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August Wrasslin' |OT 2| All popped everything ft. Injuries too

If you take away Big Show's matches with Benoit and his 2002 feud with Lesnar I don't think hes ever been in a good program or match.

The best thing you can do with him is use him to show off somebody's strength like a Cena/Cesaro/Ryback/Mark Henry slam

Sheamus vs. Big Show at Hell in a Cell 2012 is legitimately awesome. And here's a good argument from another board for Big Show.

"The Reigns matches have been shockingly good given how bad the feud’s been booked and how little people wanted to see them face off (2015), due to show being saddled with Authority gimmick. Very good against Wyatt at a time when no one wanted to feud with Wyatt (2014). Very good tag team with Mark Henry (2013). Del Rio’s best WWE opponent (2011 and again in 2013). Really good matches with Sheamus (2012). Worked like a viable threat to Punk’s title during the epic reign (2012). Worked well with Bryan during a horribly booked feud (2012). Worked well against Henry in a badly booked feud to appease Vince’s size queen impulses (2011). Worked well with Barrett at a time when they were being booked in idiotic matches that would go 2 or 3 minutes (2011). One of Swagger’s best opponents, esp. during Swagger’s failed title run (2010). Made the Miz look decent in their tag team (2010). Made Jericho look decent in their tag team (2009). Made 2009 HHH and HBK look competent. There’s a reason why he’s so consistently HHH’s hand-picked opponent. Ditto Taker. Several good TV and PPV matches with Cena over the last 10 years, though it’s fair to say that they’re never as good as they should be. Has made the best of being constantly paired up with/against Kane. (Seriously, go back and look at how much of his career has been time stuck with Kane in meaningless matches. It’s amazing.)

The Mayweather feud was tremendous. The Mania match is a great spectacle that totally outclassed everything on the show, including Flair’s retirement. It was one of the five best matches of 2008 for sure. The ECW matches with Sabu, Sandman, and Flair are good. Good opponent for JBL during his title reign.

He’s also as savvy a babyface as he is as a heel. One of the most likable guys they’ve got, such that he’ll steal the show on Saturday Night Live when the Rock is hosting.

Again, he’s one of the most thoughtlessly worn-out workhorses in the stable. He's a guy who has a better portfolio than you'd think, because almost nothing he's in is ever booked to be memorable or meaningful. They’ve used him in a million different ways, almost always badly. Had to do a rehash of the infamously bad 2009 "HBK is broke" angle with the Authority in 2013, who mocked Show for buying strip malls and being an impoverished member of their roster so that they could show him repeatedly crying on TV. He’s essentially the WWE gatekeeper who tests out highly suspect new guys (Snitsky, Tomko, ’06 Masters, Jindrak) or gets title challengers ready to face the champ (Edge, Brock, ’04-05 Cena). The sheer amount of time he’s been stuck working HHH is crazy. The joke about him having turned face and heel dozens of times is exaggerated, but still speaks to how careless they are with him. He’s overcome all of it and produced lots of good to great matches. I won’t be voting for him, but he’s been one of the most consistent and under-appreciated guys of the last twenty years."


Vince is gonna put it on cass.

and its going to tank his career.

Tank his career?



Tbh, I either want Punk to win or get dominated. I don't wanna see any underdog "damn he lasted this long and he went the distance like Rocky" crap. I don't wanna see Punk make it to the end, lose and as he's standing in the ring all of a sudden AJ runs in and hugs him as they say "I love you" to each other.

And yeah...Owens better get that belt tomorrow. He won't, it'll go to Rollins and we'll get another Rollins/Reigns feud but dammit I don't wanna see that.


If anything KO is the one laying down.

Seth just got pinned and the other 2 are going to be protected because they are tall.


Owens is going to get pinned. Rollins is going to win and then we'll get a 3 month feud with Rollins/Reigns and Reigns will get the belt at what, Survivor Series. Fact is, I don't want heel Rollins grabbing that belt. We've seen that man as champion and his win/loss ratio as champion was actually the lowest in history even worse than Mysterio's 2006 ratio, no bullshit.

I want face Rollins as champion. He's that dude. Face Rollins can hold that belt for a great while.


Vince is gonna put it on cass.

and its going to tank his career.

Big Cass looks like a giant rat. Dude should be tagging with Konner as KASS N KONNER: RAT BOYZ. Their gimmick is stopping mid-match to eat cheese and coming out during random matches to call out when someone cheats.
Big Cass looks like a giant rat. Dude should be tagging with Konner as KASS N KONNER: RAT BOYZ. Their gimmick is stopping mid-match to eat cheese and coming out during random matches to call out when someone cheats.
He should join the Ascension and they all start riding motorcycles in a "Biker Mice from Mars" gimmick.
There seems to be a distinct shift in the "feel" of the product with WM13. Feels a lot closer to modern WWE. It's weird watching these in retrospect where the shift isn't as gradual as it was watching it at the time. Also Rocky's first Mania. Begun the Attitude Era has.


There seems to be a distinct shift in the "feel" of the product with WM13. Feels a lot closer to modern WWE. It's weird watching these in retrospect where the shift isn't as gradual as it was watching it at the time. Also Rocky's first Mania. Begun the Attitude Era has.

That was when Russo became the head writer, wasn't it?
Bring back World War 3

Three rings of people to job to Reigns

If you're gonna do this shit, start getting creative with it. Tournaments ain't enough anymore

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So I finished Unforgiven 1999 tonight.

It's actually a very good show except the end of the main event makes no sense. Austin...you really don't have to count to three. You didn't any other time someone tried to make you, why do it for HHH? No one likes HHH. (No seriously, this is literally the story line of the entire month of September.)


So I finally got around to the Nakamura on Jericho's podcast from earlier this month and it was a real treat. Jericho didn't have to speak too slowly or leave out too many articles and I thought it was one of Jericho's better interviews since he didn't have too many long digressions. Nakamura's english is perfectly fine, he only seemed to be struggling at about the 45 minute mark. Considering they put Titus out there to die last week I think he'd be fine in a live promo.

It was amusing to see Shinsuke jab a little at Asuka's osakan dialect.


Big Cass looks like a giant rat. Dude should be tagging with Konner as KASS N KONNER: RAT BOYZ. Their gimmick is stopping mid-match to eat cheese and coming out during random matches to call out when someone cheats.

I think he looks like if Edge and Test had a kid.
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