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August Wrasslin |OT| I'll tout it to the papers if I have to

Bryan is in Punks old spot. Jobber to the main eventers at least they are letting him get offense and have good matches. Bryan is going to have to turn face somehow to get out of it. Bryan wont win the WWE championship this year Rock, Cena or Punk will have the title till mania
I think Vince would like the show. A band consisting of a cool guitarist, a jock, and uh two other people fuck with the computer nerd's plans each and every episode.

He'd probably try to reboot the show after watching a few episodes, with Heath Slater as the One Man Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad. His transformation sequence would involve air playing every instrument in the band (and doing so badly, he'd find a way); he'd pilot all the extra vehicles like toys when transformed; and he'd only imagine that he beat the monster of the week, when in reality he'd get beaten badly every episode. And the show ends on a cliffhanger, again.


I can easily sit through bad TV if I know its leading somewhere. DS9 getting good is great because I really loved TNG.

The other series after TNG and DS9 any good? I did watch Voyager when I was younger but I don't really remember any of it

Voyager is easily my least favorite because they squandered the premise so badly.

Watch the end of TNG and then DS9 and you'll realize how absolutely ridiculous it is that the Maquis are in Starfleet uniforms by the end of the first episode.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Vintage ROH as far i am concered

It's kind of true. Hell, one of the first shoot dvds I ever bought was Raven's straight shootin from RF Video back when it was an ROH thing, and he even talks about how the majority of the ROH roster doesn't know how to tell a story in the ring or use psychology. And this was the days of Samoa Joe, CM Punk, Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, etc.

I can't even imagine what Raven would think of the last few years of ROH in terms of storytelling.

Sometimes I'm tempted to do the Pixar/Dreamworks picture with old ROH and new ROH
'what if theyre all like, short haircuts and they're all really intense and hit a lot of big moves?'

edit: Modern day ROH is basically what ROH would've instantly become if John Walters was the breakout star instead of Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson, and CM Punk


SmackDown talk:

D. Brine jobbing again, this time to a fucking piece of shit who can't get off the juice. I can't wait for Orton to get his third strike so WWE has no choice but to fire his ass. And fuck Triple H being the leech that he is, I don't care if it's just to appease the live audience. No one gives a fuck about you, you old ass piece of shit.
When does D. Brine job to that broom Triple H talked fondly of wrestling that one time?

I've heard that if a guy keeps losing steadily to all opponents, Creative eventually forgets how to book you to win a match... and you turn into Jack Swagger.


When does D. Brine job to that broom Triple H talked fondly of wrestling that one time?

I've heard that if a guy keeps losing steadily to all opponents, Creative eventually forgets how to book you to win a match... and you turn into Jack Swagger.
Or MVP, who was smart enough to jet.
I like Voyager because it has good standalone episode.

However, you can easily pick and choose Voyager episodes and see everything you need to. The problem with the show is that it was on TV for 7 years, but hit the reset button any time anything big happened. They had some nice story arcs, but when anything big happened, it was inconsequential, and episode after that, everyone is back to normal. There were fun episodes here and there though - as well as the worst episode in the history of Trek, so there is stuff in there to watch to be entertained (or out of morbid curiosity)

I'm somewhat familiar with Star Trek, so I watched Threshold out of morbid curiosity.
You weren't exaggerating about it being terrible.
what in theeeeeeeee fuck

When does D. Brine job to that broom Triple H talked fondly of wrestling that one time?

I've heard that if a guy keeps losing steadily to all opponents, Creative eventually forgets how to book you to win a match... and you turn into Jack Swagger.

I don't know why, but the idea of Swagger acting as the missing link between jobbers and mid-carders gave me a good laugh.


Fave Five Gaffers (no order):

blame space
French Movie Theme
Liu Kang Baking A Pie


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Regular vests, hooded vests, or both?

All kinds

Cody wore a vest, Stone Cold wore a vest, Sid wore a vest, Nakamura wore a vest, Cheerleader Melissa wore a vest, Skip Shefback wore a vest, Kaitlyn wore a vest, JTG is wearing a vest, Heath Slater wore a vest, AJ Styles wore a vest, Jeff Jarrett wore a vest, Bob Orton wore a vest, I could go on and on
Linda McMahon has spent 61 million bucks trying to get elected (50 million in 2008, 11 million so far this year). Wow...
When McMahon ran for Senate in 2010, she broke state records for out-of-pocket spending when the former WWE executive coughed up $50 million of her own fortune and still lost to Democrat Richard Blumenthal by 12 points. This time around, McMahon spent over $11 million dollars to defeat former Rep. Chris Shays, who only spent about $1.2 million.
All kinds

Cody wore a vest, Stone Cold wore a vest, Sid wore a vest, Nakamura wore a vest, Cheerleader Melissa wore a vest, Skip Shefback wore a vest, Kaitlyn wore a vest, JTG is wearing a vest, Heath Slater wore a vest, AJ Styles wore a vest, Jeff Jarrett wore a vest, Bob Orton wore a vest, I could go on and on

A vest accentuates a wrestler's arms and abdominal muscles while concealing weird nipples and bacne from steroid use.

A vest would not be flattering on say, CM Punk, for example.


All kinds

Cody wore a vest, Stone Cold wore a vest, Sid wore a vest, Nakamura wore a vest, Cheerleader Melissa wore a vest, Skip Shefback wore a vest, Kaitlyn wore a vest, JTG is wearing a vest, Heath Slater wore a vest, AJ Styles wore a vest, Jeff Jarrett wore a vest, Bob Orton wore a vest, I could go on and on
It's that, a t-shirt, or a jacket (Bret, Jericho, JBL).

Razor Ramon and Diesel also wore vests. Taker, Sting, Edge, Warrior wore trenches.


I'd post this in halo gaf but since they're probably mad at me for talking shit about their community I'll just post it here



It's actually well written. I'd expect something a lot worse and profanity filled.

No he seems like a pretty smart guy , he even said 'Typical moron is typical' So he sounds internet savvy.

so then I'm trolling him with funny replies.

and he's taking it seriously.
It's that, a t-shirt, or a jacket (Bret, Jericho, JBL).

Razor Ramon and Diesel also wore vests. Taker, Sting, Edge, Warrior wore trenches.

Jericho also wore vests. He wore a shiny chippendale vest when he first came back and he also wore a leather vest in his indy/Lionheart days. Actually, pretty much everyone to come out of Stampede wrestling wore vests at some point (Benoit, every single Hart, Harry Smith, Storm, Tyson, Pillman), I guess it's just a thing.
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