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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show

N64 is a better system for that sort of game. Handles more polygons, has way more and better RAM, can do some 3D tricks that the PSX would choke on.

Also The World is the first VJPW game reskinned while World Tour is basically its sequel. Correct me if I'm wrong (I only played The World once for about five minutes) but it doesn't even have the regular AKI grappling system.

They hadn't come up with the grapple system for Vs The World yet. I mean, it was kind of getting there sort of, but was awkward. I played it today for the first time in many years and it is janky as fuck. World Tour still holds up, even though it is obviously less refined than the rest of the AKI games.

Yah, WCW vs The World is pretty janky. And it had the people from The World who were reskinned and renamed too, so it was weird :p I liked it though. ROUND ROBIN
Bray Wyatt really shouldn't wear his own shirt it kinda kills the character

Stupid Miz



Dammit Orton


Damn Part 2
SI.com: Who would you like to wrestle down the road?

Punk: I’m in a very unique position. I can have a viable WrestleMania main event with anyone. I can do it with John Cena. I can do it with Daniel Bryan. I can do it with The Undertaker. I can do it with Stone Cold Steve Austin.

SI.com: Do you think Austin will ever wrestle again?

Punk: Yeah, my gut tells me that he will. Whether he makes the right decision or not to wrestle me is up to him.

SI.com: That seems like a money match for the WWE. You’d think they’d get that going.

Punk: You would hope. They tend to miss the mark on a lot of common sense stuff sometimes.

Part of a Sports illustrated interview



Why does the end of Smackdown just scream Triple H heel turn on Summerslam.

edit: Plus WWE.com needs the top 10 Vince McMahon jackets.
My prediction for the main event in Summerslam will be: Daniel Bryan wins against John Cena clean. While celebrating in the ring, Triple H will Pedigree him in the center of the ring and then call for Orton to cash in his MITB case.
Why does the end of Smackdown just scream Triple H heel turn on Summerslam.

I just watched Smackdown, seems like main event at SummerSlam should be good. Other matches seem meh. Christian vs. Del Rio could be good, RVD vs. Ambrose should be good. Other matches seem like summerslam disappointment matches as usual.


Do you guys think Cena taps out tomorrow or will he pass out from the pain? They have to think of a way to write him out of the aftermath if Orton cashes in. If he just gets pinned he'd look like a jerk not helping Bryan.


Contains Sucralose
Do you guys think Cena taps out tomorrow or will he pass out from the pain? They have to think of a way to write him out of the aftermath if Orton cashes in. If he just gets pinned he'd look like a jerk not helping Bryan.

I rather have Bryan about to beat Cena only to be cheated, than having him beat Cena and lose the title to Orton. It still makes Bryan look good and hopefully leads to another Cena match down the line.
Bray Wyatt really shouldn't wear his own shirt it kinda kills the character

Yeah. It's not huge but I'd rather he didn't advertise his merch or use twitter. I think the scrolling twitter comments during shows could be a good tool for heels to utilise but not when you're a cult hillbilly stable.

Also talking about Smackdown, I have no fucking faith in the Summerslam main event now they're already playing up Cena's injury. Would it have killed them to put off the announcement so that Bryan/Orton could take Cena out at the PPV as opposed to selling it as Bryan going in against a weakened Cena. This approach only serves to take away from Bryan's win if he pulls it off, or makes him look shitty if Cena beats him whilst injured. Where as Cena being injured during the conflict would do everyone good, the person who injured him would be a threat and Cena would have toughed it out until he was actually injured.
My prediction for the main event in Summerslam will be: Daniel Bryan wins against John Cena clean. While celebrating in the ring, Triple H will Pedigree him in the center of the ring and then call for Orton to cash in his MITB case.
I would really love to see this happen for some reason, not because I want an Orton champion, but because I think HHH as a heel would be more entertaining than him as a face.
Do you guys think Cena taps out tomorrow or will he pass out from the pain? They have to think of a way to write him out of the aftermath if Orton cashes in. If he just gets pinned he'd look like a jerk not helping Bryan.

My guess is HHH stops the match for Cena because he refuses to tap but the match has to stopped. Bryan celebrates his WWE title win, referees help Cena to the back to get him out of the way. Orton comes out for the cash in, HHH pedigrees Bryan. Orton wins and feuds with Bryan while goes and gets his surgery.


Yeah. It's not huge but I'd rather he didn't advertise his merch or use twitter. I think the scrolling twitter comments during shows could be a good tool for heels to utilise but not when you're a cult hillbilly stable.

Also talking about Smackdown, I have no fucking faith in the Summerslam main event now they're already playing up Cena's injury. Would it have killed them to put off the announcement so that Bryan/Orton could take Cena out at the PPV as opposed to selling it as Bryan going in against a weakened Cena. This approach only serves to take away from Bryan's win if he pulls it off, or makes him look shitty if Cena beats him whilst injured. Where as Cena being injured during the conflict would do everyone good, the person who injured him would be a threat and Cena would have toughed it out until he was actually injured.

Wyatt using Twittah to get his creepy message out makes sense to me. But anyone that is in his group should most definitely not be allowed.


Fun stuffs in the mail yesterday!


We're going to bring Invasion Attack over to my folks' on Sunday before Summer Slam to show them a few matches. Started watching the Yano Toru DVD before bed last night - all of the "Toru Together" (at least I think that's what it says) segments have been great so far.

Really enjoyed the Daniel Bryan/Barrett match tonight! Great stuff all around.
I want to start watching some NJPW from like 2000 and beyond. I never really got into it until recently. Any suggestions on shows that I need to watch?

Should I just go through this playlist and then find more?

I know I'm late to answer, but really, if you are determined to start only so far back, (and not in the early-90s when I would personally start someone new, probably with the Misawa/Kawada matches) you should start in '98 and follow everything going on at the top of the card with Misawa/Kobashi for sure. Don't miss the amazing run of Mutoh in 2001 either. Especially not his match v. Grumpy Old Tenryu in June of that year.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
In some ways Stro I think World Tour is actually better than Revenge. It has better "fake" wrestlers for one thing and it runs smoother on certain matches and the tournament mode is something no other American wrestling games have.

Revenge has pound for pound the best roster out there (Wrestlemania X8 for GCN and the first PS2 Smackdown game are close but not quite there) and its fun as hell to play but I think most of the time I'd rather play World Tour.
I know I'm late to answer, but really, if you are determined to start only so far back, (and not in the early-90s when I would personally start someone new, probably with the Misawa/Kawada matches) you should start in '98 and follow everything going on at the top of the card with Misawa/Kobashi for sure. Don't miss the amazing run of Mutoh in 2001 either. Especially not his match v. Grumpy Old Tenryu in June of that year.

I can go back further, I just decided 2000 was a nice round number. mid 1990s it is.

That's All Japan. He's going to be searching FOREVER for Misawa/Kobashi matches in NJPW.

D'oh. I always make that mistake. It's even worse when Noah fired up...

Haha. I'll find what I can.
So after watching Smackdown I know whats gonna happen at Summerlam. Bryan will get the the clean pin. HHH music will play and HHH will hold up and take WWE title and celebrate as pyro showers down on him to end the show.


Also, I'm very surprised that I've enjoyed the past month of RVD more than the last year of Jericho. I've been pretty tired of RVD since 2004 or so, and after that horrible TNA run, I expected the worst, but he's held his own in the ring and looks like he gives something of a shit again. He's slower, doesn't have quite as much spring in his legs, but I've quite enjoyed pretty much all of his matches.

I like how he's used and hope he doesn't get bogged down in a serious angle. I feel like he's better suited to be thrown in random matches over a guy like Jericho, who should have angles because he's better at all the out of ring stuff, but can't pretend to give a shit about any of it anyway.

Not enough wrestlers wearing jeans today. It seems like every guy is either in a suit or t-shirt with no pants. There is an in between. It's jeans and a t-shirt. I think Wade is the only guy I see wear jeans and his shirts once in a while. He didn't even wear pants to shave Daniel Bryan. You'd think he was expecting Daniel to shave him.



Holy shit, Cena trying to get the "you can't wrestle" chant going was brutal and hilarious. That was amazing. He was trying so hard to get it started and it sounded like maybe 100 people from the concessions were chanting it, so of course WWE cuts to the crowd looking completely dazed and not giving a shit. It was so faint Cena had to look at the camera and TELL the home audience that they were chanting it. Just take my word for it, guys. And then the boring chant.

So full of lol. Good promo, though. I wish he'd keep his word life swagger and cadence instead of that bizarre speaking style he normally has.


Holy shit, Cena trying to get the "you can't wrestle" chant going was brutal and hilarious. That was amazing. He was trying so hard to get it started and it sounded like maybe 100 people from the concessions were chanting it, so of course WWE cuts to the crowd looking completely dazed and not giving a shit. It was so faint Cena had to look at the camera and TELL the home audience that they were chanting it. Just take my word for it, guys. And then the boring chant.

So full of lol. Good promo, though. I wish he'd keep his word life swagger and cadence instead of that bizarre speaking style he normally has.

That crowd was the best crowd ever in terms of their negative reaction to Cena. They didn't care enough to react. Much better statement than the merciless boos.


It was so funny. They just didn't react. They didn't even really react when he came out, either. Complete indifference except for YES chants. I also lol'd hard at them cutting to the crowd during Kane's promo on the screen and the main thing on the screen was a guy standing up, eating, and not even facing the screen.

They have to stop cutting to the crowds during promos. They have like 2 years worth of shots of audiences not reacting to anything and looking like they're about to fall asleep. I can't believe Vince hasn't flipped his shit about those shots on every show.


If Trips is the catalyst for an Orton cash-in on D.Brine, I don't see D.Brine feuding with Orton for the title. I see him feuding with Trips and losing. And then feuding with Nash.

Meanwhile Orton will defend the title against a random face that will get pushed out of nowhere... like Ziggles or RVD or Kofi (with *NEW* pants)... or GAF's favorite, The Miz.


Theres going to be a lot of "fuck this company" posts here and in the SummerSlam thread at the end of the ppv.
So like most other PPVs then.
At least this one won't end with CENA WINS... LOL and the "same old shit" graphic circa 2006. (Or will it.....?)


----- ------
If Trips is the catalyst for an Orton cash-in on D.Brine, I don't see D.Brine feuding with Orton for the title. I see him feuding with Trips and losing. And then feuding with Nash.

Its a right of passage, once Punk lost to HHH and wore the blazer he had long and successful title run. Now it's Bryan's turn, and I doubt Nash ever sends a text to himself again.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Cena is going to win. Some NXT guys come out and beat him up on Raw. Orton looks confused and uses his shot. Remember, WWE changed the MitB rules where the Champ has to be on his feet to cash it in. None of that Punk cashing in on Edge while he's knocked out shit.
I saw Barrett come out in his coat instead of his T-shirt which got me thinking if Plywood snitching on him to HBO had anything to do with it.

Turns out the shirt is still available for purchase, so Barrett is still throwing shyte at the wall to see if anything sticks.


Cena is going to win. Some NXT guys come out and beat him up on Raw. Orton looks confused and uses his shot. Remember, WWE changed the MitB rules where the Champ has to be on his feet to cash it in. None of that Punk cashing in on Edge while he's knocked out shit.
But isn't that how Bryan beat Big Show a couple years ago?
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