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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show

Jamie OD

OK, this is amazing;


Monsta Mack, you dumb, fat bastard.

Probably the greatest Three Stooges tribute I have ever seen.


This is the card so far for the New Japan Show in September:

NJPW "DESTRUCTION", 9/29/2013 [Sun] 16:00 @ Kobe World Hall in Hyogo

(-) Special Single Match: Toru Yano (CHAOS) vs. Minoru Suzuki (Suzuki-gun)
(-) Special Single Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Prince Devitt (BULLET CLUB)

(-) Tokyo Dome IWGP Heavyweight Championship Challenger Rights Contract & NEVER Openweight Championship Match: [Rights Holder/G1 CLIMAX 23 Winner] Tetsuya Naito vs. [1st NEVER Champion] Masato Tanaka
~ Tanaka's 5th title defense.

(-) IWGP Intercontinental Championship Match: [6th Champion] Shinsuke Nakamura (CHAOS) vs. [Challenger] Shelton X Benjamin (Suzuki-gun)
~ 1st title defense.

(=) IWGP Heavyweight Championship Match: [59th Champion] Kazuchika Okada (CHAOS) vs. [Challenger] Satoshi Kojima
~ 4th title defense

I see Yano is fighting Suzuki for the honor of his dvd.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
its one of those readin' games, only nerds like those

It's a goddamn choose your own adventure with obtuse puzzles. Written well enough but goddamn it's worse than a Sierra adventure game. "I guess I'll use every combination of evidence at every possible testimony moment because what makes sense doesn't goddamn work"


It's a goddamn choose your own adventure with obtuse puzzles. Written well enough but goddamn it's worse than a Sierra adventure game. "I guess I'll use every combination of evidence at every possible testimony moment because what makes sense doesn't goddamn work"

Hey, I'm with you pal. Plus all that reading, it's the worst!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I challenge Sunflower to a bout in 3rd Strike sometime this week. His reign of terror must end.

Urien stops for nobody. Is it free on Plus? I don't own it for the triple. I have it on 360 but you're a hater of capitalism.
Since Vince McSunflower is too much of a penny-pincher to get 3rd Strike, I will also accept him finding someone else to represent his flabby, untoned ass.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Since Vince McSunflower is too much of a penny-pincher to get 3rd Strike, I will also accept him finding someone else to represent his flabby, untoned ass.

A Pretty Panda is my Triple H to your John Cena


time to reflect.

while it would have been awesome to see a title reign from bryan. the whole way the last match went down, looking back on it, was pretty fucking cool.

haven't seen good heel turns and all that good shit in a long time. i'm sure the story will be decent (i hope).

bryan best win it back though.
I bought 3rd Strike when it was on sale for like 300 points, but i haven't played it since then. I'm daunted by all those hours i'd have to spend getting good at it, also i don't have that time.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
if i still had my 360 i would body you, free.

Tekken, VF or Soul Calibur, none of that SF trash.

VF is the bomb me breddah. 24/7 Goh. I bet you're a Wolf player. Grapplin' and shit. Well Goh got grapples.

I can't fuck with FallingEdge's Taka though. He took me to the cleaners, goddamn.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I gotta stop letting my avatar influence my behavior on GAF. I catch myself posting like Cranky. I let it happen but still.
Bootaaay reviews...CZW - 2000.06.25 - They Said it Couldn't be Done (and it probably should've stayed that way).

Well, here we are in a field deep in the heart of butt-fuck New Jersey. There's a healthy contingent of CZW faithful in attendence and the card is STACKED. But this is a CZW show and something's bound to go wrong...

We start off the show with Pastor Jim cutting a promo. I can't hear what he's saying, because the fans are shouting "FAGGOT". He says that, thanks to him, extreme wrestling is dead in New Jersey. Some sparkling wit in the crowd shouts "You'll be dead of aids soon, you fag!". Pure class.

First match up and it's Zandig (c) vs Lobo for the CZW Heavyweight Title in a No-Rope Barbed Wire Explosion Match! Zandig is in GREAT shape here, but while his physique is impressive, he's lacking the beer gut of power that served him so well over the latter years of his career. The UltraViolent Icon cuts a promo on other promoters stabbing CZW in the back and shits all over the athletic commission who tried to shut their show down. He talks about Lobo and about how he's been crying for a title shot and says he can have one right here, right now if he's up for wrestling in barbed wire, but says that "as of now, Lobo has not been seen in the building". We're in a field, lol.

Anywho, Lobo Pearl Harbour's Zandig with a light-tube bundle and we're underway! Zandig fights back and hits the Three Amigos, then calls for a Michinoku Driver into a barbed-wire table on the floor, but Lobo escapes and hits an ugly DDT for 2. He tries to whip Zandig into the fire, but Zandig reverses it and Lobo sets off the first explosion of the match! Zandig looks like he's going to spear Lobo through the table, but Lobo reverses and puts Zandig through with a back-bodydrop. Lobo grabs a chair but Zandig gets his arm up to block it and then hits Lobo in the head with the chair. Zandig gets Lobo in the ring and whips him into the wire again, setting off the second explosion. Lobo counters a lariat into a fireman's carry, but Zandig goes right over his head and ends up doing a handstand, lol. Lobo redoes the carry and DVD's Zandig through a barbed-wire table! Lobo rolls Zandig in, but some big guy gets in the ring and chokeslams him before putting Zandig on top for the 3-count. Meh. Who the fuck was that? The big guy puts himself over and then raises Zandig's hand, but the UltraViolent Icon just throws him HARD to the floor and security haul his ass out. Zandig offers Lobo another shot at the belt, Lobo agrees and Zandig lariats his ass and then throws him head-first into the barbed-wire. Fuck.


Next, a battle royale. Middknight (possibly the worst ring name ever for a fat Enzo Amore lookalike, or anyone for that matter) starts off against John Dahmer and this is legitimately some of the worst wrestling I've ever seen. Some broad gets in the ring and kicks Dahmer in the nuts before hitting a fucking Evenflow DDT! Dahmer gets back up and kills her with a spine-buster before dumping her over the top. Fat Enzo hits a suplex, a couple of other dudes get in. There's some girls screaming their fucking lungs out for one of them, no idea what they're saying. This is awful. Rockin' Rebel!!! The Rebel takes a chair to these fucking jobbers. Some stuff happens. Rebel wins, but gets attacked by Nick Berk and they have an impromptu match which Berk wins with a nasty-ass DVD through a table. That whole thing was just awful. Rockin' Rebel > random jobbers.


3rd match in, with Trent Acid of the Backseat Boys against Ric Blade for the CZW Jr. Heavyweight Title. Nothing too offensive early on, the champion Blade hits a nice corkscrew Asai sommersault to the floor, followed up with a nice springboard dropkick back in the ring. He wraps Trent up in a surfboard and hits a stiff kick to the forehead. The Backseat's manager trips him up and Acid hits a splash, followed by a moonsault off of a skip. Acid scores with a missile dropkick and, as their manager has the ref tied up, Trent & Kashmire hit a nice assisted slam for a near-fall. Ric Blade's broad crotches Acid on the top before going for a hurricanrana, only to slip and almost die as they botch into a powerbomb. Blade goes to work with some kicks and hits a nice springboard sommersault legdrop for 2. He sets up a table on the outside, but Acid counters and hits a huge Falcon Arrow! The match starts getting really sloppy, punctuated by Ric Blade missing a fucking senton off a truck. Dumb. Ass. Kashmere suplexes Blade's broad off the top through a table and that looks to be it. No contest finish, presumably because Blade was struggling to stand, let alone finish the match. Ridiculous.


Up next, 'Sick' Nick Mondo takes on Justice Pain, a known botcher of epic proportions. Mondo takes Pain down with his speed early on, but he flings Mondo through some chairs and slams him into the truck, before they just start throwing chairs at each other. Pain no-sells an irish whip. Wat. Mondo suplexes Pain on the grass before throwing him back in the ring. He finds a ladder and throws it at Pain, which probably wasn't such a good idea, as when he goes to springboard in Pain just hits him in the face with the ladder. Pain DDT's him hard on the ladder and then follows up with the ugliest-ass flip to the floor I've ever seen. He throws Nick through some more chairs, but Mondo comes back with another suplex. Mondo walks into a superkick to no reaction from the crowd and then Pain, surprisingly, doesn't kill himself with a Lionsault. Pain sets up a ladder, but gets dropped ankle-first into it. They mess up a table spot, with Mondo doing the flipping leg drop thing Sabu likes to try and do. Pain hits a big superplex off the top of the ladder and follows up by murdering Mondo with a dragon suplex through a table for the 3-count.


Main event time! Nick F'n Gage vs The Wifebeater in the first ever 200 Lighttubes Deathmatch on US soil! Far be it for me to question CZW, but there doesn't appear to be 200 lighttubes. Maybe 100. Some not-half-bad chain wrestling to start things off, before Wifebeater spoils it with an ugly belly-to-belly. They grab a lighttube each, but Wifebeater comes out on top and starts carving up Gage's forehead. He comes off the top and stomps some lighttubes over the back of Nick's head. Wifebeater goes to lariat Gage into some lighttubes, but he counters with a big saito suplex. He throws a lighttube to Wifebeater and then smashes it into his face with a rolling punch. I'm sure it sounded really cool, but it looked pretty dumb. Gage hits a big brainbuster on a lighttube, but Wifebeater fights back with a powerslam before going to work with a barbedwire bat. He throws Nick through the tubes on the ropes to the floor and goes to set up a chair, but Gage breaks a lighttube over his head then hits a nasty unprotected chair shot. Gage tries to suplex Wifebeater in the ring, but it's blocked so he hits a sunset flip bomb to the floor...except Wifebeater lands on top of his ribs and it looked like it hurt. A lot. Gage eventually gains his composure and goes to work with the remaining lighttubes. The fans are chanting for the weed whacker. Gage stuffs a load of barbedwire into Wifebeater's mouth. Well, that was unneccessary. Gage goes to whip him into the corner, but Wifebeater just fucking dumps him on his neck through some lighttubes. Sick. He fires up the weed whacker and breaks more lighttubes over Gage's back with the whacker's blades! Wifebeater sets up a pane of glass, but Gage fires back with a DDT before dumping Wifebeater through the panes. He sets up a table, puts Wifebeater on it, covers him in lighttubes and finishes him off with a big frog-splash for the 3-count! So stupid, but that was a pretty fun match. The opener was fun too, but everything in between was so, so bad.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This event sounds wonderful. I hope it shows up on a Wrasslin' spot that has videos sometime, as I'd looove to watch this trash.
I'm kind of interested to see where the WHC picture goes next. Who gets the next shot? Ziggler? Rhodes? Now that Sheamus is out I'm assuming one of them is going to step up into top Smackdown babyface. I'm ok with either one, although they both need to learn how to be less bland on the mic.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Played Tropico 4, got accosted by a Sunny Flowers. Was extremely

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