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August Wrasslin' |OT 2| All popped everything ft. Injuries too


It'd be pretty dope if this leads to some Triple H's NXT vs. the McMahon's Raw. It'd make that whole Heyman/Steph promo meaningful.


Guys, KO got a clean pin on Cass and is a masterful heel who would obviously take advantage of a double cross. I don't see how this is remotely out of character or damaging.
I'm hearing reports of litness. Jimmy King, can you hear me? Can you confirm the litness levels?

I'm happy about KO being champ.

But how is this an NXT angle? They didn't allude to it during commentary, and Seth is a former NXT champion.

Cass was there too.
That ending was legit something someone would have written on a message board a week ago prefaced with "Wouldn't it be cool if...", but it actually happened.


Awesome ending. Face HHH, KO as champ, just keep Reigns far away from the title.

Please give KO a decent run.


He's a heel. Looking weak doesn't really affect him. Heels cheat to win.

Plus he didn't really look weak in comparison. All three were fighting and kicking out of big moves. KO was even doing the match straight up and was confused by Triple H's involvement.

The take away is less "KO looks weak" and more "Triple H has it out for Seth and Reigns and screwed them."


KO winning is pretty amazing. I'm going to enjoy it for the next few minutes before wondering how they'll screw it up by...

-making him subservient to Triple H
-making him a sniveling heel who now can't win without help or fuckery
-making him feud with Roman Reigns
-not allowing him to be the guy who got this far

We'll see. I hope I'm wrong! KO is a fantastic champion. I hope they give him the mic and just let him roll with this.


That's entirely on him really. He's probably gonna have to club seals to do it but he has to try real hard. If Punk can do it, so can he.

I love the guy and love that he has tried to get the crowd to boo him.

If kept heel, Owens will do his damnedest. He attempted a heel turn moments after winning the ROH title. He'll put the work in.

The crowd probably won't care. Boo him as a heel, it's the respectful thing to do.


Good Art™
That's entirely on him really. He's probably gonna have to club seals to do it but he has to try real hard. If Punk can do it, so can he.

Why would they need that honestly, Owens is the definition of a tweener. he's a super over douchebag. Some are trying so hard to do that and barely succeeding. Let Owens be over, don't change anything. Let's just make him the mean smark anti-cena boy.


Swerve followed by Owens crying and the crowd chanting YOU DESERVE IT.

As Xavier Woods says...



KO kicked out of Roman's finisher spam and was on the floor until Trips threw him in. It's not like Rollins was about to beat him clean and Trips saved him.

Everyone besides Cass looked pretty equal.


Loved that match. Loved the 'no interference from partners' rule to setup outside interference from someone, being HHH in the end. Loved him costing Reigns the Title. Loved him turning on Rollins. Loved Owens winning. Loved Foley being upset. Loved Stephanie in shock to tears over HHH just leaving with a 'I don't give a fuck' attitude. Unbelievable.
That is the first time the WWE legit blew my mind in a long while

I think most of us saw this coming. There's no big babyface now that Balor is gone. Sure the belt can be safely around Reigns or Rollins but it's been there, done that.

Plus with HHH doublecrossing Rollins, sets up a nice babyface turn and feuds for Owens and Rollins. I would love to see Owens open up next week with "Welcome to the Kevin Owens show!"
This is definitely an NXT thing. Maybe not right now but sowing the seeds for something for sure. Maybe in Mania season.

Would be pretty cool if he did the same sort of thing on Smackdown to debut Nakamura.


I got grudge sucked!
He's a heel. Looking weak doesn't really affect him. Heels cheat to win.

For the most part, but a good heel is usually the chief agent in their own cheating scheme, and Owens did beat Cena clean so he's always been presented as capable.

I don't think they'll go the cowardly heel route with him, but I'm not sure who he should feud with. Keep Zayn away from Owens for a long time, they just finished their story and it doesn't need to be restarted anytime soon.

So maybe Seth feuds with Owens? I don't want to see Mr H feud with Roman, maybe he brings in someone.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You put Cass and TM-61 in a stable and you got Natural Born Thrillers 2.0

maybe get Heath Slater in there as Mike Sanders.
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