
How can you be King Of Strong Style in a company that doesn't allow it?

maybe King of Snug style. Steve Austin would appreciate that.


Now post the number of IWGP champions during CM Punk's record setting (lol) reign.

Edit: Fuck it. I'll do it.

Hiroshi Tanahashi
Kazuchika Okada
Hiroshi Tanahashi

That's it.

Yup, was just about to do it myself. It was at the same time of Tana's really long run with the title, Okada's shock win and Tana getting it back.


Strong style really isn't a phrase that should be used anywhere in the WWE. Even the Itami/Black match was pattycake by their standards. Unless Juicy Jinder's going ham on a bankable star, there's no strong style to speak of. Which is fine, honestly, it just means little in their context.



Reposting because this was my 2nd favorite Corbin moment from last night.
My favorite was his burial.


I mean strong style shouldn't really be used in the NJPW either. Maybe for the Nagata G1 matches?

Hideki Suzuki is strong style, I think.


Baron Corbin, Rusev, and Bray Wyatt should form a faction, and by that I mean just leave the company.

Edit: I think that match against Rusev was Randy's best match of the year, sadly.
Bray doesn't have much of a future outside of his current gimmick.
I'm not sure Corbin has much of a future... period.

Rusev and Lana should take their act elsewhere.
At least until jealous Vince is a corpse.
I wonder what Toni Storm will use for her finisher during the MYC. It was listed last night as Strong Zero, but there's no way they let her do a piledriver.

Then again Brian Kendrick did a burning hammer in the CWC, so who knows.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I worked myself into a shoot today.

My old ass Note 4 broke some weeks ago and I decided to buy a S8+ because I saw it had a 6.2 screen compared to the Note 4's 5.5... turns out the ratio is different and it actually feels smaller >_>

Oh well it's a slick ass phone otherwise so I'm sure I'll get used to it.
I'm stupid. I looked at the sun without glasses at like 5% coverage
I worked myself into a shoot today.

My old ass Note 4 broke some weeks ago and I decided to buy a S8+ because I saw it had a 6.2 screen compared to the Note 4's 5.5... turns out the ratio is different and it actually feels smaller >_>

Oh well it's a slick ass phone otherwise so I'm sure I'll get used to it.
I've had my note 2 since like 7th or 8th grade. Will never get used to Cruiserweight phones.
That shit made me legit salty. I looked at my girlfriend and said "are you fucking kidding me?!" I thought smackdown would be a perfect fit for rusev after the draft but they have done nothing but shit on the guy and hold him down.

I guess Vince is still upset that Rusev broke kayfabe regarding his relationship with Lana.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I've said it before, but I hope WWE does use "trading" as a storyline rather than "surprise, I am at your show now; I'm a free agent hire!" The free agent narrative is lazy and makes the "general managers" look incompetent. There is no way that Daniel Bryan, as a general manager ,would let John Cena "walk", especially given their real-life relationship that is acknowledged on TV.

The only time free agency makes sense is with NXT or new hires from outside of the company.

Smackdown trades:
John Cena, Erick Rowan, Dolph Ziggler, Aiden English, Nikki Bella

Why: Cena is already going to Raw. Rowan can reunite with Wyatt, maybe even have a tag run if needed. Ziggler needs to move but perhaps it would just mean more pointless Miz feuds, but not certain what else he can do at this point that isn't a retread unless he goes full-on heel.

Raw trades:
Samoa Joe, Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, Goldust, Dana Brooke

Why: Samoa Joe gets to feud with the likes of AJ Styles, Owens, Nakamura, Zayn, and incoming Bobby Roode. He is automatically a top talent for the brand that can help fill the role Cena would be vacating. Anderson and Gallows reunite with Styles, but as faces. Goldust is able to interact with Breezango, which is a win to continue their skits and humor. Brooke needs a restart and would fit in on the Smackdown roster that is giving a lot of girls chances.

Smackdown "signs":
Authors of Pain, Bobby Roode

Why: AoP helps out the light Smackdown tag division ASAP. They also come in full heel and could feud with the likes of New Day and Anderson & Gallows.

Raw "signs":
Asuka, No Way Jose

Why: Asuka comes to murder. No Way Jose has nothing to do in NXT and can join the lower ranks of Raw.


And lets not forget Jinder has now the evil foreigner gimmick.

And he has that swole look and represents a bigger potential market.
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