compromise from the girlfriend, eventually she takes the child to an "introduction" program at the church, which welcomes to new mother and her child back to the congregation.
The OP was most furious that his girlfriend would do this without his consent and raised quite a stir over this, viewing it as a betrayal. The argument soon extended to the parents of both of them, with everyone on all sides seemingly saying that the OP was not doing the right thing. The girlfriend takes the child with her, which the OP's parents seemed to believe was the right course of action. fifasnipe2224 then left his parents' house, later referring to the incident as "dad kicks me out of the house because I am an atheist."
Of course, GAF, as always, was eager to help, but while there were a few claiming that the OP did have the right to feel passionate about the role of religion in his child's upbringing, most seemed to believe that the way he was going about it was selfish and immature, and that he was valuing his own pride over his girlfriend and daughter.
Throughout the thread fifasnipe2224 would respond. Early on he ignored those who chastised him, as not reading his (admittedly lengthy) OP, and not being able to see their point. Much ado was made about why this issue wasn't settled a long time ago in the relationship, and other flaws in the OP's argument. All the while, fifasnipe2224 continued replying to complaints, explaining why he was "right" and recounting the various "victories" he had won in their previous arguments over the matter.
But it wasn't until post #394 that things escalated to ridiculous levels.
I just left from my GF house. Things went better then expected. her mom said hello to me in a sad but meaningful way. i went straight to my little girls room and held herfor about for about 20 minutes with my GF just watching me. Its not an easy moment for me since yesterday morning was the last time I saw her AND last night was the first night i was without her for the night. My GF started by saying how she was lonely being in front of church alone while all other children were being presented with both parents. I made it clear that my daughter should not have been up their in the first place. maybe later on.... maybe not at all, but definitely not with out my approval. She then went on to say my mom misses me, she loves me and she wanted me home. i have no real issue with my mom at this point. My problem is with my GF and my father.... and partially with my GF's family. I then simply asked her "it does not matter the location or the reason... but do you think its ok for you or me to take our daughter to a place that the other parent made it clear not to take her? Is ok for you to take Ashley to a place I said not too? OR for me to take her to a place you did not want her to be at??" She said NO, its not ok.
She was asking me to stay the night but I told her i cant see my self bing with her, at least no time soon.
She then asked what i wanted, I said I wanted SEVERAL apologies, I got most of the ones I asked for but not the major one. Sorry for taking our daughter to the 40 day introduction without your approval. She said she would never apologias. So I place Ashley in her basent, took a picture, went to go grab a few more blankets and left.
Her mom stopped me to say a few nice words especially stating how she never got involded or stated any opinions UNLESS MY GF ASKED FOR THEM.
I know received a txt from my GF saying she is sorry for taking our daughter to the church with out my approval. i told her a txt apology wont cut it. And here wer my demands (1) a 2 page paper 1st page on why its not ok t take our daughter to a place the other parent does not approve and the 2nd page on the pros to Asheley choosing her own religion at the correct age and (2) a promises that we will have a mitior real honest conversation about if, when, and how Asheley will be baptized and how and if religion will play a roll in her life.
I know I am cutting it close on this one but i know what is best formy girl and I know how to threw to my GF.
I am at a libery right now guys and it closes in 5 mins. i rushed this so sorry for poortyping and grammer. i will update when i can.
At this point, it was thrown into question whether of not the OP was simply having fun with GAF, as most users were not able to seriously see someone treat their significant other in such a ridiculous and demeaning manner.
Still, some users were genuinely eager to help the situation.
OP listen I know you have your values and living with this chick is not your idea of paradise. Hell most days my wife and I would be happier if we weren't with each other, she would probably say the same some days. But we have a 9 month old daughter and being here for her has become #1. My past time, wants, and needs go on hold while I feed, burp, play and make her laugh. If I could only do those things a few days a week and every other weekend I'd be crazy sad. You have to be there for your daughter and yes endure some shit. I see where your coming from and feel like I can relate on many levels but no one hands you a well working relationship. You need to sit down and talk to each other. Listen to her and work at it for your daughter.
edit: shit now I'm behind this is trolling? for real?
But it remains to be seen just how much worse it will become...
Will Ashley get a baptism? Will the OP man up? Why is the OP so against religion if he clearly enjoys being a martyr? Let's find out...