How many matches left?
Steen vs Kingston
Mixed Tag
2/3 Falls: Lethal vs Ciampa
How many matches left?
Damn this is a long intermission. WWE could have done a Ryback squash, a Brodus Clay squash and a minority tag team match in this time.
I was going to ask, are the intermissions usually this long?
That was scary
I like Jay Lethal, guys
Maria is quite nice.
What happened to Sara Del Ray and the WWE thing? Was that not true?
Oh I thought this was part of the match
I missed Smackdown but uh
Why the fuck is Rey dressing as the gimp from Pulp Fiction now?
He's complaining to an audience that will never stop watching what he is upset about. It's pointless.Pretty entertaining tweet bombs by A.W.
He was dressed like that on RAW too, at least I thought he was...
Its to hide how fat he is, kind of like what Kane does
Somewhere, SoulPlaya just blurted out "IT'S MUSCLE, DAMMIT!"
Welp, I can't even get through the story mode on easy in WWE '12.
This also goes for Kevin Steen
Somewhere, SoulPlaya just blurted out "IT'S MUSCLE, DAMMIT!"
It's not as fun without SoulPlaya here
It's muscle, darn it.
Layla's the champ.Beth Phoenix's title reign must be pretty long now.
He's being an idiot but I think he's just super frustrated. Dude was a crappy wrestler with a good physique, never given the chance to improve in the ring but was given multiple chances on the stick and did a pretty good job but couldn't get over for shit. He was stuck in some bullshit up until recently and he was giving it his all (even if it wasn't over) and he, after all the years in the system, got released over something he was genuinely apologetic about. Even worse, the dude probably thought that since he didn't get immediately released that he was in the clear.He's complaining to an audience that will never stop watching what he is upset about. It's pointless.
This is a lot of whining from a dude that made a rape joke. I'm not surprised he has a lot of followers that think rape jokes aren't bad.
"Saturn comes around WWE... The Morning Star watches. My light is brighter than yours......"
He's going full-on Matt Hardy.
Every time you post, for a second I think it is SoulPlaya.