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Attack on Titan Season 2 |OT| NO MANGA TALK

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I have to admit I thought I had a vid with fake subtitles for a second during that convo lol. Glad I didnt get that spoiled, since amir was spoiled for just clicking the wikipedia entry to AoT way back when.


'enry 'ollins
They censored it, in the Manga his arm just gets lobbed off when she strikes.

No, it's that the order of events is:

1) Mikasa cuts off his right hand. (Vague because censors)
2) Reiner tackles Mikasa with his right hand still perfectly fine. (Image in my post)
3) In the next frame, Reiner is completely missing his hand.

Nothing happens between 2 and 3 that would cause his hand to just fall off.


Yea but all the sudden reveals are never expanded on;

-Erens basement key/dad
-The giant ape Titan who can talk
- short haired dude's village it appeared the people were becoming Titans
-the group that circled the Walls and found no hole in the wall
-Ymirs Titan powers and how she appears to be speak some ancient language
- Historia's noble bloodline and what it means
-and now suddenly Colossus and his accomplice are suddenly revealed

We have set up reveal, and then quickly move on to something else

Beast Titan seems to have some mastery over other Titans. I'm sort of figuring he created Titans from the people in Connie's village or something. That's why there's no breach, he just climbed over the wall and created Titans within. That'd tie all those up in a big bow that has "WHAT THE FUCK IS THE BEAST TITAN THO" written on it.

But yeah the show takes its time in the worst way. The intro to this ep had a funny bit where the narrator was like "and Eren learned a surprising truth!" "My name... is Historia". But -- that's not really surprising at all. That this girl's name is "Historia" doesn't mean anything.
No, it's that the order of events is:

1) Mikasa cuts off his right hand. (Vague because censors)
2) Reiner tackles Mikasa with his right hand still perfectly fine. (Image in my post)
3) In the next frame, Reiner is completely missing his hand.

Nothing happens between 2 and 3 that would cause his hand to just fall off.
They literally just forgot to remove Reiner's hand in #2


As a filthy casual that even forgot some of the characters from season 1, I was totally caught off guard and the way
Reiner was just all "bruh so we're Titans join us and let's bounce"
made me WTFFFF


You're trying too hard to criticize it, there's literally nothing wrong with this show's narrative structure. Sometimes in life you don't figure things out until later. Evidence is not just conveniently there for you to piece things together in such a linear and obvious order. Besides, there have been lots of clues so it's not like this is out of nowhere.
You are completely missing my point. My issue is the quantity of threads that are introduced before being dropped completely. Just because I prefer some details over the zero we're given it doesn't mean I'm actually asking for complete explanations.

And saying there is NOTHING wrong with the show's narrative structure is trying too hard to defend the show. Come on now lol.

You gotta remember that there are no "seasons" in a manga. There is no tying stuff together from this season and not the last. It's just one continuing story. This is the next story beat and they'll get back to the previous mysteries whenever. You're right, it probably won't be this season because this season is only 12 episodes. I don't doubt that they'll raise even more questions by the end.
The manga might be a great read but I'm not and won't ever be a manga reader like some in this thread. I'm judging this show like I judge all other visual media.

Pacing is something that has to be considered when adapting literary works. All kinds of anime over the years have managed to understand that key point. This show has pacing issues, intentional or not.


Beast Titan seems to have some mastery over other Titans. I'm sort of figuring he created Titans from the people in Connie's village or something. That's why there's no breach, he just climbed over the wall and created Titans within. That'd tie all those up in a big bow that has "WHAT THE FUCK IS THE BEAST TITAN THO" written on it.

But yeah the show takes its time in the worst way. The intro to this ep had a funny bit where the narrator was like "and Eren learned a surprising truth!" "My name... is Historia". But -- that's not really surprising at all. That this girl's name is "Historia" doesn't mean anything.

Lol yup, usually a reveal that is there just for the sake of it with no meaning given.
You are completely missing my point. My issue is the quantity of threads that are introduced before being dropped completely.

You don't know if they're dropped completely because you haven't finished the season yet. Also, I would like to know what threads you think are dropped completely.
About plot thread juggling - I know that it can be frustrating and feel like LOST, and it feels like for every time we get closer to an answer we get two more questions. But the plot threads are leading somewhere. Not somewhere the anime will get to anytime soon, but theres light at the end of the tunnel and it isn't just a facade of jingly keys to keep attention,


Collossal and Armored Titans are victims from beyond that wall that somehow attained powers like Eren and plotted to eradicate those within the walls

It makes me want to go back and rewatch all the scenes with them and Annie to see the progression of their characters within this context

You'll find that during the battle for trost in season 1, before Eren showed up as a Titan, Annie asks Reiner something along the lines of "Should we go?" and he's like, "Wait for them to gather"
About plot thread juggling - I know that it can be frustrating and feel like LOST, and it feels like for every time we get closer to an answer we get two more questions. But the plot threads are leading somewhere. Not somewhere the anime will get to anytime soon, but theres light at the end of the tunnel and it isn't just a facade of jingly keys to keep attention,

I think there is a subtle but important difference between AoT and series like LOST.
In LOST I had the feeling the story really didn't exist, it was all about teasing audience with mysteries and NUMBERS and strange shit, the plot was just a narrative frame that existed to pour mysteries in; while in AoT there is a good number of mysteries, and it can be frustrating how long you have to wait for some of the answers (several seasons for some of them!), but even in the moments when there were no answers I had the feeling there is an actual story here with actual characters with a purpose behind the shit that is happening.
Yea but all the sudden reveals are never expanded on;

-Erens basement key/dad
-The giant ape Titan who can talk
- short haired dude's village it appeared the people were becoming Titans
-the group that circled the Walls and found no hole in the wall
-Ymirs Titan powers and how she appears to be speak some ancient language
- Historia's noble bloodline and what it means
-and now suddenly Colossus and his accomplice are suddenly revealed

We have set up reveal, and then quickly move on to something else

(I only watch the anime so these aren't real spoilers, I'm just connecting what's been implied. Spoiler tagging just in case people want to figure this out for themselves)
The scouts assume there is a hole in the wall because titans have appeared inside the walls, but
these titans are actually transformed villagers. They can't find a hole because there isn't one

In special the part of "We were just kids, we didnt know anything" and "If I only knew there were people like this" seem very interesting. You have to wonder if they were sent as kid soldiers by their people and they had another picture of what the 'terrible enemy' was. Brainwashing? At one point they believed or believe in destroying humankind. Surely, they didn't think that they were people that could be friends with them.

Silly theory, but what if the regular titans are actually human kids and toddlers? It would explain why they are so simple-minded and clumsy, as well as their varying sizes.


👏 manga 👏 readers 👏 fuck 👏 off 👏

Obviously Eren's a dumb child who's sad about his mommy. But the way the show just totally skims over ever having Eren engage with his father's... betrayal? makes the thing a mess. Eren's mom dying is the Ultimate Defining Moment for him but his dad deserting him while apparently being in league with Team Titan is something Eren is just capable of sticking a pin in and not worrying about too much?

Like the only thing he can actually be totally sure of at this point is that he's working with incomplete information. And he recognizes that when it comes to the basement. He's an emotional cypher when it comes to his dad, he just wants to figure it out. But here Reiner apparently betrays him and instead of tryna figure that one out, he gets his blood up.

None of what you said even matters, because even if we ignore the fact they killed his mother, they killed over 200,000 people (including Armin's Uncle/Granddad) and were going to keep going until all in the wall were wiped out which is over 1 million people. All these people in the wall includes Mikasa and Armin, his best friends were planned to be wiped out, why would he even hesitate to try to kill them in that instance?
That wouldn't explain why they potentially found a titanized version of Connie's mom, though.

yeah it seems there is a distinction between how the mindless titans and the shifter titans are made

If you think about the creation of titans as a weapon of war

The mindless titans are like the bioweapon and the shifters are the super soldiers

Its all awful for everyone involved in this fantasy world
- Mystery is key to horror. If they explained every minute detail of the titans, they become less scary and enigmatic. Frankly there should always be unexplained elements of the titans, and the world around them.

- I know it's not like most anime pacing, but people have to be able to handle not being able to know everything that's going on at every moment. The answers are coming, be patient.

Right now, it's about survival and character revelations. The truth will come later.
I haven't posting my AoT reactions on GAF for a while (or any anime for that matter) but this reveal I have to talk about.

Shingeki no Kyojin - 31

Haha holy fucking shit. Now honestly I've always figured Reiner to be the Armored Titan just like I figured Annie to be that female titan just due to how similar they were in human form compared to titan form. What really threw me off was Berthold being the Colossal Titan which I never saw coming. In retrospect though it makes sense and gives depth to the "special" titans beyond simple antagonists. But even so, while I figured Reiner to be the Armored Titan I have to admit that his actions during S1 and S2 up to now threw me off if I made the right conclusion on that. Glad to see the show gave me a false sense of security and threw it out the window.

As for the reveal itself I love how nonchalant it started as a side conversation in the middle of the bigger one between Hanji, Armin, and the rest of the Scouts group. Mikasa and Reiner were animated gloriously, especially love the lightning effects, and I didn't really mind the CG Colossal Titan all that much. Though since his body is attached to the wall I do hope he has a way to get out/off said wall. And finally THAT FUCKING MUSIC, I NEED THE OST IN MY BLOOD!

But yeah ironically I'm now on Team Titan, I'm way more invested in Reiner, Berthold, Ymir, etc. rather than Eren and gang. I do hope the special titans aren't one-offed in this season.

Also I'm glad I haven't been spoiled over the past 4 years, though I'm really thinking about delving into the manga with this reveal.


Yea it feels like people don't really talk about it as much, but Berthold getting outed too just really makes you go WTF, because the Colossal Titan looks nothing like him. To look back at the first episode and think "Wow, it was him all along, he set it all in motion" is just... wow. Thinking the Colossal Titan would be this endgame antagonist or something back in S1, and here is his right in front of Eren's face...
Yea it feels like people don't really talk about it as much, but Berthold getting outed too just really makes you go WTF, because the Colossal Titan looks nothing like him. To look back at the first episode and think "Wow, it was him all along, he set it all in motion" is just... wow. Thinking the Colossal Titan would be this endgame antagonist or something back in S1, and here is his right in front of Eren's face...

It's funny too that aside from Season 2, the only reason why I've become attached to Berthold was due to TeamFourStar's AoT abridged. Really flips the character I've become accustomed to over its head.



helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Silly theory, but what if the regular titans are actually human kids and toddlers? It would explain why they are so simple-minded and clumsy, as well as their varying sizes.
Wouldn't surprise me at this point if some of them are at least kids. There was one at the start of last weeks episode or the week before it that runs around like a doofus, tackles another titan, and then starts banging on his head that just reminded of a kid being a dick to his sibling.
Yea it feels like people don't really talk about it as much, but Berthold getting outed too just really makes you go WTF, because the Colossal Titan looks nothing like him. To look back at the first episode and think "Wow, it was him all along, he set it all in motion" is just... wow. Thinking the Colossal Titan would be this endgame antagonist or something back in S1, and here is his right in front of Eren's face...

Hes a red herring apparently

I need to go back and rewatch season one... If their goal was to just kill everyone.... then why stop after the first attack and integrate themselves?

I assume its a combination of the limitations of their powers and lack of knowledge of what the capitol has up its sleeve

If we are to assume that the leaders in the capitol had a hand in creating the titan menace in the first place then its not a stretch to believe they have titans of their own to throw at the opposition

I mean... they have walls made of titans.

My guess is that Eren's dad was involved somehow and maybe even tried to expose the truth or find a way to fight back? This is all assuming he is even a good guy in all of this


Yea it feels like people don't really talk about it as much, but Berthold getting outed too just really makes you go WTF, because the Colossal Titan looks nothing like him. To look back at the first episode and think "Wow, it was him all along, he set it all in motion" is just... wow. Thinking the Colossal Titan would be this endgame antagonist or something back in S1, and here is his right in front of Eren's face...
Also think about how the Colossal titan attacked them right after they had finished their training. Berthold knew that it would be his team mates on the front lines. What a prick


Even though someone told me about the reveal years ago the way they handled it was excellent, so casual about it.

What a cool ass episode though, loved it.
Yeah as of right now Im very interested in what their initial plan to topple the city was and how/why it changed over the course of season 1

Clearly Eren was a catalyst for their change of heart

I still think they were human before becoming titans. I mean... why else would Reiner have that flashback inside his own mind


I like that Mikasa doesn't fuck around. As soon as it was certain those two were actually titans she didn't hesitate and just cut them up.

She still wasn't fast enough though


Bertholdt is the type of character that, if he wasn't a titan shifter/badguy, he would have been a dead extra last season like Marco. Part of why it's so cool that he's the Colossal IMO.
Figured out the music that played during the end of this episode. Starts at the 4:40 mark and it sounds like it was a bit remixed/remastered for this episode/season.


Bertholdt is the type of character that, if he wasn't a titan shifter/badguy, he would have been a dead extra last season like Marco. Part of why it's so cool that he's the Colossal IMO.

It's such an amazing reveal imo and puts the Colossal Titan into a new perspective (alongside Armored Titan). These two guys kickstarted the entire series, the tall timid one and his warmhearted protector buddy.
I need to go back and rewatch season one... If their goal was to just kill everyone.... then why stop after the first attack and integrate themselves?

Reiner/Bertolt/Annie's faction probably knew about the wall of titans before attack though, that's why they only attacked the gates. They should be aware that the capital have titan tech since the walls are made of them... no?

As for changing objectives: Armin speculated in Season 1 that the Armored TItan never appeared and attack the gate because they saw Eren inside a titan. Annie flashback in s1e25 and this episode shows that Annie/Reiner/Bertolt didn't want to join the offensive and were sent by whoever (Annie was sent by her dad). They desperately want to go back to wherever they came from (homeland/hometown) and Eren seems to be their ticket. Reiner also mentioned he never dreamed about people like these when he was younger, and being here for 3 years really made him a half-assed person. People, as in people within the walls? Non-titan humans? So I guess they were working towards eliminating these non-titan humans but once they have a irregularity, then they can bring that problem back and end their mission. Their cover will be blown anyways, so they can't come back?

Putting it all together: Annie/Reiner/Bertolt came from an all-titan society outside the wall, and wants to destory the non-titan humans. Eren irregularity popped up, so they want to bring Eren back so they can go back home and ask for instructions, something like that?

Also titan-humans are somehow age dependent? All Shifters we know are Annie, Ymir, Reiner, Bertolt, Eren, all underaged. All 104 trainees too.

**Also I have questions for manga readers. I remember reading that the training episodes in season 1 (ep 3-5?) are adapted from a later volume. Is that before or after what is happening now? Or am I just imagining things, and it's in volume 1 or 2 in the manga?
Reiner/Bertolt/Annie's faction probably knew about the wall of titans before attack though, that's why they only attacked the gates. They should be aware that the capital have titan tech since the walls are made of them... no?

As for changing objectives: Armin speculated in Season 1 that the Armored TItan never appeared and attack the gate because they saw Eren inside a titan. Annie flashback in s1e25 and this episode shows that Annie/Reiner/Bertolt didn't want to join the offensive and were sent by whoever (Annie was sent by her dad). They desperately want to go back to wherever they came from (homeland/hometown) and Eren seems to be their ticket. Reiner also mentioned he never dreamed about people like these when he was younger, and being here for 3 years really made him a half-assed person. People, as in people within the walls? Non-titan humans? So I guess they were working towards eliminating these non-titan humans but once they have a irregularity, then they can bring that problem back and end their mission. Their cover will be blown anyways, so they can't come back?

Putting it all together: Annie/Reiner/Bertolt came from an all-titan society outside the wall, and wants to destory the non-titan humans. Eren irregularity popped up, so they want to bring Eren back so they can go back home and ask for instructions, something like that?

Also titan-humans are somehow age dependent? All Shifters we know are Annie, Ymir, Reiner, Bertolt, Eren, all underaged. All 104 trainees too.

**Also I have questions for manga readers. I remember reading that the training episodes in season 1 (ep 3-5?) are adapted from a later volume. Is that before or after what is happening now? Or am I just imagining things, and it's in volume 1 or 2 in the manga?

An all titan society?

I dunno doesnt seem to fit for several reasons

1. Reiners flashback when he saved Conny. Seemed to show his life before being inside the city but i could be mixing this up.

2. Connies town implying normal people are turned into the titans we see running around

3. Eren being transformed but what his dad did to him. Implying titans are created artificially from humans

The only lead I see for a titan race is the Beast titan and even he has way to many human traits by showing both the intelligence and capacity of speech that beyond even most shifters

I dont know what the full story is but this is what im sticking to for now but im gonna hunt more clues in older episodes i think
Reiner and B were always the bad guys? Why? How...?

Can't go into why for obvious reasons, but like the episode said, they used the chaos from five years ago after they first attacked in order to embed themselves in the wall communities and infiltrate the military. The reasons have yet to be shown, but it has something to do with Eren.
Can't go into why for obvious reasons, but like the episode said, they used the chaos from five years ago after they first attacked in order to embed themselves in the wall communities and infiltrate the military. The reasons have yet to be shown, but it has something to do with Eren.

Did Eren transform from the first battle?

Or Did they know about his dad?

I assumed that the only reason for infiltration is to gather intelligence on what defenses the capitol had

Which is still strange considering how powerful they are but that must mean that they know the leaders at the center likely have titans of their own


Can't go into why for obvious reasons, but like the episode said, they used the chaos from five years ago after they first attacked in order to embed themselves in the wall communities and infiltrate the military. The reasons have yet to be shown, but it has something to do with Eren.

Hmmm... so all Titans are Shifters? Or... only special ones? But why are they killing people? Just for the heck of it or...?
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