Kurt Angle made inquiries recently about coming in and was pretty much blown off. Mark Madden reported, and we were able to confirm with a couple of sources, that Angle spoke to HHH and was pretty much blown off. Angle then called Vince McMahon, but McMahon, playing good cop/bad cop, said that HHH makes the talent decisions. Madden reported that HHH wasnt happy that Angle tried to go over his head. Angle pushed the idea of returning on a schedule similar to what Michaels worked his last several years, where hed come in for specific shows and work very limited house show dates. Angle, 45 had told Madden that he felt he could do at most eight dates per month. Vince still seems pretty adamant about it not being worth the risk, saying in the past that absolutely nothing is worth putting the company in the position where an Olympic hero dies on their watch, because of the negative news stories that would follow. The fact Angle, whose contract expires in one month, is approaching WWE probably says something about the Jarrett promotion in the sense that with Angles contract expiring with TNA, Angle would seem to make the most sense as the foundation star for Jarrett if he had something, and theres really no other foundation star out there. Angle has claimed TNA has offered him a new deal and he turned it down because he wanted to end his career in WWE and felt this next contract would be his last one. If Angle had a chance to come back, and there were no indications McMahon had changed his mind, they werent helped by the reports from various WWE talent that were on a flight with him that he was passed out. Angle claimed he was just sleeping on the plane, and has claimed to be clean after going through rehab several months ago. But in the last year, between the rehab and two knee injuries, hes had a lot of down time.