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August Wrasslin’ |OT| When Russo Shoots, He Shoots To Kill

Hogan had the following to say regarding Steve Austin being a bigger legend than him:

“I think that’s in his own mind. My career was twice as long as his. I’ve been a main eventer since 1978 when we sold out Shea Stadium. I just totally disagree with him. I know he had a good run when he was in the Attitude Era. I don’t know how long the Attitude Era was — four years, eight years — I don’t know how long it was. That’s where we totally disagree. Maybe he and I should lock up and figure this thing out. That would be a nice match.”

Well let me tell you something brother, Stone Cold Steve Austin likes to talk a big game, but when it comes time to deliver, he cowers in the corner and shakes in his boots. I was selling out the world when he was being rejected by all the ladies dude and trying to pay for wrestling school. I was on the top of my game when he was on his back every night. There's no denying that I made wrestling what it is today. And oh yeah brother, we all know that without Hulk Hogan, there would be no Stone Cold Steve Austin. So whatcha gonna do Steve Austin, when Hulkamania runs wild on you!?!

Might as well have said that.
Hogan is old school trying to do whatever he can to work himself into another match somewhere. If you look at length of career he is right though. Austin era was the most profitable ever for WWE though and Austin sold more merchandise.

TNA Tag Team champion Davey Richards suffered a leg injury tonight during The Wolves' title defense against Devon and Mr. Anderson (substituting for Bully Ray) at a house show in Indiana, PA.

Richards was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with a broken fibula, the bone that runs from below the knee to the ankle.
Hogan had the following to say regarding Steve Austin being a bigger legend than him:

Might as well have said that.

here's what i've got to say on the matter:

if hogan did a podcast in 2014 it would be the most boring and stupid thing ever nobody wants to listen to hogan and steve's goofy promos about alpha brain are probably more entertaining than anything hogan would ever have to say about anything. hogan reeks of unpleasantness where it feels like austin's become a loveable old goof.

i just woke up i'm at work in a mood where i don't know what i'm saying.
here's what i've got to say on the matter:

if hogan did a podcast in 2014 it would be the most boring and stupid thing ever nobody wants to listen to hogan and steve's goofy promos about alpha brain are probably more entertaining than anything hogan would ever have to say about anything. hogan reeks of unpleasantness where it feels like austin's become a loveable old goof.

i just woke up i'm at work in a mood where i don't know what i'm saying.
Sounds like every night at work for me. Pretty much just sounds like my life.


What did Hulk say about Warrior?

Of course Lance Storm is one of these people. I bet he also believes that vegetables and meditation heal all and doesn't want kids vaccinated.

Lance Storm may sound harsh here , but he's speaking the truth. I'm sure most of you forgot that god-awful Komen shilling WWE did last year where everyone had pink gear?


Yet you continue to torture yourself. I'll be honest I have no idea as to why people choose to watch RAW if it is always as bad as they claim.

Or is just blind hope that magically this week's RAW will be good, so gotta tune in just in case?

So is there really not a subset of wrestlegaf that like to chat about quality matches, new and old? All I ever see is Kane mentions and Diva love.

Some Wrasslegafers like to watch RAW every week. Some like TNA. Some like watching dudes beat the shit out of each other with giant lightbulbs. Some like stiff-ass lariatoooos and brainbustaaaaaas. Some like goofy guys dressed in marching band outfits.

Don't be one of those "Oh how can you like this? My taste is so much better than yours." guys. No one likes an elitist.

It's all Pro-Wrestling. It's all basically ridiculous.


Some Wrasslegafers like to watch RAW every week. Some like TNA. Some like watching dudes beat the shit out of each other with giant lightbulbs. Some like stiff-ass lariatoooos and brainbustaaaaaas. Some like goofy guys dressed in marching band outfits.

Don't be one of those "Oh how can you like this? My taste is so much better than yours." guys. No one likes an elitist.

It's all Pro-Wrestling. It's all basically ridiculous.

I don't choose to watch a subset of wrestling then complain that I'm watching it. If you like watching RAW of course that's ok, no one is saying it isn't. Just asking why everyone says its bad?

Sorry man, Divas are great, Kane is great, things are great.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Lance Storm may sound harsh here , but he's speaking the truth. I'm sure most of you forgot that god-awful Komen shilling WWE did last year where everyone had pink gear?

The god awful part was how they removed pink from everyone so that cena, and ONLY cena, could wear it.

Think about it - they told Dolph Ziggler and all the divas "Okay, we're doing this cancer awareness thing. But we can't do that with everyone wearing pink. We need to put this squarely on Cena for it to work."

It made no fucking sense.
Yet you continue to torture yourself. I'll be honest I have no idea as to why people choose to watch RAW if it is always as bad as they claim.

Or is just blind hope that magically this week's RAW will be good, so gotta tune in just in case?
I watch for specific wrestlers. And there's usually enough segments each week that I can mostly enjoy the product. Plus I'm usually playing games or doing something while I'm watching and it makes it a lot easier to get through
Still watching IWA-MS, sorry Heavy. At least you have your WWE-only haven in the Summerslam thread, eh?

Match 15 sees Arik Cannon and Frankie The Face take on Ian Rotten and JC Bailey - not sure what the deal was with Bailey, he wasn't completely terrible, but he was no better than those Special K kids in ROH, yet was one of Ian's mainstays until his untimely death. Frankie the Face I haven't seen before and I don't really get his gimmick - he points to his face and screams "FACE!!" a lot. This match was pretty dull, although Arik & Frankie did a good job working over Bailey's legs, unfortunately JC did a pretty shitty job of selling said work. He pops up for the hot tag to Ian who pretty much demolishes them. Double underhook implant DDT from Rotten, followed by a top-rope leg drop from JC sees them pick up the win.


Bit of a mismatch for the 16th bout of the show, with Cody O'Neill vs Brad Bradley - Cody's small, he has to practically climb up Bradley to hit a hurricanrana and his enziguri just about connects with the guy's shoulder. Bradley takes control after Cody tries for another hurricanrana, but gets flipped back to the floor and goddamn lariatooooo'd. Cody tries to stand up to Bradley and trade strikes, but eats a sick spinning backfist to the face for a near-fall. Bradley goes to work with submissions before showing off with a military press, but Cody drops down and rolls him up for the 3-count! Surprisingly decent little match.


Next up, Shaq Daddy vs Josiah Caine. Easily the worst of the 17 matches so far, and that's an achievement. Thankfully it only lasts a minute. To illustrate how bad that minute was, this was supposed to be a chokeslam;

Big Dave said he's trying to get a Mania payday;

Dave Meltzer said:
Hulk is working his own angle, wants a match with Cena or Austin at Mania.

*edit, trailers for AIW recent doubleshot;

ALL IN; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3zyMECzKK4
Battle of the Sexes; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIidgaLQ81s


AIW have also announced Grado's replacement for their September shows - TNA are sending them Abyss as a make-good and he'll be able to appear on the DVD. That was nice of them.
Are we already precluding the possibility that either of them could actually, shock horror, live up to the hype?

I think No Man's Sky will sell more, but then I haven't heard of Star Citizen.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Are we already precluding the possibility that either of them could actually, shock horror, live up to the hype?

I think No Man's Sky will sell more, but then I haven't heard of Star Citizen.

Have you heard of some of the shit they've been saying those games can do? IT's basically, 'whatever your favorite game does, we do that! and better!' They sound like fake games your friend in elementary told you about that his dad totally worked on.
I just saw that NMS thread in Gaming...definitely has the whiff of Molyneux-style BS about it.

Personally, I haven't read much on the game. I was wowed by the trailers, but when it comes to obviously very ambitious concepts I find it's best to keep your expectations in check, especially when so little of the gameplay has been shown. There may be a lot of depth to the sandbox world they are creating, but we have no idea what sort of depth there is in regards to the gameplay systems, or even what those gameplay systems are.
My daughter spying on me playing SuperCard, I got Vince on screen.

I ask her, "Who is that?"

She says, "Mr. McMahon."

I say, "Yes, very good."

She says, "From Scooby-Doo."

lol, I don't think she's ever seen Vince on TV.
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