I did platinum two years in a row before they split off VIP for Miami. I'm in the second row in Atlanta an still had my view blocked half the show because I was camera side.WWE have an awesome travel package for rich folk at Mania this year.....
I highlighted the two things I don't think they have done before. Anyone got ten grand I can borrow?
I totally agree, but... not wrestling ability nor muscle size get you over in the business. What gets you over is that microphone and how you are booked.
Look at Cena. He got over with his thuganomics gimmick. He wasn't bulky back then.
That's an amazing string of tweets.The Mysterious & Handsome Stranger's twitter is gold;
"Predicting my movements is like predicting the weather. Can't be done. Except through sorcery. #DoNotTrustMeteorologists"
"Ain't polite to talk politics in front of a lady but I got somethin' to say. So, ladies, please un-follow me. #Gentleman"
"2¢ for a stamp is robbery. #PresidentCleveland"
"Just when you start trusting locomotives, they introduce the automobile. #SlowDown"
"Don't know how to use the typewriter. Sapphire does my Twitters for me. #Pecking"
Greatest gimmick of 2012? Greatest gimmick of 2012.
Seriously. The Reseda crowd will tear him a new one, and it will be glorious. Personally, I'm glad, heel Davey is far superior to face Davey anyway, even if the dude is a massive asshole.
Cena was a former bodybuilder. He wasn't huge, but he was slightly bigger or around the same size as a Kurt Angle upon his debut.
Nothing nobody here matters they don't have ratings boxes or they watch off streams.
I like you Bootaaay. Good luck to the Hammers this season.
Cheers, we're going to need all the luck we can get, I fear. Expect to see some truly ugly football from us this season. And, as I doubt we'll be vying for the same league positions, good luck to the barcodes too - I'll always have a soft spot for Pardew, he's a bit of a wally, but a good manager.
Punk is fine shape to me. That pic doesn't make him look good but he looked fine to me when he wrestled John Cena. All I care is about is the match quality and him not getting gassed 5 minutes into a match.
If he keeps giving the quality of matches he did against Daniel Bryan for 25 minutes then how he looks now is fine to me.
Punk is trying to be a vegan, but he's obviously not yet got his diet right. At least, that's what I think. But what the fuck do I know?
Oh, that guy.
JEEZUS this is some Matt Hardy level shit
JEEZUS this is some Matt Hardy level shit
Obviously Punk has been struggling with alcoholism since Jericho poured alcohol in his mouth and he has developed a beer gut. Don't blame Punk. Blame that rascal Jericho!
So that trip to the pub was exactly what Jericho thought!
He DJs in the New York/ New Jersey and he is terrible.
Obviously Punk has been struggling with alcoholism since Jericho poured alcohol in his mouth and he has developed a beer gut. Don't blame Punk. Blame that rascal Jericho!
Raven did that years ago. Just saying
Fish and Chips man. Shit ain't healthy.
I bet Punk filled up on battered sausages, that stuff is cheap as....chips.
Holy shit, all this time Jericho was just ripping off Raven! What a hypocrite!
Raven is the better man than Punk.
Quote the Raven, Never more.
I am now in the mood for a good meal from the chippy.
If Punk can't get a 6 pack he should quit wrestling, man! What a joke. Who's with me?
I did platinum two years in a row before they split off VIP for Miami. I'm in the second row in Atlanta an still had my view blocked half the show because I was camera side.
They wanted an extra 1000 and you were only guaranteed first four rows last year. Now it's going up another 5. There's a couple cool things they're doing but they should make it row 1 or 1 and 2 to limit the people. Who cares if you're meeting a legend on a tour and there's still 300 of you. Plus tht price point is an absolute ball buster. Too bad they treat their fans shitty at shows now. I've been told to sit and be quiet while booing a heel promo.
They've neutered the audience, lowered the fan interest, and now tripled the price. Brilliant.
I'm doing wrestlecon and buying a 100 level mania ticket. Should be an awesome weekend.
What we really need is a Snooki rematch at WM. Fuck bitching about one unflattering photo of Punk, the real problem is the lack of Jersey Shore in the WWE.
Agreed. And wasn't EVERYONE impressed with what Snooki could do? Give us some Ronnie! Single Ronnie for GM!
Ugh. Raw starts in 45 minutes. I don't know if I can do this every Monday.
Shawn Michaels LIVE on Raw TONIGHT. Lesner and Triple H in the building as well. Buy a Slurpee
Ugh. Raw starts in 45 minutes. I don't know if I can do this every Monday.
Enjoy the 75 minutes of commercials.Ugh. Raw starts in 45 minutes. I don't know if I can do this every Monday.
Devil Punk is much better than Matt Hardy 2.0. Wonder why the hell he has that on.