Troll thread... no. Bad idea, sadly most likely true. But it seems to be somewhat working. The point is, I am tired of being told one thing and the next day or two later she changes her mind.
Also she refuses to do any research on the pros of atheism and the cons to her religion. most of her ideas about religion come from her family or he imagination (like i said she only believes in a few things told at church.) This way it I have her actually doing a bit of research (unlikely I know) but I can have some proof that she is looking at things from my point of view.
She admits she was wrong but a simply sorry will not cut it this time (lying to my face, getting me and my dad in a massive fight, taking my daughter to a place with out my permission, ect.)
What if she does not completely compromises in everything you want. Are you going to abandon your child? Stop this bullshit, go back to your family and have a discussion with your GF. Try to be more realistic with your demands and respectful towards your GF.