This is all I could think of when Finn was whispering his nursery rhymes from that booster seat:
Just bought a new 4K TV so I canwatch the WWE Network in 4K on my 4K capable Shield TVnot.because the WWE Network is 720p and not available on Android TV or Google Cast at all
Just bought a new 4K TV so I canwatch the WWE Network in 4K on my 4K capable Shield TVnot.because the WWE Network is 720p and not available on Android TV or Google Cast at all
Why would you need to watch wrestling or anything in 4K?
I watched that Finn promo.
That was some goofy ass shit. But it was so "goofy ass shit" that I liked it. Need more dumb crazy stuff like that.
Rybacks website is live
Guess he is going by The Big Guy.
Can't see people buying that much merch.
Dean Ambrose is not real. I mean, he's clearly guarded and putting on a front, for whatever reason. It doesn't make for compelling interviews. And that last part was brutal. That was Dean's moment to fire up, knock the mic off the desk, and tell Austin the whole roster would pay for Austin's disrespect before storming off the set. Or something. But he just awkwardly sat there like a deer in the headlights. Jesus!
Anyway, I still like the guy fine, but I'd be surprised if this wasn't the death of his run. Or, if he's smart and realizes he looked like a buffoon, he actually throws caution to the wind and truly pushes the envelope. I don't think that'll happen based on him saying stuff like "but Stone Cold, I tryyy"...
Anyway, as the kids say, it wasn't a good look for your world champeen.
This is the real crux of the argument right here.The problem with scripting for me really comes down the quality of the writing. No one really gets to stand out as every character feels the same. Things like character motivations and giving each character a unique voice just don't really happen under the current model. Exceptions being those lucky few who are given more freedom to shape their promos, or can inject some life into their scripts. Everyone else just feels really homogenized and samey.
Either way, it's gonna take him like 10 minutes to get to the ring and he's gonna look dumb when the match starts.Finn's entrance will be really lame or really cool
I mean...true."I'm foreign, let me tell you about my foreign ways" - No babyface that is about to win the title and have a successful run ever, 2016
"I'm foreign, let me tell you about my foreign ways" - No babyface that is about to win the title and have a successful run ever, 2016
If Austin was in the wrong then he shouldn't be employed to do these sit-downs. The end result was still Ambrose looking like a schmuck, right or wrong, fair or unfair, professional or unprofessional.I'm not sure shooting an angle with a retired wrestler who is egging you on to be unprofessional and actively work against what you are told to do is a good look.
Just bought a new 4K TV so I canwatch the WWE Network in 4K on my 4K capable Shield TVnot.because the WWE Network is 720p and not available on Android TV or Google Cast at all
I've got the app on Android TV, dunno about casting though.
then what's the point.
Yep, The Demon has to win. Hope Seth can drag a half-decent match out of him.Finn's entrance needs to be streamlined. It goes on for way too long.
He has to win now though right? If he debuts the "demon" on the main roster and gets pinned clean, then what's the point.
Do they ever learn? Nope.Didn't they try that with Sheamus as well at some stage?
Do they ever learn? Are the fucking stupid? Do they enjoy presenting most of their talents as goofy fuckheads?
Yeah, I honestly don't know how I missed that, was the release not advertised? Weird.
Nothing's advertised for Android TV![]()
It's the OS on like half the TV's in the market now, so it's probably okay.
If Austin was in the wrong then he shouldn't be employed to do these sit-downs. The end result was still Ambrose looking like a schmuck, right or wrong, fair or unfair, professional or unprofessional.
It's the OS on like half the TV's in the market now, so it's probably okay.
Well, only Sony and Phillips TVs with Sharp to follow, so probably not half the TVs sold or anything like that.
At least, that's according to Google.
I didn't understand a word, klonere. I feel like I'm interviewing Dean Ambrose right now.
.While away from the WWE I created The Big Guy's persona, which is based off a terminator type character. I have always set missions and goals in my life and one night where some alcohol may or may not have been involved watching Terminator 2 I created The Big Guy.
I didn't understand a word, klonere. I feel like I'm interviewing Dean Ambrose right now.
Finn's entrance needs to be streamlined. It goes on for way too long.
He has to win now though right? If he debuts the "demon" on the main roster and gets pinned clean, then what's the point.
Finn's entrance needs to be streamlined. It goes on for way too long.
He has to win now though right? If he debuts the "demon" on the main roster and gets pinned clean, then what's the point.
Finn's entrance needs to be streamlined. It goes on for way too long.
He has to win now though right? If he debuts the "demon" on the main roster and gets pinned clean, then what's the point.
There's an old pre WWE interview that may or may not be kayfabe where Dean talks about living in a big stretch of government housing where he sometimes had to sell drugs before dropping out of highschool to pro wrestle.
I don't think the dude has much of a life outside the biz.
Dean Ambrose the character, the champion is a secondary concern to not talking shit about the company he is the current, theoretical top representative of.
Huh? Talking crap about the company? He did criticize certain things within the company. But that's not what I'm even talking about. He could've handled the Stone Cold Challenge better. But he just sat there like the proverbial lump on a log, daddeh. He should've shown fire, even if he changed absolutely nothing about his approach behind the scenes and/or in front of the camera afterward. The problem was him looking like a big, spineless nothing at the end. Y'know?