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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


could never
The new Paul Heyman Guy


BO Dallas



oh snap, I forgot about the funniest thing Meltzer said. apparently their calling Bryan a 'B+' is a reference to an Observer from the late 90s in which Meltzer called HHH a 'B+'. to be honest, the current storyline is this weird meta-satire of the IWC and how they view the WWE. just makes me 100% positive that when Hunter said he checked his ego at the door and started to talk about all the things he 'buried', he was goading smarks. pretty hilarious.

hahaha, I definitely got that vibe. good stuff.


A little late to mention but I saw this sign on TV.


It was just a quick glimpse, but it was great. God bless that fan. (Sorry I got no screen cap)


John Cena ✔ @JohnCena

I leave. Los Matadores arrive.....I say....even trade. Enjoy


----- ------
I'm over The Rock, I hope he stops wrestling, dude can hardly last 3 minutes in the ring. Pitting him against Brock would be a waste, and would just highlight his complete lack of cardio work.


I'm over The Rock, I hope he stops wrestling, dude can hardly last 3 minutes in the ring. Pitting him against Brock would be a waste, and would just highlight his complete lack of cardio work.

I was surprised how well Brock did. Far superior conditioning no doubt.
I'm over The Rock, I hope he stops wrestling, dude can hardly last 3 minutes in the ring. Pitting him against Brock would be a waste, and would just highlight his complete lack of cardio work.

There's also Brock's "style." Mr. Hollywood doesn't want to get in the ring and possibly get hurt from someone who has a reputation of being reckless.

I like the Rock. And I think he's still good for business.
He already got hurt in a match with Cena.

We know. Cena doesn't intentionally go out there to hurt people (despite dropping Bryan on his head), he's just a terrible worker.

Brock is crazy.

Speaking of HHH, how come no one points out all of the stinkers he's had as of late (the Brock matches, Kevin Nash fued, etc). Brock, in the 2 years he's been with the E, has managed to have 2 really stand out matches except for when he got sucked into working with HHH.

B+? If Bryan is that, HHH is probably a C+.



Del Rio was pissed... think he swore too. Even the ref was getting mad at Del Rio for being so angry lol.

That shit happened so fast I missed most of it. Will rewatch.

I think that bar fight brought out an angry side of him I haven't seen. I think that's a good thing.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That conference made my dick turn inward, what Sony's selling is not what I want at ALL. PS4's stuff feels like last gen being strung along. Indie games? I own a Vita and PC, I'm covered.


Really enjoyed Raw. Huluized Raw is really the only way to watch it, and I feel like it is WWE openly acknowledging that the 3rd hours is filler. D-Bryne and Punk are about to be carrying the company for real, and that's pretty amazing.

HHH's promo was hilarious. He has to read Wrasslegaf. I'm interested in the the Daniel Bryan vs HHH/Corporation story, but I'm not at all interested in that being a set up to continue another McMahon family drama. I hope HHH continues to be super meta and directly troll the IWC, which will actually make him a bigger face online.

Catching up on NXT. The second Claudio/Generico match was great. Can't wait for the 2/3 falls match.

Also, all I could think about when looking at ADR was:


Also, is Bailey supposed to be a female Eugene?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That conference made my dick turn inward, what Sony's selling is not what I want at ALL. PS4's stuff feels like last gen being strung along. Indie games? I own a Vita and PC, I'm covered.

I'm hoping the tide finally turns on these fucking hipster garbage, 'quirky' indie games.


That conference made my dick turn inward, what Sony's selling is not what I want at ALL. PS4's stuff feels like last gen being strung along. Indie games? I own a Vita and PC, I'm covered.

I felt pretty underwhelmed. Only exciting thing was release date.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm hoping the tide finally turns on these fucking hipster garbage, 'quirky' indie games.

I enjoy some of them, but that stupid baby game made me want to just quit everything if this is the way we're heading. And don't get me started on that soul-burning ache-fest ps eye game that's preinstalled. vomitus!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I enjoy some of them, but that stupid baby game made me want to just quit everything if this is the way we're heading. And don't get me started on that soul-burning ache-fest ps eye game that's preinstalled. vomitus!

sorry couldn't hear you. Gone Home GOTG. So deep. 10/10. Oscar worthy.
That conference made my dick turn inward, what Sony's selling is not what I want at ALL. PS4's stuff feels like last gen being strung along. Indie games? I own a Vita and PC, I'm covered.

Pretty much how I felt. I dont really get the indie thing either. Im not buying a $400 machine to play Fez.

I feel like Sony doesnt really have anything to show and are using indies to prop them up.
The first two big CHIKARA-related shows since the promotions demise are this weekend and both are on iPPV over at www.smvod.com

First, Wrestling is Fun! on Saturday;



. Amasis vs. Oleg The Usurper
. Shenron vs. Juan Francisco De Coronado
. Dhasher Hatfield vs. Mr. Touchdown
. Portia Perez vs. Heidi Lovelace
. The Spectral Envoy vs. Devastation Corp.
. The Baltic Seige vs. The Batiri
. Los Ice Creams vs. 3.0
. Green Ant & assailANT vs. Mr. Azerbaijan & The Proletariat Boar

Then, Wrestling is Cool on Sunday;



. Osirian Portal vs. Mark Andrews & Pete Dunne
. Eddie Kingston vs. Frightmare
. Eric Corvis vs. El Hijo del Ice Cream
. Chuck Taylor vs. Lithuanian Snow Troll
. Estonian ThunderFrog vs. Drew Gulak
. Green Ant & assailANT vs. Arctic Rescue Ant & Missile Assault Ant

Some good matches on both that should scratch that CHIKARA itch. Looking forward to Dasher vs Touchdown and the Envoy vs Devastation Corp on the first show, while on the second Kingston vs Frightmare should be good and I'm interested to see how British wrestler Mark Andrews does against the Osirian Portal.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Not sure if I'll bite on either show Boots. I kind of want to see what comes of it first, after all those shenanigans before.


Why are all you XBOTS hating on the PS4? Guess you just can't recognize a PRO-CONSUMER console when you see it.



Raw Viewership for 8/19 Raw:

Hour 1 - 4.076m
Hour 2 - 4.485m
Hour 3 - 4.333m

Avg: 4.298

The highest amount since April. Did very well against preason football.


Not sure what to do with my pre-order. Hardly have time to play games and I'd hate for it to be just a faster BluRay player.
of the new stuff i'm hype for SOTB and RIME. indie gaming is trash, can't wait for it to die. hopefully the new Guilty Gear will kill sprites once and for all. let it go, nerds, sprites died once Daytona USA came out.


So not worth it
Don't see the problem, it will still have all the triple a titles and Sony exclusives. Just also have indie games, which you can ignore, just like now.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
of the new stuff i'm hype for SOTB and RIME. indie gaming is trash, can't wait for it to die. hopefully the new Guilty Gear will kill sprites once and for all. let it go, nerds, sprites died once Daytona USA came out.

bu-bu-bu-bu what about g-g-games like d-d-d-dragons c-c-c-crown with lovingly painted sprites ahhrrughgoghhh (the game fuckin blows, which is a shame, I like beat em ups but this one is so bland)

Don't see the problem, it will still have all the triple a titles and Sony exclusives. Just also have indie games.

that's what a ps3 is for, give me a reason to upgrade. indie games AINT it
Some of the best experiences I had this gen were from 'indie' releases, so I'm very glad that Sony are continuing to focus on that aspect, but I don't think it's ever going to be more than a niche for them, with a few runaway successes that break the mould. But, while I'm generally interested in indie games, that conference did little for me. I'm gonna keep my pre-order, though. Can't resist a console launch.

TOM f'N CRUISE said:
god dammit im trying to buy a mexican wrestler mask again.. whats that one guys name..
something Del Sol

Samuray Del Sol.

What are your WWE matches of the year so far? I've got:

1. Punk/Lesnar (SS)
2. Punk/Taker (WM)
3. Bryan/Cesaro (RAW)

1. Punk/Lesnar
2. Punk/Taker
3. Bryan/Cena
Don't see the problem, it will still have all the triple a titles and Sony exclusives. Just also have indie games, which you can ignore, just like now.

I don't really see Sony exclusives as an up-side for me anymore. I've been reallt disappointed with the quality and support of most of their first party games. Naughty Dog is fantastic and can do no wrong in my books though. Little Big Planet was decent, but not a very 'fun' game mechanically. Everything else was kind of 'meh'. Socom 4 and Twisted Metal was really disappointing and had no post-launch support either.

I just don't trust Sony to support it's first party games.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Some of the best experiences I had this gen were from 'indie' releases, so I'm very glad that Sony are continuing to focus on that aspect, but I don't think it's ever going to be more than a niche for them, with a few runaway successes that break the mould. But, while I'm generally interested in indie games, that conference did little for me. I'm gonna keep my pre-order, though. Can't resist a console launch.

I've had some great indie experiences too - the big question for me is whether I believe that I need a PS4 to continue to get those? Answer is...nah. I've got a PC. I can wait for some small exclusive game to capture my heart.

Cube World had potential but it doesn't get many updates ;(


So not worth it
If you're wanting to buy a launchday console for the hundreds of retail games you are insane.

If that's your aim you should wait. You'll end up buying it later when they've built a library. Launchday means a handful of games and most of them ports or multiplatform sport titles.

This has been the case for every console at launch since forever, why make a big fuzz about it now?

The PS3 is getting it's last batch of games this winter, after that you can jump ship.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If you're wanting to buy a launchday console for the hundreds of retail games you are insane.

If that's your aim you should wait. You'll end up buying it later when they've built a library. Launchday means a handful of games and most of them ports or multiplatform sport titles.

This has been the case for every console at launch since forever, why make a big fuzz about it now?

The PS3 is getting it's last batch of games this winter, after that you can jump ship.

There's no ship to jump, I have everything. I don't know if any of us were keeping this restricted to launch titles. I mean, everyone should wait, seriously, because there's very few benefits for a lot of people to dive in asap.

Unless you're weird like me, and really love that age of discovery when you are one of the people who have - used to feel that with the first Xbox, my Dreamcast, and MMOs in their infancy. Good times.

Sony just sucks brah sorry to give you the FYI MY MANNN


MS being unreasonable poopie heads really screwed their mojo. I still say they have the better launch line up, but it's not good enough when folks hold a grudge.
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