just spent all night reading the manga since my last post. so much unsolved stuff that it makes it seem like this manga is going to go on forever. i have no self control
Would you do it again?
just spent all night reading the manga since my last post. so much unsolved stuff that it makes it seem like this manga is going to go on forever. i have no self control
Really would just plain take that spoiler out, Naxx.
Loving the reactions, guys. Can't wait for the prediction phase.
Sweet, sweet reactions in here. Glorious.
HOLY MOTHER OF MANWE ... the last 5 minutes of Episode 5 made up for the previous 4 episodes.
Oh man, now I really can't wait to watch it. Is it up on crunchyroll yet?
Due to a materials delay and the golden week holidays, episode 5 will be delayed by up to approximately 2 days. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your continued support.
So it really is a big spoiler. Damn, hope it didn't kill the anime for me.
I removed it.
Don't know why the English simulcasts keep having these problems.
Guess I'll plow through Lucky Star in the meantime.
Huh? I thought you knew and that's why you labeled it a spoiler? Shit. I thought it said manga spoilers.
I accidentally read that 1 line on wiki, but don't know how big of a deal it is because I shutdown my browser.
I hope I will still go: OH SHIT!
Another episode that was boring as fuck.doesnt mean the Anime represents the desperation that the manga has.And just because Eren dies
And finally we saw some limbs cutting off instead of blending them away.
I was so mad by the ending of ep 5 that I had to go on the wiki to see what was up.
Epidoe 5 - Thoughts
Regardless, ep 5 was amazing. The animation was off the charts and I don't think I got such an adrenaline rush while watching an anime ever since I saw Gintoki fight the main baddies in Gintama. I hope Erin comes back because from what I'm hearing on this forum about Mikasa might have to be the MC predictions. I never liked her character and don't think I could keep watching it if she is the person I'll be following from now on. Though its sad to know that the next episode might be boring since it looks like it'll be a flashback.
Btw I love the way they move in this anime. It looks so cool.
I refuse to believe that he died. Next episode he will slay the giant from within i predict.
Wait, how are we catching this? Crunchyroll doesn't have today's episode yet. :-(
Colossal Titan is the protagonist. No nobler purpose than eradicating annoying, whiny, one note caricatures by the hundreds of thousands.
Colossal Titan is the protagonist. No nobler purpose than eradicating annoying, whiny, one note caricatures by the hundreds of thousands.
Colossal Titan is the protagonist. No nobler purpose than eradicating annoying, whiny, one note caricatures by the hundreds of thousands.
Let me help you all with that.
Wellp. Thanks for the heads up.I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Upon rewatching this is my favorite moment of the episodeThough my favorite part of the episode is when the Titan basically just reaches its arm out, and the dude flies right into it. SPLAT.
Colossal Titan is the protagonist. No nobler purpose than eradicating annoying, whiny, one note caricatures by the hundreds of thousands.