Mini Review!
So I just marathoned all 13 episodes in a few days after not hearing anything about this before hand. Its definitely a solid anime, but its absolutely not reaching its full potential just yet. The two other animes that I really love and got hooked on are Death Note and Monster, and Im now hooked on this. Firstly the positives. The obvious is the intro. Its freaking awesome and quite possible the bets intro for an anime Ive ever seen! Need I say more? For the most part the show looks and sounds amazing. Its inconsistent, but never anything really horrible for me. The first episode looked stunning and could have passed off as a movie. The setting and mystery involving the titans is good stuff too. And the actions scenes for the most part are really great! Oh, and Mikasa is awesome!
Now the negatives. Some of the characters are paper thin and just not interesting in the slightest. Hell I dont even remember half of the casts names other than the main three and Sasha (potato girl). I couldnt care less if most of them died. The script at times can be really off at times too. The biggest sin this commits though is the obvious one: the pacing. Sometimes the characters need to just shut the hell up! I dont think its anywhere near as bad as some of you make it out to be, but it still does sink the quality down. The speech episode was just bleh! I really hope we dont have to wait long before we find out whats in the basement. A few more interesting sub-plots would do wonders for the show too. Id absolutely love for this to become a Lord of the Rings type journey for a few episodes with Eren and a few others setting out to reach his house by foot (perhaps they wont have enough gas to fly so theyll have to walk for the majority of the way?) They could really expand upon the lore. By the way, the still shots in some of the episodes actually doesnt bother me.
Anyway, you cant deny that quality is here, its just that a few things keep stopping this show from true greatness - it sadly fails somewhat in the execution. However, its got some very memorable moments like when Erens mother dies, the potato scene, the first battle with the titans, Mikasa willing to die by the titans and when just to name a few. Ill definitely continue to watch this. For the first 13 episodes Id give it a solid 8/10.they celebrate when the boulder is placed my the broken wall
Overall its good stuff.
Good review. I agree and I'm also hooked on this. Can't wait to see what's in the basement and the recon corps!