Summerslam thoughts.
Miz and Rey was a pleasant surprise. Those guys work real together and it was nice to see the Miz catch a break. He takes a lot of shit from fans and retired wrestlers but he seems like a guy who really loves "the business".
PG really hurt the final match tonight. After the extreme rules match there is no way Vince was gonna let anyone get juice again. Instead they had to focus on the arm and the stomach angles while in the attitude era both guys would have been wearing crimson masks and beating the living hell out of each other with a variety of weapons. Grudge matches do not work in the PG era.
Del Rio needs to be FE'd. The guy is terrible and if not for Ricardo no one would give a damn about him. He is taking spots from younger talent, and whoever booked that match tonight should be fired immediately.
Tag Team wrestling is still dead.
Gonna be interesting to see how they write off Jericho tommorow. Hopefully they make Ziggler look strong but Jericho being wheeled out in an ambulance is probably not gonna fly in the PG era.
Cole and King are killing the product. The way the final match was called was disgraceful and WWE should be embarrassed. Cole was especially bad. Really, really poor job tonight by those guys.
No more concerts.
Mixed bag on HHH. He made Brock look strong but trying to milk the crowd was lame. They shat all over him which made it that much better.
Even in winning Bryan looked really weak, wish they would make him a threat, he is a freaking submission wrestler!! Let him look strong for once!
The stomach angle was really bad, as was doing kimura's for half the match. I blame PG but they could have done some better spots IMO.
Even Cena is the undercard to the mighty HHH.
I hate Cena. Only clean job he has done in years was to a guy who shows up once every few months. Take a clean loss asshole.