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August Wrasslin' |OT 2| All popped everything ft. Injuries too

Velcro Fly


i love this haha


Going to guess that Vince finally wised up and is going to put a BIG ASS BLUE DOT OVER THAT UGLY ASS CASS MUG.


|| R A T B O Y Z ||


Good Art™
Steph and Mick were acting like fair, balanced faces all night. There was a reason for that and now we see it. No way they try to spin HHH as the face coming out of this. He cheated to get his guy the title.

As for Owens being cheered, WWE has dealt with "heel-ish" guys getting cheers since Stone Cold. Doesn't mean they have to turn him face, at least not right away. It is going to make it interesting who they book him against though. Has to be the right guy. Seth seems like the obvious guy, but maybe he needs to work a program with Hunner first to really solidify himself as a fan fave/face.

The WWE story with Balor and the draft was all about "NEW ERA, EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!". Tonight, Trips gave the audience the only fresh thing that could happen. He's a smark face at least. They can use that now, they can be pretty complex in their booking. You can have a face for the smarks who's a heel for the little boys and the contrary to.

We'll see what they do with that.
But anyway, and even if Owens looked like a piece of shit in the match i think, compared to what he does in single matches.. anyway.. Owens is now way bigger in the card than he was 1 hour ago. Even if he loses the belt next week for crhist sake, it's still a big upgrade. he had never had a single opportunity at the title yesterday.
if this leads to somewhat of a NxT vs the other 2 brands for survivor series imagine this nxt team

Samoa Joe
Austin Aeries
Bobby roode


This guy is an amazing title holder. It took a little while but he's over as fuck and has the main title. Give him a long fucking reign, WWE.




Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm just waiting for the Foley/HHH and Jericho/HHH interactions. It's already hilarious enough whenever one of them has to suck up to Steph.
Just realized that Big Cass did better in his big opportunity on RAW than Ziggler did at Summerslam.

He came out great in this match despite all the hate, had the spot of the match with the boot, got all his moves in to huge pops, and needed several finishers to get pinned.


Looking forward to suited and booted Kevin Owens, g'd up from the feet up, with a suit custom tailored since off-the-rack shit isn't fitting that gut, going full blown get that money sellout douche heel.


In the dark times, when Stormfront Seth looked poised to rule again, "bad" was better than "fuck that noise". That's all I got.

HHH, we're still coming for that ass though.

Tell em bro.

But Face Seff is gonna get the strap at Survivor Series


They seem to be following through on Zayn and Owens being done for a while. So I don't see that happening unless Balor being out has Vince and co like "Fuck it." Zayn is the only face left that people will get behind against KO, so who knows.

Rollins needs to be established as a face and Reigns needs to cool off in the midcard for a while. Without them, who else is there?


I got grudge sucked!
WWE needs to find a credible face to put up against KO that isn't going to get boo'd. Roman is not that guy. Not sure Seth is that guy yet, he needs more time to establish himself as a face if that's the direction they go. Balor would have absolutely been that guy, the crowd loves him more than they love KO. Maybe Sami gets a main event push in the mean time?

I hope not, just because I dont think they'll pull the trigger on Zayn, so it'll just be series of matches where Owens wins most of the time and Sami loses most of his heat.

In my fantasy booking world, Sami would come up the oldschool way, winning the US title, and having a run before moving on to the ME. I think thats the best course for him actually. But youre right, Owens needs a compelling face to feud with. He and Cesaro had a good run when feuding over the US title last year but he's wrapped up in the Sheamus thing. That could still happen since the winner of the best of 7 is supposed to get a title match.
Looking forward to suited and booted Kevin Owens, g'd up from the feet up, with a suit custom tailored since off-the-rack shit isn't fitting that gut, going full blown get that money sellout douche heel.

Oh man that would be so good. The smugness levels for a Corporate KO are potentially off the charts.


So the new authority is


Only thing missing is Corporate Kane and Big Show for the party to be truly complete.
Yay not long now till everyone hates KO like everyone else they used to like lol

I'm sure you're about to get a hundred responses of "Owens beat Cena once", where they'll conveniently ignore the fact that like Bray he did win once and then lose a billion times, cry, and run away in the end

They All Fall. Some are just fortunate to avoid the Rusev fate, where every path they take eventually leads back to the Fall.

I've been pretty consistent with my Owens hate for at least the past full year, year and a half, maybe 2


It's fascinating hearing Cole go from "he's going for the Walls" to "Liontamer by Jericho" like it's clearly established that there is a difference between the two.
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