bean breath
Yo this Nexus 7 is great. Reading comics and then going to watch the G1 show later on it as well.
Yo, put the WWE app on that shit!
Yo this Nexus 7 is great. Reading comics and then going to watch the G1 show later on it as well.
Recettear is uguu shit. ME1-3 I recently replayed so I am notttt ready to dive back into those yet. ME1 was one of my favorite games ever though, even though ME2 was better and held a hellacious amount of promise for 3.
I don't know man, running an item shop is awesome. I wish there were more games like that. Also how come you complimented Mass Effect 1 and 2 and nothing about 3? ME3 is really good and the DLC for it is way better than any of the DLC for ME 1 and 2. The ending isn't even as bad as most people act! Also I liked the ending they added with the DLCThe refuse option
I hope Mass Effect 4 takes place sometime after 3, and it's not some weird spin off or prequel.Unless it takes place in a previous cycle without humans, I'd be cool with that too.
I liked 3 a lot but 2 was better imho. Thaaaaane <3
One of my favorite things was hacking the PC save to give me access to later party members early in the game, because they were programmed as obtainable from the start and have tons of unique dialogue for the early places you go. Loved doing that. <3 <3 <3 Legion <3 <3 <3
ME3 is good and so is the DLC.
I was thinking the other day, if you have a tablet and take it absolutely everywhere....
might as well just go back to using a flip phone. Why have both?
Personally I rather just stick to smart phone/laptop/desktop. I have no room for tablet in my echo system.
I can't really pick a favorite Mass Effect. It's weird how each one does some things great and handles other things poorly. How come they couldn't just combine all the good stuff into one game and leave all the bad stuff out. How hard is that!?
echos usually do better with more room! Maybe that's your problem
jeezus, in ME4 jessica nigri is probably going to be in-game at this point, isn't she. yeesh.
echos usually do better with more room! Maybe that's your problem
I was thinking the other day, if you have a tablet and take it absolutely everywhere....
might as well just go back to using a flip phone. Why have both?
Personally I rather just stick to smart phone/laptop/desktop. I have no room for tablet in my echo system.
I never played 3. Can you make Chobot lick your PSP??
Did anyone actually like her in 3? Her model looks so weird, I didn't let her on my ship
I was thinking the other day, if you have a tablet and take it absolutely everywhere....
might as well just go back to using a flip phone. Why have both?
Personally I rather just stick to smart phone/laptop/desktop. I have no room for tablet in my ecosystem.
That's how I roll too. I do have a Nexus 7 though, which I bought right when it came out, and I pretty much stopped using it when I picked up a N4. That smartphone does everything I need.
Smart Mark Video will be hosting two Wrestling Is... iPPV this month.
Wrestling Is Fun! iPPV
Saturday August 24, 2013
7:00 PM
Matches Signed So Far:
1. Amasis vs. Oleg The Usurper
Wrestling Is Cool iPPV
Sunday August 25, 2013
3:00 PM
Matches Signed So Far:
1. Osirian Portal vs. Mark Andrews & Pete Dunne
Each $9.99
it's weird that I don't see GOTG Reccettear on that list... also Mass Effect 1-3 take up all of my fave five spots
Recettear is amazing. Such a cool concept. Can't count the amount of hours I've spent playing that game.
Recettear is uguu shit
Not a fan of Bo... he's quite hated in NXT isn't he? with the "go home bo/no more bo" chants every week.
Corey Graves is actually pretty good. I can't believe that I'm saying that about the man that used to be Sterling James Keenan. What a difference 6 years makes.
Nice rope-assisted powerbomb from Cesaro;
Spoilery NXT gif...;die Bo, die
I might bite on one of these - interested to see how Andrews & Dunne do against the Portal. They're both British wrestlers, although I've only seen Andrews - real good young high-flyer.
I might bite on one of these - interested to see how Andrews & Dunne do against the Portal. They're both British wrestlers, although I've only seen Andrews - real good young high-flyer.
Damn must be rough. Do you think this "toughing" up will ever actually work?
Does Wrestling Is share cannon with Chikara? If so why are the Portal back together?
Perspicacity said:Does Wrestling Is share cannon with Chikara? If so why are the Portal back together?
There's actually a big box of Bo shirts at the bottom of your local river, you should go searching for them.
Bo Dallas already has a perfect storyline for when he gets called up to the main roster. Picture it:
For months now the WWE Universe has been terrorized by the Wyatt family, half of the superstars on the roster are either hospitalized or fallen in line under Bray. Anyone who hasn't isn't a victim or a follower can only wrestle in constant fear - they no longer celebrate wins or have elaborate entrances, they just enter and wrestle their matches, ever wary that the lights may go out on them and it will be their turn to join the family or fall in battle.
Bray Wyatt, Eater of Worlds, Lord Emperor of Raw declares his intention to expand the family to the entire WWE Universe, now audiences are no longer safe as he moves towards world dominance.
Then... *A Motorcycle Engine Roars*
Powerful Music is played throughout the arena
*Bo Dallas rides in on his Harley, wearing surf shorts, a black leather jacket, and carrying his signature guitar + Skateboard*
*The Wyatt family (all 15 of them) runs in fear*
BO: Bray I know you and I can defeat you, for All of These People Here Tonight
*Audience erupts in cheers*
WWE officials have been talking about doing a special Monday night TV show later this year where SmackDown would be the first hour, Main Event would be the second hour and RAW would be the third hour. Each hour would have a different look with different announcers. This would be just a one-time special like the old-school RAW.
I have no idea why this would make sense or how it would be different.
Something tells me Sunny is going to have to get the American Bad Ass version of 2k14 to create Strobogo's character....
I have no idea why this would make sense or how it would be different.
Looking at that crowd is like looking at NPCs walking around in the rain in GTA3. WTF is wrong with Yukes.
I guess they're trying to find a way to keep fan's interest in 3 hours of programing.....and think that changing the themes of every hour will do it.
I have to move immediately. There was a snake in my yard. I can handle that shit. Children are supposed to be safe in the house hold. How can I be safe with black snakes hanging out in my yard? FUCK. Give me all the Konnan matches in the world before a snake.
Also, Bray Wyatt is instantly the most believable guy on the roster. At least the full time roster. No one is more believable than Bork, but considering he has one match every 6 months, I don't know if he should count. I 100% believe that Bray Wyatt is a crazy dude in Florida running a redneck cult and I KNOW he's Husky Harris, son of IRS, and brother of Bo Dollas.
The level at which he invests himself in his character reminds me of Mick Foley. When he puts that stupid Hawaiian shirt on, he IS Bray Wyatt.I have to move immediately. There was a snake in my yard. I can handle that shit. Children are supposed to be safe in the house hold. How can I be safe with black snakes hanging out in my yard? FUCK. Give me all the Konnan matches in the world before a snake.
Also, Bray Wyatt is instantly the most believable guy on the roster. At least the full time roster. No one is more believable than Bork, but considering he has one match every 6 months, I don't know if he should count. I 100% believe that Bray Wyatt is a crazy dude in Florida running a redneck cult and I KNOW he's Husky Harris, son of IRS, and brother of Bo Dollas.
Another excellent choice.