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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


It would kill Graves as a long-term superstar. He already has the stigma of being a CM Punk ripoff. He blocks people daily on Twitter and it's all anyone talks about with him on Tumblr.
Some News:

Basically at the end of that match a major angle is going to go down. Somebody is going heel but the guess is who?

Also, the reason the shield have heat:

If the storyline is basically Vince coming out with a hero to stop the evil HHH, I desperately hope that hero is Shane.

I want Shane back, I wish Shane would take control of this company, and not HHH. :(


So not worth it
Okay, TNA is officially dead. I don't even have interest in their special episodes anymore.

Did Bully win his title back?


That would be the worst shit. Don't even start.

Worst is not a thing you're allowed to say when describing ANY kind of feud between Heyman and Punk.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Good things I can say about the Wolfpac:

They had an awesome theme.

At least their group didn't have Hogan.

For about a week or two they scratched an itch for a face NWO, but then you realize that is dumb as fuck and that Sting should have won the belt at Starrcade then did a champ against champ feud with Bret while the NWO dissolution angle happened without him. Then the winner of the NWO war could be fed to Goldberg. There, I just booked a much better 1998 for you WCW.
Okay, TNA is officially dead. I don't even have interest in their special episodes anymore.

Did Bully win his title back?

Indeed. Sabin was about to escape when suddenly Anderson stopped him, and then Rampage and Tito came out and stopped him BUT WAIT! Tito hits Rampage with a hammer and attacks Sabin and Bully becomes champion again.

How would you book Corey in the double E?

uhhhhhhhhhh i dunno maybe the same as in NXT

I'm an uncreative person


Seems like TNA dropped a bunch of things tonight with those Impact spoilers.

AJ's gimmick, all X Division matches being 3 way matches, and the TV title is gone now that Devon's gone.

This definitely seems like a company lacking in any sort of long term vision.
He looks like a douche.


When is Tyson Kidd expected to come back? Evan Bourne's been teasing for months but I haven't heard much about him lately.

You probably won't see anything of Kidd until the new year, whereas Bourne has been fit for a while now - he returned at an NXT house show in March, so I guess they're just waiting until they have something for him before bringing him back.

Kevin Nash said:
“SABIN: GREAT TALENT AND DUDE they (TNA) will f*ck him in less than 3 months”

That was rather generous of Nash, it took TNA just 28 days.
You probably won't see anything of Kidd until the new year, whereas Bourne has been fit for a while now - he returned at an NXT house show in March, so I guess they're just waiting until they have something for him before bringing him back.

Kofi just came back too, sooooooooooooooo

That was rather generous of Nash, it took TNA just 28 days.

Really though, they belted him after he returned with like no buildup and he came out to like no reaction every week because no one really had reason to care. I'm just imagining Evan Bourne returning right now and defeating Alberto Del Rio for the title at his first PPV back. It'd be like that, kinda.


Kofi just came back too, sooooooooooooooo

Really though, they belted him after he returned with like no buildup and he came out to like no reaction every week because no one really had reason to care. I'm just imagining Evan Bourne returning right now and defeating Alberto Del Rio for the title at his first PPV back
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Adrian Neville will make lots of other high flyers look foolish, but we're getting goons like Khali, Miz, and Swagger on TV every week. Certainly with a three hour show, instead of getting an increase of repeat matches, put a bigger variety of stars out there. If need be, just re-unite Kingston and Bourne.


So not worth it
Bourne flies. That's all he does.

No charisma, no looks and a risk for welness violations.

He'll never get pushed again in WWE, don't even count on it.


Bourne flies. That's all he does.

No charisma, no looks and a risk for welness violations.

He'll never get pushed again in WWE, don't even count on it.
You can go through the entire roster and find lots of problems with majority of them.

He's a good high flyer and sells pretty well. Again, if you compare him to guys like Neville, lots of guys look underwhelming, but he's decent value. Jack Swagger got a WHC contender push and he has no charisma, can't talk, mediocre wrestler who performs the ankle lock like a twat, but just has decent size. And he still gets on TV every week.
I think it's a misnomer to say Neville's so far and beyond Bourne's abilities, it's just that Evan's been in WWE for so long people have forgotten the extent of his move-set. If we ever got to see Neville vs Bourne, I'd like to think WWE would allow him to bust out shit like his Double Helix (corkscrew Lionsault), belly-to-belly moonsault slam, springboard 450, corkscrew senton, etc.


I always thought Sabin winning the title was a knee jerk reaction to Daniel Bryan's popularity in WWE. They put the belt on a similar wrestler who wasn't tied up in the Bound For Glory series. Let's face it, Austin Aries would have got this run if he wasn't in that.

The quick turn-around proves it.

Boo TNA. Boo.


So not worth it
I always thought Sabin winning the title was a knee jerk reaction to Daniel Bryan's popularity in WWE. They put the belt on a similar wrestler who wasn't tied up in the Bound For Glory series. Let's face it, Austin Aries would have got this run if he wasn't in that.

The quick turn-around proves it.

Boo TNA. Boo.

Nah, it's more that they didn't have a choice. Last year they had Aries who was super over, wanted to shoehorn him in the World Title slot and turned the X-Division Title into a Money in the Bank briefcase on a whim.

This year, they went "OH FUCK, we have to push another X Division guy into the world title slot, but nobody gives two shits about any of them", but also couldn't do a cash-in and loss on the second cash-in so they just put it on the only guy they could build a story around.


Man, I said I'd never buy another WWE game unless Daniel Bryan was on the cover like a month ago in the thread thinking they're never put him on it and now I just saw sandman posted the covers yesterday. That means I have to buy a WWE game :(

Also that dance battle on NXT was pretty good. I'm a couple weeks behind.

Is Bo Dallas' character a heel that thinks he's a face?


WCW Monday Nitro 6/8/98

The show starts out with Michael Buffer announcing Hollywood Hogan. And alongside Hogan was DENNIS RODMAN!!! Rodzilla in the house, yo! You've got to be shitting me, they had Michael Buffer come to the show just to introduce Hogan for a PROMO? Lol. What a waste of money. They could have just come out to the ring with no introduction. I can't even hear what Hogan is saying due to the shitty VHS audio that is 15 years old and the crowd being so loud on top of it. Rodman is wearing pajama pants. Apparently, the nWo is unbeatable with Dennis Rodman around. One basketball player is going to stop all of the Wolfpac and WCW.

EARLIER TODAY. Tenay was sent outside to talk to fans at a tail gate party. So awkward. He definitely came off as a pedo talking to some teenage boys.

The nWo music starts. Then it stops. Then the Wolfpac music starts up. The full Wolfpac come out. Man, the red and black face paint looks like shit. Not a good look at all. Probably would have looked better if the base was black and the streaks were red. Nash talks about his history with DDP, going back to the start of their careers. They had a vote and everyone but Savage wants DDP in the group. Continuity? In a group where Sting and Lex joined after feuding with the nWo for 2 years? After Lex and Savage literally tried to kill each other for the first 3 months of the year and are now buddy buddy? How strange. Nash's mic gets cut off. Hogan's voice rings out. He, Bisch, Rodman, and Hart are at the sound board, fucking around and shooting pyro off and stuff.

TO THE BACK. Konnan has a mic and is bitching to JJ. JJ doesn't seem to give a shit.

Jerry Flynn vs Yuji Nagata

Yuji is repping a sweet NJPW track jacket tonight. This is only about a half hour into the show before the first match. Flynn gets the early offense. Explodaaah. Flynn comes back with a lariat. Nagata does an ankle pick and puts a leg lock on. Front leg back front side forward down select kick. Gamenguri. Yuji wins with a back drop drivaaaaah and Nagata Lock.


TO THE SCHIAVONE. Tony brings out Jericho. He has a letter from Ted Turner. Ted is very happy with Jericho's recent performances and sees a lot of himself in Jericho. Ted Turner declares that Dean Malenko should not be the champion, however, Jericho's whining makes him agree with JJ, and he will not reverse the decision.

Whoreass/Reese vs Juventud Guerrera/Van Hammer

Shit on a stick. 3 shitty dudes and a guy a 3rd the size of all of them. Juvi does a flying springboard dick to the face to Reese, who trips and falls over Horace. Hammer throws Juvi to the floor on top of them, then does a shitty dive of his own. Hammer tries a cobra clutch slam on Horace. These guys suck.

TO THE SKYBOX. nWo Hollywood are still hanging out and being wacky. They're talking about Scott Steiner and how he's going to be the second biggest star in Hollywood soon. I assume they were talking about Steiner, they didn't actually name him.

TO THE SCHIAVONE. Tony talks with JJ. He says he tried to stop the tag title match before it even happened last week, but bad weather made it difficult for him to get in contact with anyone at the show. He again reiterates that Sting vs Giant for the tag titles will go down at GAB.

Scott Putski vs Eddie Guerrero

Putski had bad tights and looks like he skips leg day quite a bit. He's way top heavy. He almost kills Eddie a few years early with a release German suplex. Sky High! Flapjack Norton. Press slam. Putski is on a roll. Chavo comes out as soon as Eddie gets on a roll and the match is thrown out. Eddie runs away while Chavo gives the crazy looks.


TO THE BACK. Nash and Konnan say a bunch of insidery jokes. Nash implies he has a thick cock.

More nWo shenanigans. Giant is now with the group, with a bunch of YAKS. And Bischoff. We're wasting time here. It feels like the Thunder curse has come to Nitro tonight.

TO THE SCHIAVONE. Hennig, Rude, and Konnan come out. It's weird that the Wolfpac is clearly face, but Hennig is clearly a heel. Also, fuck Konnan. I can't believe he did that fake Mexican accent thing for years. He's from Cuba.

Booker T vs Chris Benoit Best of 7 Match 6

Book is looking to tie this up and extend it to a match 7. This is some playoff shit. Maybe they'll try something different in this match. Hammerlock trading leads to Book just chucking that racist into the air. Book hits a kick and Benoit bails. He comes back in only to get hit with a back elbow and vertical suplex. Benoit uses the kitchen sink to get back into it. I never understood why that name was moved that. Snap suplex and stuff. Racist stuff. Diving headbutt. Stevie Ray comes down to ringside. He pulls Booker to the floor and tries to give him some motivation. It worked for a few seconds, but Benoit hit a Reich suplex. Book hits a spin kick and hits a side walk spine slam buster. Pancake Norton. Spinarooni! Book wins with the twisty roll up out of the corner. Series is tied up at 3 and will go to match 7. Benoit attacked Book's knee after the match. Stevie Ray ran him off.



TO THE SKYBOX. More time wasting. The main thing I took away from this was that Liz came in the room and I'm pretty sure Hulk and Bret were going to DP her later.

Norman Smiley vs Fit Finlay WCW TV Championship

YES! Give me some wacky Euro stuff for a few minutes and I'll be happy. Cravates and hip tosses and monkey flips. Very European. Finlay does some snout based offense. It goes to the floor where Finlay punches the ring post. The crowd is doing the wave. Give me a Smiley Slam. Pretty please. Finlay Roll. Tombstone for the win. No Smiley Slam. Sad.

TO THE SCHIAVONE. He has a big interview. His guest is STING! Sting's first official interview in over a year and a half. Tony's first question should be "Why do you think the black and red face paint looks good?". He talks about his first GAB where he had blonde hair and was a nice guy. He basically calls Giant a fat slob who needs to stop boozing and drinking.

TO THE SCHIAVONE. After the break, he brings Piper out. His first fucking sentence is local team pandering cheap pop bullshit. He sounds vaguely racist talking about how there are no Scots that look like Rodman where he's from, all because Rodman was wearing plaid pants. Then he asks if he's had any "mail" *WINK WINK* LOL GAY JOKES! Savage comes down. "I'm not a mark, bro, you get the picture?" Lol. Savage wants to have their fight tonight. Hogan's voice rings out again, making more gay jokes. Now Liz is kisssing Bischoff! I don't know why Savage should give a shit about his ex wife kissing someone. Hulk keeps saying "viOgra". "Elizabit, I got over you a loooong time ago." Then he punches Piper. Lol wat.


Recap of Mr. Jericho goes to Washington.

Disco Inferno vs Dean Malenko WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Dean stomps a mudhole in Disco right away. He goes for the Cloverleaf about a minute in, but Disco gets to the ropes. Disco comes out of the corner with a spinning neckbreaker. It's the DISCO ELBOW! He hits an atomic drop and goes for the neckbreaker again, but Dean counters out of it and hits a leg lariat. He locks on the Cloverleaf for a pretty easy win.


. Fuck. Enough of this shit. Hulk shows a little package of Hogan and Steiner on the set of Hogan's latest TV movie with Carl Weathers. This is a good 4 minutes of random shots of Hulk and Scott standing around or getting make up done.

Goldberg vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. WCW US Championship

Chavo ASKED for this match, because he's crazy that way. Lol, Chavo jumps at Goldberg, and Bill just catches him. Holy shit, he CRUSHES Chavo with the spear.



The Wolfpac come to the ring. We're about to get DDP's decision. Nash is CLEARLY wasted. That or he got stung by 30 bees in the face. DDP comes out, but doesn't get in the ring. He makes Tony come to the ramp to talk to him. He is about to give his answer when Hogan and Rodman blindside him with chairs. WE'RE OUTTA TIME! JOIN US ON THUNDER! I felt like I already watched Thunder.
The Legends of the Ring convention in New Jersey this October is bringing over The Invaders from Mexico for autograph signings, that's Invader II and Invader I, AKA, Jose Gonzales, AKA, the man who stabbed Bruiser Brody to death in a shower in Puerto Rico and was never charged for his crimes. The convention douches are saying he's a guest of a vendor to try and deflect any negativity away from themselves, but this is a pretty classless thing to do, either way.
The Legends of the Ring convention in New Jersey this October is bringing over The Invaders from Mexico for autograph signings, that's Invader II and Invader I, AKA, Jose Gonzales, AKA, the man who stabbed Bruiser Brody to death in a shower in Puerto Rico and was never charged for his crimes. The convention douches are saying he's a guest of a vendor to try and deflect any negativity away from themselves, but this is a pretty classless thing to do, either way.

lock him in a room with Tony Atlas.


more money than God
WCW Monday Nitro 6/8/98]TO THE SCHIAVONE. After the break, he brings Piper out. His first fucking sentence is local team pandering cheap pop bullshit. He sounds vaguely racist talking about how there are no Scots that look like Rodman where he's from, all because Rodman was wearing plaid pants. Then he asks if he's had any "mail" *WINK WINK* LOL GAY JOKES! Savage comes down. "I'm not a mark, bro, you get the picture?" Lol. Savage wants to have their fight tonight. Hogan's voice rings out again, making more gay jokes. Now Liz is kisssing Bischoff! I don't know why Savage should give a shit about his ex wife kissing someone. Hulk keeps saying "viOgra". "Elizabit, I got over you a loooong time ago." Then he punches Piper. Lol wat.

I don't think that's a gay joke. It's a reference to the "Mail Man" Karl Malone, who Rodman had an on court feud with.


Nah, it's more that they didn't have a choice. Last year they had Aries who was super over, wanted to shoehorn him in the World Title slot and turned the X-Division Title into a Money in the Bank briefcase on a whim.

This year, they went "OH FUCK, we have to push another X Division guy into the world title slot, but nobody gives two shits about any of them", but also couldn't do a cash-in and loss on the second cash-in so they just put it on the only guy they could build a story around.

That's part of it yeah, and if they really wanted to legitimize the X-Division cash in they would have let Sabin run with it.....one and done title reigns don't legitimize anything. It kinda tells me they also wanted their own smaller guy on the belt to capitalize on what WWE was doing with Bryan and push Sabin as champ during the Summerslam angle.

Jamie OD

lol, are they doing a worked feud to lead to a MMA fight?

Also, next weeks spoilers:

Sabin loses the title, does not join MEM as the fifth member and as a dagger to him not on the show next week. Back to the midcard for him. Also, seems that TNA realized
the new AJ character was a massive fail

Reset show? Reset show.


On Thursday, September 12, TNA presents a special “NO SURRENDER” edition of IMPACT airing LIVE and FREE on SpikeTV at 9/8c from St. Louis, Missouri – featuring the final four of the Bound For Glory Series and much more!

I like that TNA is airing their dropped PPVs as Impact specials, but aren't they loosing money by doing that? Sure, those shows did less than 20k buys, but that's money....are they really making more than that by running it as an Impact special?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The Legends of the Ring convention in New Jersey this October is bringing over The Invaders from Mexico for autograph signings, that's Invader II and Invader I, AKA, Jose Gonzales, AKA, the man who stabbed Bruiser Brody to death in a shower in Puerto Rico and was never charged for his crimes. The convention douches are saying he's a guest of a vendor to try and deflect any negativity away from themselves, but this is a pretty classless thing to do, either way.

Wow really? Jeezus the gall of these people. :/

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think it's a misnomer to say Neville's so far and beyond Bourne's abilities, it's just that Evan's been in WWE for so long people have forgotten the extent of his move-set. If we ever got to see Neville vs Bourne, I'd like to think WWE would allow him to bust out shit like his Double Helix (corkscrew Lionsault), belly-to-belly moonsault slam, springboard 450, corkscrew senton, etc.

Bourne was absolutely toned down in WWE. He has a lot more to showcase than WWE lets him.
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