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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


Hey Rampage found a suit!

Also, major Impact Spoiler:

Sabin had the saddest 4 week title reign ever. He never got the chance when the whole Aces and Eights and MEM storyline overshadowed him. Hell Brooke Hogan over shadowed his title reign.


Neo Member
If Raw isn't in Arkansas or any other such place, it should be okay.

where's RAW from the night after SummerSlam? somewhere else in California? I doubt the timing of this announcement was super 'spontaneous', the WWE have a new reality show aimed at women on the E! network with ratings growing weekly, and their #2 PPV this weekend, the publicity is priceless. if they don't book PTP on RAW then they are beyond hopeless.


Hey Rampage found a suit!

Also, major Impact Spoiler:

Sabin had the saddest 4 week title reign ever. He never got the chance when the whole Aces and Eights and MEM storyline overshadowed him. Hell Brooke Hogan over shadowed his title reign.

Who cares?

You act like it is a shock
Playing devil's advocate, and keep in mind that NXT is the only show I watch:

Isn't the fact that everyone will be *really* upset if Bryan doesn't leave Summerslam as champion indicative that there is REAL money in an extended chase instead?

I mean, once he's won it once you'll never have the impact of that first win again. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe the win then Orton cash-in would be even better. Sweet victory only to have it snatched away by cruel fate! What great storytelling. Now THAT'S drama.

I know WWE has screwed over the fan base so many times over the years that it's impossible to take anything like a potential cash-in as anything but trolling the audience, but think about it for a minute. This hasn't really been much of an extended chase, has it? The fact that everyone wants it SO bad tells me there's real money to be made here.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
did they edit off Mickie's intro because the crowd went ape shit for her since shes from the state??


I hope WWE gives Bryan his moment to end the show. If Orton cashes in, I hope it's on Raw, and not on Summerslam, although they've been teasing him HARD the past few weeks.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Playing devil's advocate, and keep in mind that NXT is the only show I watch:

Isn't the fact that everyone will be *really* upset if Bryan doesn't leave Summerslam as champion indicative that there is REAL money in an extended chase instead?

I mean, once he's won it once you'll never have the impact of that first win again. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe the win then Orton cash-in would be even better. Sweet victory only to have it snatched away by cruel fate! What great storytelling. Now THAT'S drama.

I know WWE has screwed over the fan base so many times over the years that it's impossible to take anything like a potential cash-in as anything but trolling the audience, but think about it for a minute. This hasn't really been much of an extended chase, has it? The fact that everyone wants it SO bad tells me there's real money to be made here.

I totally see Bryan not winning, hang around for a few weeks in the title picture until he's in a story with Big Show, then he wins the Rumble.
I think the possibility of him not winning, then getting stuck in a dead-end angle with someone like Show until all his heat is gone is what scares everyone so much. That's a fear that's totally justified knowing WWE.


That spoiler is LOL-worthy. Of course that was going to happen. TNA sucks.

I'm going to be bummed as fuck if Young comes out to boos instead of a standing ovation on their next show.

If Young get's boo'd or chants start about him being a "homo" or whatever insult they choose, I would love to see a wrestler completely tear into them on the microphone. Just destroy those people for being spineless bigots. The press they would get would be astronomical.


The problem with that is I don't think WWE can keep up the momentum from now until the Rumble or Wrestlemania. They have a TERRIBLE problem with not being able to keep guys on a roll and letting them fizzle out. I feel like having Daniel Bryan lose at SS and not win by Survivor Series at the absolute latest is going to damage him badly and he'll end up as just another upper mid card guy for life instead of a potential break out star on Punk's level.


Neo Member
on Tuesday night I went to see a one-night only show at the yearly Edinburgh Fringe Festival called 'the Wrestling'. I had seen reviews of the first show from two years ago, it was described as comedians vs. wrestlers, but I had no idea what to expect. it was FUCKING AWESOME.

it was basically a bunch of British comedians and a bunch of British wrestlers having some wrestling matches with more comedians providing commentary. didn't recognise all the guys, but the comedians included Tim Vine, Ardal O'Hanlon, Andrew Maxwell and Brendan Burns, and the wrestlers included Dan 'the Hammer' Head, the Bulk, some other dudes and COLT CABANA who I had no idea was wrestling and marked out for like hell.

anyway it was awesome, the wrestlers were really sticking their moves in snug on the comedians and fair play to them, they took the punishment really well. there were a few weird moments, like when one comedian hit a fucking perfect top rope Hurricanrana on a wrestler, and another comedian hit a Perfectplex on his friend. by the end there was a top rope plancha, a table broken, some fireworks and a dude in his actual underwear. Colt won the final match with a perfect Moonsault off the top rope of the shoddily constructed ring.

it was really, really funny and really, really awesome.


I think the possibility of him not winning, then getting stuck in a dead-end angle with someone like Show until all his heat is gone is what scares everyone so much. That's a fear that's totally justified knowing WWE.

That's not happening. There is spoilers already of next month's pay per view and Bryan is not facing the Big Show.
Playing devil's advocate, and keep in mind that NXT is the only show I watch:

Isn't the fact that everyone will be *really* upset if Bryan doesn't leave Summerslam as champion indicative that there is REAL money in an extended chase instead?

I mean, once he's won it once you'll never have the impact of that first win again. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe the win then Orton cash-in would be even better. Sweet victory only to have it snatched away by cruel fate! What great storytelling. Now THAT'S drama.

I know WWE has screwed over the fan base so many times over the years that it's impossible to take anything like a potential cash-in as anything but trolling the audience, but think about it for a minute. This hasn't really been much of an extended chase, has it? The fact that everyone wants it SO bad tells me there's real money to be made here.

Is my giant block of text invisible? do ya'll have me on ignore?

You just paraphrased my post that took me a lot of time to write and your getting over with it.

You are burying me.


The problem with that is I don't think WWE can keep up the momentum from now until the Rumble or Wrestlemania. They have a TERRIBLE problem with not being able to keep guys on a roll and letting them fizzle out. I feel like having Daniel Bryan lose at SS and not win by Survivor Series at the absolute latest is going to damage him badly and he'll end up as just another upper mid card guy for life instead of a potential break out star on Punk's level.
This is why I feel like they need to pull the trigger. On paper, keeping the chase until like WM should make Bryan even more over, but WWE can't keep momentum going like that.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
The problem with that is I don't think WWE can keep up the momentum from now until the Rumble or Wrestlemania. They have a TERRIBLE problem with not being able to keep guys on a roll and letting them fizzle out. I feel like having Daniel Bryan lose at SS and not win by Survivor Series at the absolute latest is going to damage him badly and he'll end up as just another upper mid card guy for life instead of a potential break out star on Punk's level.

Bryan can main event a ppv without a title if he's in a meaningful story.

Happened with Punk in 2011 at Night Of Champions. Punk lost the match.

The thing with Daniel Bryan has been going on before Wrestlemania 28. The YES chants won't go away...ever.


on Tuesday night I went to see a one-night only show at the yearly Edinburgh Fringe Festival called 'the Wrestling'. I had seen reviews of the first show from two years ago, it was described as comedians vs. wrestlers, but I had no idea what to expect. it was FUCKING AWESOME.

it was basically a bunch of British comedians and a bunch of British wrestlers having some wrestling matches with more comedians providing commentary. didn't recognise all the guys, but the comedians included Tim Vine, Ardal O'Hanlon, Andrew Maxwell and Brendan Burns, and the wrestlers included Dan 'the Hammer' Head, the Bulk, some other dudes and COLT CABANA who I had no idea was wrestling and marked out for like hell.

anyway it was awesome, the wrestlers were really sticking their moves in snug on the comedians and fair play to them, they took the punishment really well. there were a few weird moments, like when one comedian hit a fucking perfect top rope Hurricanrana on a wrestler, and another comedian hit a Perfectplex on his friend. by the end there was a top rope plancha, a table broken, some fireworks and a dude in his actual underwear. Colt won the final match with a perfect Moonsault off the top rope of the shoddily constructed ring.

it was really, really funny and really, really awesome.

Sounds like fun! Colt's usually good for a laugh. :)

Agreed that Bryan NEEDS to win the title to keep his momentum going.



WCW Thunder 6/4/98

Show opens with a recap of Sting SWERVING the nWo by joining the nWo. Then a recap of the best of 7 series.

Chris Benoit vs Booker T Best of 7 Match 5

Booker has to win this match. He hits the ax kick very early on. He isn't fucking around this time. He knows he has to win and he's going all in. Benoit comes back with the rolling Reich suplexes. Eventually, Stevie Ray comes out to make sure his brother doesn't loose again like a punk ass sucka. Iron Crossface is locked on, but Book is in the ropes. Book wins with the missile dropkick. Benoit is still ahead 3-2.

The Giant comes to the ring. Since Sting joined the wrong nWo, Giant decides he's going to give his half of the tag titles to Brian Adams. They challenge Sting/Lex to a tag match tonight!

Van Hammer vs Reese

Oh gross. Reese wins after Whoreass hits Hammer with a stop sign and he hits his double chokeslam. Juvi then runs out to save Hammer.


Eddie Guerrero vs Alex Wright

Eddie storms to the ring and grabs a mic. He doesn't know what has been causing Chavo to act the way he has been lately, but the whole family is concerned. Eddie set up an appointment with Dave Penzer's father, who is a shrink. Well, apparently Chavo didn't take the appointment since he comes down to the ring. He comes in and the match is thrown out. Eddie runs away from crazy Chavo.

TO THE SCHIAVONE. He brings Lex out to the ring. God. This show already is testing me. Lex has been signed as head of recruitment for the Wolfpac. He accepts the challenged laid out by The Giant. He wants to bring DDP into the Wolfpac and as his partner tonight. I thought it was Lex/Sting, but I probably wasn't paying much attention to that promo earlier anyway.

Hypnosis vs Fit Finlay WCW TV Championship

Hypno very early botches a slide between the legs and it pisses Fit off. He beats the shit out of Hypno for a bit. Hypno comes back and hits a super rana. Fit doesn't give a shit and hits the Finlay Roll and tombstone for the easy win.

Recap of all the nWo stuff from Nitro, including the SWERVE of SWERVES of Sting joining the Wolfpac.

Glacier vs Saturn

Glacier does his whole intro and is blown up. The lights come up and Saturn was standing behind him in the ring. Then some hilariously homoerotic things happen that would make some guy on Youtube very upset. Saturn proceeds to hit a German suplex, plancha, and kick to the face. Glacier botches gets his legs up in the corner and getting tossed over the ropes. Saturn hits an outside in suplex from the second rope. Lodi gets up on the apron. He and the ref get bumped. Saturn hits the superkick. He goes for the DVD after calling out a ref. And that ref was KANYON! Flatliner! BANG! Saturn gets up and hit with the Cryonic Kick. Glacier actually wins a match.




Curt Hennig comes out and says he won't be able to return to action for at least 2 weeks, so he'll have to miss his match with Goldberg. Konnan is going to take Curt's spot at the PPV. If Konnan wins, he'll give Hennig the first title shot.

Silver King vs Dean Malenko WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Maybe they'll give me something good. Dean hits the leg lariat and tiltawhirl back breaker in the opening moments and then grounds things for a bit. Silver King tries to mount a comeback, but he can't get any traction. Chris Jericho comes to ringside and rings the bell. He's wearing Prince's skirt. He has an NWA rule book from 1934 that he found in the Library of Congress and it states that a champion has the first right of refusal over a challenger. It's the Ed The Strangler Lewis Loophole. And since Jericho didn't agree to face Dean, he is still the champion. Jericho demands that Dean give him the title...and he does. IN THE FACE! SWERVE!


Disco Inferno vs Raven

Disco knows he can't goof off against Raven and takes it to him right away. He's got his wrist tape off and choking and all of that stuff. Like a real heel. Raven likes it, though. He's all about that pain. Gets his dick stiff like the fans cheering for Hogan. Disco goes hip first into the ring steps and looks hurt. Raven props a chair in the corner and whips Disco into it. Drop toe hold on the chair is reversed and Disco hit a face buster of his own. Raven wins with the Evenflow. He then calls out Kanyon while the security guards and Flock aren't out there. Raven is losing his shit over this Kanyon stuff.


Goldberg vs Hugh Morrus/Barbarian

I don't think this is a title match. I don't think it was actually even a handicap match, but the ref apparently didn't care. This is actually shorter than most of his matches. Brain is a straight up mark for Goldberg and it's great to hear him sound enthused about something.


Lex Luger/DDP vs The Giant/Brian Adams WCW Tag Team Championships

Another gross match. Why are they dragging DDP down with this shit? Sting, in red face paint, distracted Giant, leading to a Kanyon Cutter on Crush for the win. BANG! New Champions! JJ called in and declared that Giant had no authority to make the match a title match, so Lex and DDP are not the champions. Furthermore, Sting will face The Giant at GAB with the winner getting both tag titles and choosing a new partner.



This is why I feel like they need to pull the trigger. On paper, keeping the chase until like WM should make Bryan even more over, but WWE can't keep momentum going like that.

Yeah, as a fan I'd probably get bored too, unless Bryan is putting together Cesaro-level matches week after week.


It's best to have two guys on your team that have never wrestled before, for your life or death level match that could eliminate one of your group from the company.


Is Rampage is calling out people from Sherdog plus getting What chants.

edit: Guess Sabin is busy and that pay per view shout out for Bellator.
Is my giant block of text invisible? do ya'll have me on ignore?

You just paraphrased my post that took me a lot of time to write and your getting over with it.

You are burying me.

Sorry, was going to write something similar earlier but was at work and couldn't devote any time to it... I didn't read every post on the page.

Not trying to be The Game or anything
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