Banderas knew the existence of copy paste in 1993. That suave motherfucker.
Was it even Windows?
Banderas knew the existence of copy paste in 1993. That suave motherfucker.
Was it even Windows?
Yussssss. Save me downloading a CAW.
Is Brock using one of his dates today????/
And is John "I love this company and never miss a day" Cena back from filming that movie?
Been weird not having a 2 biggest stars on each week but it has helped them push the rest of the card I guess.
Yup, Cena's absence has propelled Brie Bella to main event status.
If this is a post Cena world, do we really want it?
It was BanderOS
Yussssss. Save me downloading a CAW.
He's right though, what fuckin good are bodybuilders? Powerlifters, sure, but bodybuilders? Just a gross waste of time to end up looking utterly gross.
I really enjoyed that '92 timeline with Bret, even if he did kinda bury Vader.
thats just what your body looks like when your feet is pointing in one direction and your torso is rotated into another direction.
Still psyched that Punk's in though. I'm actually excited for this game now. And I never found any of the recent games THAT offensive.
Was WWE All-Stars for the Wii any good? It's pretty much the only wrestling game I can get at the moment, as I don't have any of the newer systems.
Stro's LEGITSHOOK.COM G1 reviews are fun to read. It's fun to hear what Stro thinks of em.
Stro's LEGITSHOOK.COM G1 reviews are fun to read. It's fun to hear what Stro thinks of em.
It's not real Punk either doe! This argument is over!
Nah. Really crappy roster. To me, it seemed like a dress reherasal before the actual show. It seems they were looking to turn it into a franchise but the sales were never there......Was WWE All-Stars for the Wii any good? It's pretty much the only wrestling game I can get at the moment, as I don't have any of the newer systems.
to be honest, i lost the point in this entire thing, i just woke up. Just wanted an excuse to post a pic the greatest Canadian since Wolverine, Bret 'Hitman' Hart.
Best Canadian wrestler might be Bret Hart, even though I can't stand him anymore. I can't deny his in-ring talent.
I think with this comment I'm going to refer to Duncan as Friend Duncan from now on.
Stro's LEGITSHOOK.COM G1 reviews are fun to read. It's fun to hear what Stro thinks of em.
Now that Del Rio is gone, this shirt is a valuable collector's item right?
Even though I'm still tired of him from years of being shoved down our throat... I can't imagine anyone can deny that Tanahashi is the best wrestler in the world. He has John Cena's work ethic and marketability(Even though that hair is so stupid), and he's got the ability of a Macho Man Randy Savage. And his natural charisma is all he needs in Japan since there's not exactly a lot of promos going on.
Also, Owen is the best Canadian wrestler.
What an excellent way to sell the guy supposed to be your draw for Latinos, "made in America". Telling them their "guy" had to leave Mexico to be anyone.
For those that don't sub the Network thread, WWE Network is now available to a ton of international countries, you can check here which ones it's available in:
Sorry Germans, nothing for you yet, UK of course have to wait until October 1st, rest of Europe is pretty much allowed in now though.
The best of WWE Network is coming to Canada in the new WWE NET PAK subscription package. The preview is available 7 days a week beginning Tuesday, August 12th on the WWE NET PAK subscription service on Rogers Channel 512. Call your local service provider for details or click here for more information
Was WWE All-Stars for the Wii any good? It's pretty much the only wrestling game I can get at the moment, as I don't have any of the newer systems.
What an excellent way to sell the guy supposed to be your draw for Latinos, "made in America". Telling them their "guy" had to leave Mexico to be anyone.
Also, Owen is the best Canadian wrestler.
to be honest, it's probably Benoit.
Who do you think the surprise guests on Raw tonight?
Is everyone going to let out a big sigh when it's Hall and Nash?
Benoit deserves to be ignored. I'm not about to crank this place up into a "should Benoit be acknowledged or not" but he can definitely get a blacklist from any best-ofs due to what he did. It's fine to appreciate his ring work, but it's very hard to WANT to see much of what he did anymore.
Prepare to mark then brother. Scott Hall's Twitter doesn't seem to be making it much of a secretI would probably mark out for an nWo reunion, I'll be honest.
Agreed. Seriously, every time he does his diving headbutt or chair shots to the head I cringe.
Who do you think the surprise guests on Raw tonight?
Is everyone going to let out a big sigh when it's Hall and Nash?
Benoit deserves to be ignored. I'm not about to crank this place up into a "should Benoit be acknowledged or not" but he can definitely get a blacklist from any best-ofs due to what he did. It's fine to appreciate his ring work, but it's very hard to WANT to see much of what he did anymore.
Prepare to mark then brother. Scott Hall's Twitter doesn't seem to be making it much of a secret