Watched the joint DDT/Dragon Gate show from 06/05 and enjoyed it for the most part - the highlights were the Dino Rumble, Omega & Ishii vs Shingo & YAMATO, and Ibushi vs Hulk.
The 'Danshoku Dino Rumble' is one of the most ridiculous matches I've ever seen. Apparenltly Dino believes that at least 80% of wrestlers are gay, and in this match will force them to come out of the closet. The first two entrants are the unfortunate Kotoka, and Dino himself, who immediately proceeds to molest Kotoka in the corner. Dino then takes off many layers of his many-layered underwear and places them on the ring posts. As the other wrestlers (Gorgeous Matsuno, Rich Swann, Antonio Honda, Ryo Saito & Don Fuji) enter the match they are inevitably subjected to Dino's unwanted attentions, and if kissed by him must put on a pair of Dino's underwear and become 'Danshoku' themselves. Eventually only Kotoka (who is sobbing in the corner after being thoroughly molested throughout the match) and Don Fuji are left un-Danshoku. Dino, however, finally gets his way, kisses Fuji and goes to hit the Danshoku Driver, only for Fuji to roll him up for the 3-count to win the match. Kotoka tearfully hugs his saviour Don Fuji, before shouting down the other wrestlers who joined in with Dino molesting him, but while his back is turned Don Fuji lowers his trousers to reveal that he too is Danshoku! Poor, poor Kotoka.
Next up was Kenny Omega & Keisuke Ishii vs Shingo & YAMATO in a nice tag match. There's a great exchange between Omega & YAMATO at the start, and while Ishii is often the odd man out, he gets in a nice stretch of offence against YAMATO culminating in a pump handle lift into a GTS-like kick. Omega & Ishii shoot YAMATO off the ropes and go for a clothesline, but he swerves and spears Ishii before making the tag. Shingo comes in and just chops the crap out of Omega. Ishii tries to cut him off, but gets forearmed across the ring for his troubles. Omega rushes Shingo, but gets elevated into a HUGE death valley driver. Kenny unwisely tries to trade strikes with Shingo, but hits the Stop Sign Enziguri only for Shingo to lariat him out of his boots. Omega & Shingo make the tags and YAMATO scores with a huge dropkick on Ishii, followed by an exploder, but Ishii rallies and hits a pele kick to YAMATO's back before scoring with a big bridging German suplex for a near-fall. YAMATO looks out of it, but is only playing dead as he rolls out of the way of Omega's running SSP. YAMATO turns his attention to Ishii on the top, but gets cut off by Omega, and the DDT team hit an electric chair kick combo, but Shingo makes the save. Omega tries for Croyt's Wrath, but is rolled up for a 2-count, he hits the ropes gets kicked in the face by YAMATO, responds in kind with a high knee, although before he can capitalise Shingo hits him with another massive lariat. YAMATO goes for the Galleria on Ishii, but Ishii counters with an enziguri. YAMATO hits a brainbuster for two, followed by the Galleria for 3. Fun stuff.
Finally, Kota Ibushi vs BxB Hulk with Larry Dallas. They start out with some nice mat-wrestling where Hulk shows off his speed, before Ibushi hits the rops, Hulk drops to one knee, punches Ibushi in the stomach and falls backwards to punt Ibushi in the side of his head. Ibushi tries to block a kick, but Hulk stalls and kicks him when his guard drops. Hulk's in full heel mode tonight, kicking disrespectfully at Ibushi while he's down. Ibushi responds with a swift kick, ducks Hulk's roundhouse, jumps his sweep, goes for a standing moonsault but lands on his feet as Hulk rolls away, before scoring with a big dropkick that dumps Hulk on the back of his neck. Ibushi goes for an Irish whip, but Hulk cartwheels out and his a sick kick combo. He's really working over Ibushi with kicks, trapping him a half crab not so much as a submission, but so he can get a better vantage to kick at Ibushi's back. Ibushi makes it to the ropes and Hulk charges him in the corner, but Ibushi escapes with a big huricanrana sending Hulk to the outside. Ibushi then gets huge elevation on his springboard asai moonsault to the outside, almost missing Hulk altogether. Ibushi rolls him back in before hitting a big missile dropkick, but Hulk's right back up only for Ibushi to pepper him with a flurry of strikes and his running SSP for a near 2 count.
Ibushi goes up for the phoenix splash, but Hulk swiftly gets up and hits a big axe kick to the back of Ibushi's head, followed by a running sideslam for 2. Hulk hits his own flurry of kicks before scoring with a nice standing corkscrew moonsault, however he takes too long going up to the top, allowing Ibushi to hit the handspring pele kick. Both guys fight on the top, and Hulk seems to have the advantage when he knocks Ibushi to the apron, but Ibushi springboards in and hits a big huricanrana. There's a real nice tit-for-tat feel to this match, with both guys not willing to give up an inch to the other. They exchange strikes, followed by simultaneous high kicks to the head which leads into a fantastic spot as Ibushi matrix escapes a kick and hits a release German, which Hulk hulk's out of and hits a pele kick before Ibushi hits one of his own. Ibushi gains the upper hand and goes for his elevated sit-down powerbomb, but Hulk counters into a sunset flip bomb for 2. He throws Ibushi into the ropes, but Ibushi hits a big lariat followed by the elevated powerbomb for 2. Ibushi goes for his own sunset flip bomb, but Hulk flips out and just kicks Ibushi's face off for the win! Wow. That was an awesome match and, other than a few whiffed strikes, both guys complimented each other well.
I think BxB Hulk may soon make a return to my Fave Five, as I forgot how much fun he is to watch. So awesome.