Ambrose seemed awkward as fuck for a good portion. Combined with some audio issues, it was a bit of a letdown.
You mean censorship?
Ambrose seemed awkward as fuck for a good portion. Combined with some audio issues, it was a bit of a letdown.
You mean censorship?
That's the only thing I hate about watching the Stone Cold podcasts on demand. They don't censor them live, but they censor everything after the fact.
Why not just leave it there as is with a language warning?
There was like a huge sentence of Dean's that just got DELETED. I think it was even on the live broadcast.
Will the podcast be different?
As long as Kane goes overDemon King vs. Demon Kane
Everybody got real work to do in the back.
I'm embarrassed by how old my account there is. Even more embarrassed by the username I picked when i was a dumb kid.
As long as Kane goes over
OKay I'm very surprised they choreographed this welll
Since when was DiBiase a mark for Trump?
Do we have a list of all these heels that support Trump?
All my childhood memories ruined.
Please tell me that's a shop and Kevin Nash isn't actually a Trump supporter
fucking political talk, goddammit
But Million Dollar man supporting Trump is PERFECT. In that sense, the character keeps on giving.
Oh my god where do I begin. Ambrose was not comfortable at all. He really didn't want to be there, he didn't want to talk about himself, he mumbled stuttered, didn't answer one question straight up.
It was as awkward an interview as I have ever seen. It did him no favors, and it painted him badly as a champion. He probably has heat now, because he talked about Vince.
Austin was trying to drag anything out of him, and Ambrose was just comatose.
It was so crazy.That ending my god.
Retirement? Ha ha ha! Aha! Kane will live forever!I think this would be a good retirement feud for Kane.
Please tell me that's a shop and Kevin Nash isn't actually a Trump supporter
It's a swerve brother!
Top 8 weird/bad WWE Merch sold on the WWE shop:
8.7.Golden Truth T-shirt6.WM 32 plastic mason jar5.Asuka mask4.Dean Ambrose wrist sleeves3.Sheamus 5:15 T-shirt2.This is awesome drink sleeve1.Renee Young action figureTNA Hebner T-shirt
#1 isn't on the WWE shop.
fucking political talk, goddammit
You don't own this thread, you penis!
No one is going to hate you for being a republican, Vince.
Seriously , nothing wrong with politics as long as we remember what binds our brotherhood. There are plenty of reasons why people vote one way or another and that shouldn't get people going at each others' throats. i have faith in the people in this community. lets not take this shit seriously particularly as it pertains to things we have very little control over.
I guess it doesnt bother me because i try not to succumb to slippery slope fallacies ("If you're republican than you hate x, y z and if you vote democrat then you think a ,b and c"). Life is much better when you assume you dont know shit.
You mean censorship?
You're the strangest man, Vance. The strangest.
Reminds me of this.
Generous interpretation of Corbin's hairline.
NEOGAF, a forum where people insult each others' mothers over stupid shit like MCU vs DCU, movie box office numbers or which console is best or so many other weird shit. Trust me, we have never reached that low. Political discussion can be another excuse to resort to that shit but that shit, in and of itself, doesnt rear its ugly head in here often enough to be a concern.
Looks better than 2K's Dream Team scans.Aside from his scanned tattoo, Corbin looks like a CAW rather than an in game Superstar.
OIN dentist? I like it lol.Kane should die and be reincarnated as Isaac Yankem.
Let people believe what they want to. Just like the HOF, lol. Dean was drunk that's why he lost. Riiiiiiiiiiiight.I'm actually surprised people are blaming Ambrose for that Austin interview. He doesn't deserve any blame at all for that one.
- He wasn't high or drunk. Ambrose is naturally like that, watch some interviews of his out of kayfabe and he's the same way. He's naturally chill, laidback and relaxed. His character is just different. You could tell he wasn't on anything by how he turned that promo on in the middle of the interview and then when he was done he went back to normal. Also you could see Austin pissed him off with that shoot at the end.
- Austin kept trying to get info on his bad childhood out in the open but Ambrose wasn't comfortable talking about it. Once they got away from that and went into wrestling Ambrose opened up more and the interview got a lot better.
- Their "styles clashed" no pun intended. Austin's more rapid fire question question question and Ambrose is more laidback and go with the flow. That doesn't work well.
- Austin had some questions he needed to ask and he also had a 1hr time limit. Had this been on his podcast Ambrose could have flowed more with Austin.
The Lesnar and Vince comments aren't bad, I mean it is what it is and it's no different than what others have said in the past.
Dope interview though, it was just very complex and tense. Even Ambrose brought up how tense it was. It was awkward a bit though but it wasn't due to Ambrose. Austin and Ambrose both were stuck within the fines of the WWE and they just didn't have the time nor the "styles" to work well. I imagine if it was Jericho and on Jericho's podcast things would have worked better given they have better chemistry ala both those Talk Is Jericho episodes with Ambrose.