Great moment post match.Crowd was chanting for Kendrick for like three minutes straight. Then DB came down into the ring and hugged him. People continued to chant for him for another three minutes or so. He seemed very emotional. Very much like the Cedric moment.
It's exactly the kind of thing that makes NXT a very good thing to have. You have to give the guys and girls time to adjust- you don't want another Sin Cara 1.0.Really thinking back on it, that thing that happened in the last match seemed very much like a botch.Funny mistake when you think about it though.The ref was very hesitant, there was no announcement by the ring announcer, they re-did the spot after they restarted, and Regal didn't even get music, he just came out.
Even for a young adult that would be rough but for a nine year old?
Would Goldberg's son get popped?
What is it about wrestling crowds that it's so hard to get decent ones?
The CWC and NXT doesn't have the shit ignore your fans booking shit that the main roster has so why are they complaining?
I don't even know how they fix it. Having a local audience that gets into the product helps build the fan base around performers but then you end up with some of the cringe shit like them booing the performers going to Brooklyn
Will he take his brother with him?Bye Bo
Once we had to do 5 minutes of squats as a punishment for goofing off during practice, and it made me hate my coach with a passion. Can't imagine having your dad do that to you, and when you're 9!
Would Goldberg's son get popped?
Who the fuck are "The Headbangers"?
I've been to multiple NXT and CWC shows. Most of the audience is really good. They respect the performers, they are willing to get into the acts, and they also will chant some fun stuff from time to time. The main problem is that there's this group of probably 8 to 10 people who I've seen at every show I've gone to. They sit in the same spot every time, right in the middle of the hard cam side. And they start the worst chants and are the most obnoxious. They started the BS chant tonight for example. They really, really seem like the "we want to get ourselves over" type of guys, and I would never say that about fans unless I thought it was absolutely true.
In what world would 'the Undertaker vs Dean Ambrose' ever qualify for a dream match?Top 12 WWE Dream Matches That Happened Only Once. Courtesy of the Slat Rock Channel:
Punk vs Lesnar
Rey Mysterio vs RVD
Austin vs Mr. Perfect
The Rock vs Bret Hart
The Undertaker vs Dean Ambrose
The Rock vs Flair
The Rock vs Jeff Hardy
Bret Hart vs Foley
Bryan vs 3H
HBK vs Goldberg
The Rock vs Eddie Guerrero
Austin vs Tazz
Why though, because he beat Gargano or something? He seems great from what I saw AND his win seemed like part of a storyline. 12 WWE Dream Matches That Happened Only Once. Courtesy of the Slat Rock Channel:
Punk vs Lesnar
Rey Mysterio vs RVD
Austin vs Mr. Perfect
The Rock vs Bret Hart
The Undertaker vs Dean Ambrose
The Rock vs Flair
The Rock vs Jeff Hardy
Bret Hart vs Foley
Bryan vs 3H
HBK vs Goldberg
The Rock vs Eddie Guerrero
Austin vs Tazz
Will he take his brother with him?
How could you hate on? He's dope.TJP
so i heard noah couldnt even draw 500 people to their world title match
so i heard noah couldnt even draw 500 people to their world title match
I didn't know him before this, but he got a fan in me from this tournament. I prefer a loud crowd usually, but fuck Full Sail. They've done rhythmic gymnastics over the shark at this point.
487 I think, yeah
You have my blessing, just don't mess up the streak!Get my PM blue?
Wait, I was just wiki-ing TJ Perkins because I loved his match from this week's CWC and it says he was announced as part of Raw's cruiserweight division on this week's Raw. Did that actually happen? I spent Raw in the ER with my wife so I missed a lot of it. Is anyone else confirmed to be signed by WWE?
Yes. They did a vignette spotlighting four guys for the division. Swann, Kendrick, TJ, and Dar.
Didn't Meltz say Neville and Sami are being used for the tag-division?I hope Neville's the Inaugural Cruiserweight Champion since from what he looks like he'll be the only non-CWC guy to be in that division. The guy and a lot of them could shine a lot there if Raw dedicates a decent chunk of the 3 hours towards it.
I hope Neville's the Inaugural Cruiserweight Champion since from what he looks like he'll be the only non-CWC guy to be in that division. The guy and a lot of them could shine a lot there if Raw dedicates a decent chunk of the 3 hours towards it.
So Kendrick and Daniel Bryan both trained under Shawn Michaels, eh? Huh
He did? I would have thought Neville just being bounced around in random matches for the past few weeks with no actual segments was just killing time because he'd be guaranteed to be one of the top guys of the Cruiserweight Division.Didn't Meltz say Neville and Sami are being used for the tag-division?
Didn't Meltz say Neville and Sami are being used for the tag-division?
He has a good track record that's for damn sure. Michaels himself had a great mentor. Coincidentally, I just watched that Match where Psycho Sid beat Michaels for the championship after hitting dude with camera.
Why ?