I don't see what was so "omg he's SHOOTING" or "ugh worked shoots ugh" about the Dean/Ziggler thing. It was two characters going after each other, trying to get under each others skin. Kayfabe-wise, they are both right - The Shield did immediately break into the main event scene and stayed there but after they broke up Dean was left to scrap and claw, being targeted and destroyed by The Authority and The Wyatts in quick succession.
Dolph was more or less ignored after his kayfabe two biggest moments, WHC win (welp, a concussion, get this over with) and Survivor Series 2014 (absolutely nothing on the followup). He then did precisely jack shit until a nearly career ending angle with Rusev and losing to Baron Corbin. So this is his Last Chance Saloon and Dean knows it. Dean knows his shtick so he needled him with it, reminded him that if he doesn't take this seriously, he's going to lose the match and lose the chance at ever challenging for the main title again.
Y'all either want to relate everything back to Punk or Russo.
They both need to sort their fucking hair out, though.