Which zone should they pick? I think I picked recreation
Anything. Pro, Family, or Recreation
Which zone should they pick? I think I picked recreation
Oh my. It's a well written message sent from a Halo player. Not a curse word in sight. Truly this is the end of times.
Can Hornwoggle be the character running around?I would totally buy a Theatrhythm with wrestling entrance themes.
I'm honestly impressed by the use of grammar skills. I'd congratulate the guy.
Double A, hot damn what a wrestler:
I would totally buy a Theatrhythm with wrestling entrance themes.
I'm surprised wrestling themes have not appeared in rock band at all. I know cult of personality is in rockband blitz
I'm surprised wrestling themes have not appeared in rock band at all. I know cult of personality is in rockband blitz
WWE updated their developmental roster page - notable new additions, Luke Harper (the former Brodie Lee), Emma (Tenille Taylor on the indies) and Skyler Moon (AKA Buggy Nova);
The Tombstone is still one of the moves I am completely unable to get into. The reason being it just looks too fake. I mean, I can understand hanging upside down is not overly enjoyable, but the way the move is executed. "OMG HE FELL DOWN ON HIS KNEES WITH THE GUYS HEAD IN BETWEEN THEM" is just not that exciting to see.
The move does nothing for me. I can suspend disbelieve and pretend the Yes/No/LeBell-Lock hurts, that the fake Kimura hold breaks arms, that a GTS is an actual knee to the falling face and I can even buy the various "I drop you on your back/face really hard from my shoulders" moves.
But for some reason, I cannot buy moves like the Tombstone or the Chokeslam where the executor takes his hands of the person back only just before the other hits the mat.
Oh, and lets not even mention the RKO, which most times looks like it hurts Orton more then the other guy, esp. when he falls backfirst on chairs or other items doing them.
Only with chokeslams where the guy keeps his hand on the back of his opponent mind you. Some guys manage to keep it on there for ages on the way down.
If you're not strong enough to do one properly, don't do one.
The Tombstone is still one of the moves I am completely unable to get into. The reason being it just looks too fake. I mean, I can understand hanging upside down is not overly enjoyable, but the way the move is executed. "OMG HE FELL DOWN ON HIS KNEES WITH THE GUYS HEAD IN BETWEEN THEM" is just not that exciting to see.
The move does nothing for me. I can suspend disbelieve and pretend the Yes/No/LeBell-Lock hurts, that the fake Kimura hold breaks arms, that a GTS is an actual knee to the falling face and I can even buy the various "I drop you on your back/face really hard from my shoulders" moves.
But for some reason, I cannot buy moves like the Tombstone or the Chokeslam where the executor takes his hands of the person back only just before the other hits the mat.
Oh, and lets not even mention the RKO, which most times looks like it hurts Orton more then the other guy, esp. when he falls backfirst on chairs or other items doing them.
You must be new to earth.
Nobody likes wrestling
Nobody likes anything associated to wrestling
Dragonzord said:I can't even imagine what Raven would think of the last few years of ROH in terms of storytelling.
Dragonzord said:edit: Modern day ROH is basically what ROH would've instantly become if John Walters was the breakout star instead of Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson, and CM Punk
Speaking of finishers, I really like Ibushi's elevated sit-down powerbomb - looks like it has a ton of impact;
Damn, in WWE terms it's like a Last Ride Batista Bomb with technical execution, that is nice.
In Cole terms, modified Spinebuster.
Or just one will work too.
Vader's was amazing, that mask was heavy as hell though.
Great Muta has had some awesome costumes in recent years;
Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada captured the Double tag titles from Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi in 42:37 on 6/9 before the sellout 16,300 at Tokyo Budokan Hall. In the final, Kawada pinned Misawa with a power bomb, which I believe would be the first clean job in singles or tags that Misawa has done since when he lost the Triple Crown to Steve Williams almost one year ago. This would seem to almost surely set up Misawa defending the Triple Crown against Kawada, which would be the biggest match of the year for this promotion, on 7/24 at Budokan Hall.
All Japan women put tickets on sale for the 9/2 Budokan Hall show on 6/11 at their offices with Manami Toyota and Akira Hokuto signing autographs at the ticket office. Reportedly about 1,000 tickets were sold the first day and all the $250 ringside seats sold out almost immediately. AJW won't be doing a Tokyo Dome this year because they've decided against doing interpromotional shows for the time being and without using matches of that type they don't have anything strong enough to book such a major show. The Budokan show will be the biggest match of the year.
Only show over the weekend was at Drexel University in Philadelphia before 302 fans. The main event was supposed to be Sandman defending the title against the winner of a Too Cold Scorpio vs. Marty Jannetty match. When the two wrestled to a double pin, Tod Gordon came out and announced because it was a draw that Sandman would have to defend against both of them. Sandman then won both matches. In the Public Enemy baseball bat match with Pit Bulls, which they won, Rocco Rock did a somersault off the top of the bleachers onto one of the Pit Bulls who was lying on a table. At one point this match was going to be changed to an unadvertised Public Enemy teaming with Konnan against Pit Bulls & Raven, but Konnan wasn't there.
Jungle Jim Steele was backstage looking for work.
Cactus Jack and Ian Rotten had a really weird match. Cactus said that ECW fans have seen him shed enough blood and for one night he deserved a break and would give people a scientific match. The crowd booed and Cactus and Axl started telling them if they didn't like it to go home. When fans would get antsy Cactus started insulting them. At one point Cactus started leading the crowd in chants of boring over the house mic. Then Cactus said that if anyone was faxing Dave Meltzer from this show to tell him it was a five star match. Both guys wound up outside the ring using objects, but then went back to restholds. Eventually both men juiced and they went out of the ring with chair shots. It appeared the storyline was that both men were going to try and wrestle a scientific match but couldn't because violence runs in their veins. Some of the fans understood it at the end but a lot didn't.
In the Raven & Steve Richards vs. Tommy Dreamer & Cactus match, the local college wrestling coach and Beulah McGillicutty were refs. Beulah was totally partial so John Finnegan (a regular ref) kicked her out of refereeing. Dreamer & Jack lost, so after the match Dreamer piledrove Beulah twice, the second one on a chair.
Probably the biggest news of the week in Japan was the announcement that Dan Severn would be defending the NWA title against Tarzan Goto on 8/20 at the IWA Kawasaki Baseball Stadium show. Even thought the NWA title was at stake, the deal actually broke in the Japanese newspapers before Dennis Coraluzzo even found out about it. However Quinones smoothed over whatever ruffled feathers there may have been by agreeing to join the NWA and by sending Goto, Yoshihiro Tajiri and Takashi Okano to Coraluzzo's house show on 6/24. We don't know much else in the way of details other than Severn was offered less money to wrestle for IWA than he was by New Japan, however New Japan wanted him to put Keiji Muto over on his first tour. One would think Severn's style and credibility from UFC would fit in better with Rings, UWFI or Pancrase rather than a brawling and heavy juice and gimmicks promotion.
Most of the week was geared toward building up the Battle of the Moonsaults with Keiji Muto vs. Hiroyoshi Tenzan where the loser can no longer use the move on 6/14 at Budokan Hall.
The biggest show of the week was 6/12 in Osaka which drew 6,650 fans (about 200 shy of capacity) with Muto pinning Kensuke Sasaki in the main event with a moonsault so Muto scored a clean sweep during the tour of his singles matches (Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Enos, Ron Simmons and Sasaki) going into Budokan. As expected, Chono & Tenzan captured the vacant IWGP tag team titles (last champs were Muto & Hiroshi Hase who gave them up when Muto won the singles title) beating Shinya Hashimoto & Junji Hirata in 17:44 when Chono pinned Hashimoto. Both junior champs retained their titles as Sabu kept the IWGP jr. title pinning Black Tiger (Eddy Guerrero, who had missed most of the tour with an injury suffered early on and it must have been serious because they pretty much make you work in Japan unless you can't walk and sometimes even then. He returned on 6/10) in 15:50 and Koji Kanemoto retained the UWA jr. title making Gran Hamada submit to an armlock in 13:08. This sets up a title unification match on 6/14 with Kanemoto vs. Sabu.
WCW's Anderson and Austin worked the final week in the middle, mainly in tags with either Simmons or Enos as partners. In Osaka, they lost a tag match to Choshu & Masa Saito when Saito pinned Anderson with two Saito suplexes. Austin did score singles wins over Manabu Nakanishi and Takayuki Iizuka while getting pinned in a tag by Hashimoto's DDT.
Highlights of the 6/12 television tapings which included the debut of The Head Bangers, Mosh (Chaz Warrington) & Thrasher (Glen Ruth), who most recently were The Spiders in Ozark Mountain; Terry Gordy as a heel to feud with Boo Bradley; Brad Armstrong as a face to be Buddy Landel's SMW title contender; and Tommy Rich, who didn't appear (because he was booked for Ozark Mountain in Jonesboro, AR that night) but will be doing interviews for airing over the next few weeks. Rich, Gordy, Landel, Punisher, Al Snow and Unabom are all members of Jim Cornette's new heel group called The Militia, with Cornette dressed up in a military outfit doing a copy of the mid-70s Lawler's Army and later Eddie Gilbert's Army gimmick. The prevailing angle is that because of the stipulations before their match last Thanksgiving where Cornette and Bob Armstrong vowed it would be their final conflict, that none of Cornette's men can face Bob in the ring and Bob can't face them, so Bob is bringing people in to face Cornette's men until they finally drop the stip I suppose.
The TV title (last held by Bobby Blaze who no-showed television) seems to have been forgotten.
The Gangstas final night will be 6/16 in Knoxville in the triangular match as they've given notice and are leaving for ECW although Killer Kyle & D.Lo Brown (who also works as part of the ring crew) are staying.
Aside from the big show on 6/10 in Memphis, they also ran Mid South Coliseum on the regular Monday night on 6/5 drawing 1,050 fans. The top match was a loser having to pay the price match with Tommy Rich (head shaved) & Doug Gilbert (run through a line of fans holding belts) & Max Muscle (throw $1,000 to crowd) & Brian Lee (leave town) beating J.C. Ice (having to do a four-on-one against all the heels) & Wolfie D (PG-13 breaking up forever) & Bill Dundee (retirement) & Brian Christopher (head shaved). Ice did the job and all the heels did a number on him after the match. the other key match on the show saw Miss Texas beating Downtown Bruno's wife Uptown Karen in a hair vs. hair match so Karen had her head almost completely shaved. Karen, who had never worked before this run, was one of the worst I'd ever seen but am told she was even better than Max Muscle and nobody can believe he even spent any time at a training school. Mr. World Class, the other WCW newcomer, looks green but at least looks to be a decent athlete.
In a stunning move stemming from the meeting between Eric Bischoff and Ted Turner on 6/5, WCW will be adding a new television show every Monday night going head-up with Monday Night Raw on the TNT cable network starting 8/7.
The show, as yet unnamed, will air live probably in a similar pattern as Raw, with a live show every third week and tapes from that taping in between. The shows will supposedly originate from major arenas and supposedly contain main event calibre matches. Bischoff will host the show, which will go head-to-head against Raw, the top rated national wrestling show in the country, in most of the United States. There have already been reports floating around that the new show will be titled, "Head-to-head," but I'm told a decision on the title of the new show won't be made until later this week.
Since both Sting (U.S. title) and Renegade (WCW TV title) came out with their not-as-yet won title belts at a Center Stage taping on 6/7, that pretty well gave away title changes on the 6/18 Great American Bash PPV show from Dayton, OH. As of press time, approximately 3,000 tickets had been sold for the show in the 6,000-set Hara Arena.
At this point, the line-up for Bash at the Beach on 7/16 in Los Angeles is Hogan vs. Vader in a cage, Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage in a stipulation match, Sting vs. Meng for the U.S. title, a triangular match with the WCW tag titles with Nasty Boys, Blue Bloods and Harlem Heat, Renegade defending the TV title against Paul Orndorff, Duggan vs. Kamala and Page vs. Sullivan.
The Flair-Savage match will be part of a Baywatch TV show tie-in with several actors from the show including David Hasselhoff scheduled to appear. I'm not certain how this is going to take place but the working idea is to have Baywatch Babes in bikinis as lumberjacks, but called a Lifeguard match. Parts of the wrestling show will also be taped for the Baywatch TV show since they are doing an episode where Hogan, Sting, Savage and Flair appear as themselves with Hogan, Sting and Savage playing the roles of doing Make-a-wish volunteer work.
Gordon Solie quit the promotion actually toward the end of last week. He had already quit once before Slamboree but was talked into coming back by being inducted into the Hall of Fame.
Terry Taylor was added to the booking committee. It immediately drew heat from the Hogan side because of the belief Taylor is a Flair ally.
Highlights of the 6/7 TV taping from Center Stage included Nasty Boys keeping the title beating Blue Bloods via DQ when Harlem Heat and Sherri ran in for the DQ which ended up in a three-team brawl to set up the triangle match. Flair pinned Alex Wright in a *** match which aired on television 6/10. Flair won using the trunks. Savage tried a run-in during the match but was held back and then did a run-in after the match. Flair did a very good job here and Wright is showing improvement. Hawk & Sting beat Harlem Heat. Stevie Ray wore a t-shirt to hide the bruises from his recent motorcycle wreck. Sting pinned Booker T with a splash off the top rope. This match was very clumsy. Dallas Page and Johnny B. Badd went to a double count out (Badd was originally supposed to do the job but wasn't happy about it at all so it was changed). They had a good match and after the bout Page and Max Muscle left Badd laying. Only other non-squash which really was a squash was Savage over Bunkhouse Buck.
On TV they did a segment where Kevin Sullivan was running through caves before finding a cobwebbed faced Curtis Iaukea who told him he had to destroy Hulkamania. Sullivan was pretty funny in the segment saying that nobody could beat Hogan.
TV ratings for the weekend of 5/27 saw Saturday Night do a 1.9 and Pro a 1.3. The Saturday rating is even more horrible than it sounds because that was the live show from Charlotte and had several "competitive" matches including Savage vs. Austin and Flair vs. Wright and tradition is that the Saturday after the PPV usually goes up a few points because fans who didn't buy are curious as to the news (which shows just how little interest Slamboree truly generated), plus weekends without a Sunday show usually add another few points to the Saturday rating. On 6/3, Saturday drew a 1.8, and that's with a Flair-Savage match advertised coming off the Slamboree angle which doesn't bode well for the PPV to say the least, Sunday did a 1.6 and Pro a 1.1. Those numbers speak volumes for how little casual fans care about Flair and Savage at this point.
Latest on the injury situation. Diesel is still expected to work the PPV but definitely won't be back until that time. Roadie reportedly has a staph infection in the knee and is still out and won't be back until the PPV and Razor Ramon bruised his ribs taking a bump off the ladder on 6/9 at the Nassau Coliseum in a match with Jeff Jarrett and immediately went home and he'll be missing this weekend. Ramon is actually questionable for the PPV. Tatanka's knee is bad but he still worked over this weekend. Owen Hart suffered a concussion on 6/11 at the Meadowlands in a tag title match against Smoking Gunns but refused to get checked after the show. Last word I heard was that 1-2-3 Kid was expected back sometime in July.
Notes from the 6/6 Superstars tapings in Wheeling, WV before 3,800. Smoking Gunns beat Men on Mission via DQ, then Waylon Mercy (Dan Spivey) debuted in a dark match pinning Bob Holly using a brainbuster as his finishing move. Mercy has a tatoo of a dagger on his forehead with black hair. He looked good in this match. Mabel was at ringside during an Undertaker squash. Tatanka's knee, which had been hurting him, went out during a squash tag with Sid. During Kama's squash, two skinny people were in the front row who sit there with no reaction and are called The Creatures of the Night who apparently are going to be haunting Kama for what he did to the urn. Jerry Lawler pinned Aldo Montoya with a piledriver (aired this past weekend) and then took his boot off and rubbed it in Montoya's face and mouth which was pretty revolting since they replayed it over-and-over again on television. Bret Hart went to a double count out with Henry Godwinn when Lawler came out and Hart chased Lawler around the ringside area. In a try-out match, Chris Benoit was managed by Ted DiBiase and did a job for Adam Bomb (***1/4). Benoit looked great again. In a match taped for Coliseum video, Bret & Ramon & Savio Vega (who is the most over of all the new characters) beat Yokozuna & Owen Hart & Hakushi (who seemed to be heavily downplayed at these tapings) when Vega pinned Hakushi. Final dark matches were Undertaker over Kama and Shawn Michaels over Sid when Diesel distracted Sid.
The reason the NBC special was canceled was that the Director of Program Services at NBC (not Warren Littlefield) was on vacation when the deal was made and when he found out about it, he immediately put the kibosh on it. McMahon was said to be extremely unhappy since the NBC guy told McMahon (who is in many ways is insulated by yes-man and is far removed from actually knowing how the general public perceives wrestling today) that pro wrestling was an 80s fad and it's now 1995 and they want to do 90s programming.
For whatever reason, the rumors floating around are that either Mabel or Roadie will win King of the Ring, with Mabel rumor having the most talk. While either one would qualify as a surprise, the idea of booking is to build to things that will make money and not to simply fool the public. Neither of these guys is going to draw money and Michaels is the one with potential to draw money. If Mabel wins, Shawn has to lose in the semis to him. If Roadie is to win, either Shawn or Undertaker can go to the finals. They were already pushing on television this weekend the idea that there is dissension between Roadie and Jarrett.
They started an angle at all the TV's regarding Man Mountain Rock vs. Bob Backlund as Backlund broke Rock's guitar. It was really bad with Rock crying about his broken guitar. Their first match was 6/10 at MSG and was described as one of the worst matches in the history of Western Civilization as they went 10:00 without even locking up. After Rock won, Backlund put the chicken wing on him after the bout.
Besides the record Raw of 3.9 on 5/29, that weekend saw Action Zone do 1.8 and Mania 1.4. The following weekend saw Raw (Owen vs. Smith) do 3.4, Action Zone 1.9 and Mania 1.4.
For whatever reason, the rumors floating around are that either Mabel or Roadie will win King of the Ring, with Mabel rumor having the most talk. While either one would qualify as a surprise, the idea of booking is to build to things that will make money and not to simply fool the public. Neither of these guys is going to draw money and Michaels is the one with potential to draw money. If Mabel wins, Shawn has to lose in the semis to him. If Roadie is to win, either Shawn or Undertaker can go to the finals. They were already pushing on television this weekend the idea that there is dissension between Roadie and Jarrett.
They started an angle at all the TV's regarding Man Mountain Rock vs. Bob Backlund as Backlund broke Rock's guitar. It was really bad with Rock crying about his broken guitar. Their first match was 6/10 at MSG and was described as one of the worst matches in the history of Western Civilization as they went 10:00 without even locking up. After Rock won, Backlund put the chicken wing on him after the bout.
Nothing like a good entrance robe, from Taker's Ministry hooded robe, Flair's flamboyant feathery robes and even Regal's sort of kingly purple and gold robe.
Old School Taker with the hat, cloak and even the tie was pretty solid as well, don't much care for his current look, except when HBK stole if for WM25, now that was an entrance attire.
also a lot of good jackets between daniel bryan, miz and wade Barrett
I'm thinking of starting a petition to force WWE to put AJ back in ring gear and shorts/small tops instead of power suits.
There's only so many times I can fap to the same bikini pictures before it starts to get old, damnit!
This is true, Maryse had one hell of a cape among great other things.Speaking of...sort-of robes, I really liked Maryse's capes she'd wear. In fact, there was a moment in 2009 or 2010 where almost all Divas had capes. Sweet times.
Capes rule.
Wade Barrett had a classy jacket with the rose, shame they abandoned it so swiftly. Can't say his new look goes with that jacket so I don't think it'll be returning either.also a lot of good jackets between daniel bryan, jericho, , miz and wade Barrett
You like the longer trench jacket? Or you prefer something like Chris Adams' piece?