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August Wrasslin' |OT 2| All popped everything ft. Injuries too

I'm a little sick of Nak/Joe/Balor being called old as fuck, done in a few years, etc.

Bret Hart won his FIRST World title when he was 35.

So did Randy Savage.

I know these guys are wrestling a lot harder style than either of those two, but please stop acting like they're about to retire. If they still have five-six years left as a main eventer, that's PLENTY.

The difference is, yes, Bret Hart didn't spend his first 15 years of his career killing himself doing dumb flippy moves in front of 500 fans at an Armory to get buzz on the Internet. So, he had another decade of great work in front of him.

The truth is, 2/3 of the current roster is a couple of bad bumps from Danielsoning themselves into retirement.

Stop booking him as a superhuman would be a nice start. Not saying he needs to lose all his matches but before his suspension he had never lost clean right? Nobody should be booked like that, especially when he's consistently taking on groups of people by himself.

But yeah, the guy needs to be bumped down the midcard where he can continue to hone his craft. I'll give him credit, he's improved a decent amount in the ring the past year+ he needs to continue to do that. Plus he's still horrible on the mic and needs to be put in an environment where he can work on that consistently without the backlash.

Of course, you're ignoring the fact that every successful top babyface in the history of professional wrestling has been a badass who wins all the time. Lou Thesz didn't go 50/50. Bruno didn't lose clean. Austin didn't do a random job to Billy Gunn. Goldberg became the 2nd biggest star in the business during the hottest time of the business without speaking a word for months.

Yes, the hardcore fan wants 8-10 'top' guys, all equal at the top of the card. But, the casual fan wants a cool badass for the time who wins all the time. Now, that guy might not be Roman, but whoever it is, needs to LOOK STRONG (TM Phil Brooks) to actually get over outside of the current 3 million person audience of pissed off geeks and children.

Also, if we're only letting good promo guys be at the top of the card, I guess it's Cena at the top of the card still, because it's not like Seth, Ziggler, Finn, Styles, Cesaro, or Dean are all that great at promos.
The Dudley Boyz' farewell tonight on Raw was a legitimate one as Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley officially departed the company tonight and are once again free agents, PWInsider.com has confirmed.

PWInsider.com reported several weeks ago that the team had come to terms for a new deal with the company. Sources indicate that while that was correct, the new deals had not yet been officially executed and at some point over the last seven days, WWE and the Dudleys amicably agreed to part ways and that the team would finish out on Raw, dropping the teased split of the team that had been built over the last several weeks.

The angle with Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson laying out the Dudleys was designed to put some heel heat on The Club for ruining The Dudleys' farewell as well as leave a door open for a storyline if at some point the two sides decide to do business again.

We are told that when the farewell segment was over and Bubba Ray and D-Von returned to the locker room, the entire Raw roster as well as all of WWE management, including the McMahons, were waiting for them to give them a standing ovation and to greet them.

What the Dudleys' next move will be remains unclear as of this writing. The team returned last year to WWE, appearing for the company for the first time since June 2005. They had a run with WWE Tag Team champions New Day but of late, had not been in a featured position. The planned split appeared to be poised to set up Bubba Ray Dudley for a singles run.

Prior to their 2015 WWE return, the team had split up during their time in TNA, which led to Bubba Ray getting the biggest singles push of his career under his "Bully Ray" moniker, including a run with the TNA championship.

The pair operate the Team 3D Wrestling Academy outside of Orlando, Florida.


Something something Romans strong smell



Seth has a voodoo doll imo.

No, my kideo game podcast taped on Saturday and came out yesterday had a wrestling fan talk about how he wants Finn Balor to be champ and one of the others said "I hope something terrible happens". He ruined everything.
No, my kideo game podcast taped on Saturday and came out yesterday had a wrestling fan talk about how he wants Finn Balor to be champ and one of the others said "I hope something terrible happens". He ruined everything.
So he has a voodoo doll then!


I'm not completely sold on Roode but I feel like they could have just dropped "Glorious" on Raw and instantly made him a top guy.


Can Becky Lynch be given a real fued, and just let her run wild on that part of the division. Because she is being wasted, you can't exactly call her a lass kicker, when I barely see her bring the fight to someone.


Hey guys how was Ra-


oh god



no no no no no




Good Art™
I'm not completely sold on Roode but I feel like they could have just dropped "Glorious" on Raw and instantly made him a top guy.

That glorious song, especially with the crowd chanting it is a WM main event in itself. It will be reallly hard to keep Roode on NXT for long.
Did not like Brian Kendrick, but the rest will be good.

Now lets just hope creative doesn't try to make the division into a soap opera story. Just let them go out and wrestle each other each week ala WCW


Kendrick! most my favourites from the CWC are there bar Gentleman Jack and Ibushi, so I'm good so far.

Damn, now will have to watch Raw.


Good Art™
Happy for TJ but he'll be a glorified jobber.

How long till they use that entire division to make one guy look strong ?
shoutout to Sami Zayn for that crazy good performance at selling an injury to the crowd. actually had me believe he was fucked too tbh.

a lot of the roster should learn from that when they're getting their "weaknesses" exploited.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
shoutout to Sami Zayn for that crazy good performance at selling an injury to the crowd. actually had me believe he was fucked too tbh.

a lot of the roster should learn from that when they're getting their "weaknesses" exploited.

It helps that Sami was probably shoot feared for his life given the circumstance


Zayn/Omega is a new dream match for me.

What are we supposed to do without DTAM? Twiddle our thumbs?!?

These wrestlers just can't go without the gifs, disgraceful.


lmao @ Meltz's recap of Brock/Jericho

"Vince broke up the fight the 2nd time and screamed at Jericho, "IT WAS A WORK! IT WAS A WORK!"

Opting to watch the final two Omega matches from G1 instead of last nights Raw on my morning commute . I like to think I'm making a smart decision.
Ugh, if Owens doesn't win.... ugh.

I love Rollins but I'm sick of him at the moment, months upon months of just him vs Ambrose, him vs Reigns, him vs Ambrose AND Reigns in every main event, I can't stand it anymore. I just wanted something different.

Cass is not it though. Why are we supposed to be high on him? He looks stupid, not even the impressive kind of big just lanky and dumb looking. Generic Test-tier wrestler. Poor Enzo, if only he had grown tall enough for Vince's erection to notice then he'd prolly be the one pushed to the stars.

I'm losing my mind here watching this same exact ending to Raw it feels like, ever Raw is just Reigns competing for a chance to win such-and-such title or accolade.

Why is that the default storyline? Roman needs to do A) to get a chance at winning B) at the C) event? Over and over every Raw.



Good Art™
Cass is taking the pin. That's obvious.

I'd say CASS has actually more chance than Owens to win just based on the "let's push someone over instantly for big surprise!" effect. After all, CASS has been more tested, RAW crowd reaction wise, in the last week than Finn Balor, who was basically an absolute unknown in term of long term reaction. I swear they never had the time to actually see how a non NXT crowd would react to Balor promos for several weeks.. Putting the belt on him was insane.
Ugh, if Owens doesn't win.... ugh.

Cass is not it though. Why are we supposed to be high on him? He looks stupid, not even the impressive kind of big just lanky and dumb looking. Generic Test-tier wrestler. Poor Enzo, if only he had grown tall enough for Vince's erection to notice then he'd prolly be the one pushed to the stars.


Enzo is by far the worst of the two in the ring and ill go as far as to say worst of the two period.

You made the right choice friend.

That suicide flip to Naito, fuck. It looked like Omega landed completely on his back.
Enzo is hilarious on the mic but I think he should just be a hype-man for Cass at this point. I don't give a shiiit about him in the ring, but that back and forth between him and Jericho on the mic was fantastic imo. Keep him on the roster for the occasional match but mostly for just letting him talk.


A heel should probably punt Enzo in the head and put him on the shelf long term (in kayfabe ofc) and as suggested, make him a fulltime mic guy/hype man for Cass.
I didn't watch Raw but did Dana Brooke spend the entire match talking again? Absolutely hate all of that going on in the woman's division right now. It's awful

A heel should probably punt Enzo in the head and put him on the shelf long term (in kayfabe ofc) and as suggested, make him a fulltime mic guy/hype man for Cass.

But he's not even that great of a hype man. The crowd eats him up but his promos are getting corny and cringey


So not worth it
Enzo would be a manager if WWE actually still gave a shit about managers.

They have Heyman because Brock basically goes "fuck it, I'm not talking" and Lana and Maryse, and Bob Backlund for some reason. But aside from Heyman, most of them are more on the valet side than the manager side. An argument could be made for Lana, I guess.

Enzo has the right of it, he's best off staying a wrestler, as a manager he'd have no future in WWE at all.
O/U 1 or 2 suspensions within the next 36 hours? I extended the time a bit assuming some are waiting till after someone's humiliated on SD like Del Rio


O/U 1 or 2 suspensions within the next 36 hours? I extended the time a bit assuming some are waiting till after someone's humiliated on SD like Del Rio

I was looking at the times the last ones came in and they started around 18:00 BST. So if there's any Raw ones they want to get out of the way, they may start before the end of the night.

The biggest batch will likely be after SD though.
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