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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


I would really love if Bo got Christian's blue dot gimmick.



Oh man Ricardo with RVD. I really was expecting Rey to be back. Dat pairing.

Also HHH was hilarious. I was hoping for more of an exciting ending (like Austin beer truck stuff), but I guess they are building up more for that.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
"Sin Cara flew again on Monday Night Raw, but the soaring International Sensation was cut down almost as quickly as his return began when he suffered an injury to his hand during a match with World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio.

"'During the match he did a dive outside of the ring and landed on his finger and dislocated his 4thring finger,' said WWE physician Dr. Michael Sampson. 'I evaluated it, I reduced it – meaning I relocated it – in the ring, and brought him back to the training room.'

"According to Sampson, an injury such as this does carry risk, which is why the bout was stopped and Sin Cara is currently slated to undergo further testing. 'We’re going get X-rays tomorrow to make sure he doesn’t have an avulsion fracture,' said Sampson. 'Hopefully we’ll be able to finger splint him and he’ll be able to wrestle, but it’ll be determined after x-rays

in peace cara
at the recommendation of a friend i saw the opening segment of RAW. holy shit, how is DB the good guy here?

Steph laid it down like a boss. dude's a midget. the only smaller champion they had was Rey and that was a pat in the back, "you made us alot of money" joke of a reign.

i get they're trying to do the SCSA vs McMahon thing in 2013 but it's not working at all. i don't buy DB has a SCSA type of character, being held down by the man.


at the recommendation of a friend i saw the opening segment of RAW. holy shit, how is DB the good guy here?

Steph laid it down like a boss. dude's a midget. the only smaller champion they had was Rey and that was a pat in the back, "you made us alot of money" joke of a reign.

i get they're trying to do the SCSA vs McMahon thing in 2013 but it's not working at all. i don't buy DB has a SCSA type of character, being held down by the man.

He isn't a Stone Cold type of character though


at the recommendation of a friend i saw the opening segment of RAW. holy shit, how is DB the good guy here?

Steph laid it down like a boss. dude's a midget. the only smaller champion they had was Rey and that was a pat in the back, "you made us alot of money" joke of a reign.

i get they're trying to do the SCSA vs McMahon thing in 2013 but it's not working at all. i don't buy DB has a SCSA type of character, being held down by the man.

Part of the point is, he's not SCSA, he's Daniel Bryan. He is what he is, and it's going to take him to the top. They can keep him down all they want to, but he will rise.

I still don't see how, and that's why I'm interested and want to see what they do here. It will be a fun ride for sure.
at the recommendation of a friend i saw the opening segment of RAW. holy shit, how is DB the good guy here?

Steph laid it down like a boss. dude's a midget. the only smaller champion they had was Rey and that was a pat in the back, "you made us alot of money" joke of a reign.

i get they're trying to do the SCSA vs McMahon thing in 2013 but it's not working at all. i don't buy DB has a SCSA type of character, being held down by the man.

It works because within the logic of WWE being "real", Bryan is the best wrestler on the roster. He had a streak of big wins, became a legitimate number one contender (despite being named by Cena), and beat the unbeatable champion in the main event of Summerslam--clean. He's the good guy because he's the rightful champion, and if Mr. H's hadn't knocked him out he would've defended against Orton and possibly won.

If you assume the WWE is fake, sure having a small champion might move less merchandise. But even then, he and Punk are the two most over people on the roster by a mile.
It's that time of year again, the PWI 500 issue is out - here's the top 10;

01. John Cena
02. CM Punk
03. Tanahashi
04. Bully Ray
05. Okada
06. Sheamus
07. Jeff Hardy
08. Alberto Del Rio
09. Dolph Ziggler
10. Kevin Steen

Steph laid it down like a boss. dude's a midget. the only smaller champion they had was Rey and that was a pat in the back, "you made us alot of money" joke of a reign.

i get they're trying to do the SCSA vs McMahon thing in 2013 but it's not working at all. i don't buy DB has a SCSA type of character, being held down by the man.

Why not? He is being held down by the man. Held down by the managements derisory opinions of his marketability, his drawing power, held down by the failing concept that wrestling champions HAVE to be these huge, hulking physical specimens. Look at the talent on top of the wider wrestling world today, the pool of talent that WWE is increasingly looking to for new stars - the norm is not what it once was and the "he's too short" way of thinking will increasingly become a thing of the past.
It's that time of year again, the PWI 500 issue is out - here's the top 10;
01. John Cena
02. CM Punk
03. Tanahashi
04. Bully Ray
05. Okada
06. Sheamus
07. Jeff Hardy
08. Alberto Del Rio
09. Dolph Ziggler
10. Kevin Steen

Like ONE PERSON who's in the Top 10 -actually- belongs in the top 10.

Take a guess who I think it is.



I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Don't normally post here but I just had to come here to say how much I fucking loved that CM Punk vs Fat Guy segment! One of the most awesome things I've seen on Raw in a long time. Loved how Heyman piled it on. "I'm not that fat guy in the front row". Just brilliant.


How was Cena number one? Last year was the worst year of his life and career. Dragon not on the top 10 is pretty ridiculous by any standard.
i just don't see it with DB. one of the drawbacks of not having a cruiserweight division. back in WCW, guys like DB were kept separate and protected from the main event shenanigans, in their own bubble and they still got crazy over. i miss that.


i just don't see it with DB. one of the drawbacks of not having a cruiserweight division. back in WCW, guys like DB were kept separate and protected from the main event shenanigans, in their own bubble and they still got crazy over. i miss that.

You are the Triple H of this thread

"He doesn't have the look!"
You are the Triple H of this thread

"He doesn't have the look!"

more like the size. i miss weight divisions and over a decade of MMA has made aware of when the right combination of size and skill is enough and when it isn't.

example, this is how a fight between DB and Khali would go down:


DB vs Orton:


DB vs a guy his own size (you know this fella, don't you, Boots?):



more like the size. i miss weight divisions and over a decade of MMA has made aware of when the right combination of size and skill is enough and when it isn't.

example, this is how a fight between DB and Khali would go down:


DB vs Orton:


DB vs a guy his own size (you know this fella, don't you, Boots?):


Then you are the Vince McMahon of this thread. :p
My only issue with Bryan is his only "thing" is he's a competitor and wrestler. I wish they'd throw the tired old Hogan/Cena/Sting values on top of it. The guy is a Vegan, blah, blah. Also, I wish they'd also throw in some parallels with Shawn Michaels.

Also, Cena did have a couple good matches with Punk and Brock. Not #1 material but he didn't have that bad of a year.


Really enjoyed Raw. Huluized Raw is really the only way to watch it, and I feel like it is WWE openly acknowledging that the 3rd hours is filler. D-Bryne and Punk are about to be carrying the company for real, and that's pretty amazing.

HHH's promo was hilarious. He has to read Wrasslegaf. I'm interested in the the Daniel Bryan vs HHH/Corporation story, but I'm not at all interested in that being a set up to continue another McMahon family drama. I hope HHH continues to be super meta and directly troll the IWC, which will actually make him a bigger face online.

Catching up on NXT. The second Claudio/Generico match was great. Can't wait for the 2/3 falls match.

Also, all I could think about when looking at ADR was:


Also, is Bailey supposed to be a female Eugene?

Not exactly, Bayley is basically a super mark that's also a wrestler, so she behaves very strangely indeed to the other wrestlers.


It's that time of year again, the PWI 500 issue is out - here's the top 10;

01. John Cena
02. CM Punk
03. Tanahashi
04. Bully Ray
05. Okada
06. Sheamus
07. Jeff Hardy
08. Alberto Del Rio
09. Dolph Ziggler
10. Kevin Steen

The way they tabulate their list puts waaaaaay too much emphasis on how long they held the given promotion's top belts. And by the looks of this list it seems like it's pretty much the only thing they went on.


Not exactly, Bayley is basically a super mark that's also a wrestler, so she behaves very strangely indeed to the other wrestlers.

Oh. Her promo with Rene Young made her come off less as a super mark, and more of a girl who might have some form of autism.


at the recommendation of a friend i saw the opening segment of RAW. holy shit, how is DB the good guy here?

Steph laid it down like a boss. dude's a midget. the only smaller champion they had was Rey and that was a pat in the back, "you made us alot of money" joke of a reign.

i get they're trying to do the SCSA vs McMahon thing in 2013 but it's not working at all. i don't buy DB has a SCSA type of character, being held down by the man.

Eddie Guerrero was shorter than Bryan.

And I have no idea how you are agreeing with the heels here. The entire point is that the old McMahon idea of pushing the big muscular guys with no talent is wrong and dated, and that the most talented and popular guys are deserving of the pushes. Daniel Bryan is their best wrestler, he's charismatic and has a gigantic following, yet he's being held down because "he's not tall enough" (even though his huge fanbase means the actual WWE audience doesn't care that he's 5'8), or "he has a scraggly beard" (which the audience finds endearing). The McMahons decided that they know better than the audience, and that makes them the heels.

This is baffling that you wouldn't see how Bryan is the face being unfairly treated. You're meant to, and I believe most people do, want to see him prove them all wrong and take back the title he rightfully earned by beating Cena cleanly.
Bubba fucking Ray as the face of a company in 2000 fuxking 13 and on a top ten wrestling list. Guy is the face of a local plumbers association at most.


Alright, where the hell is Laserfrogs entrance theme from? I'm just curious because I heard Comcast Sportsnet use it as a background song when showing The Redskins/Ravens schedule. I went ape shit. I get so hyped.


Someone needs to go back and count all the times he said "I buried". He has to be an internet mark kind of dude, spending hours watching things on Youtube that aren't in the WWE library.


The triple H promo may be one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. There was a lot of meta trolling happening there from him.

Yep, they basically ripped something Meltzer said from an old observer with the B+ line. Basically Bryan represents the new age fans/IWC overcoming the old ideals of the McMahons and the burying/I won't lose to him/him eating a sandwich while changing a storyline version of Triple H.
Someone needs to go back and count all the times he said "I buried". He has to be an internet mark kind of dude, spending hours watching things on Youtube that aren't in the WWE library.

Someone needs to rip the audio and edit to so its just Trips listing random mid carders and up and comers he has buried over the years.

I might do that tomorrow if I have the time.
And I have no idea how you are agreeing with the heels here. The entire point is that the old McMahon idea of pushing the big muscular guys with no talent is wrong and dated, and that the most talented and popular guys are deserving of the pushes.

but that's the thing, they do have big, talented guys. more than ever, dare i say.

Cesaro, Del Rio, Sandow, Sheamus, Orton, Henry, Drew (being wasted), Ryback (getting better), Swagger (don't like him but he can go), etc.

DB should be having a best out of 7 with Evan Bourne for the CW belt. or vs Tyson Kidd. or vs Del Sol, Generico and PAC coming up. and vs a non-botching Sin Cara vs guys who understand his style.

am i the only who notices WWE is side-stepping an amazing CW division that would be a hit in 2013?


Sin Cara being an utter ponce was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Physically made of glass and mentally probably something a bit more fragile.

Loving the D-Bry stuff at the moment, I know the crowd was one of *those* crowds where they sing along with Fandango's music and chant for JBL and all that, but it made for an awesome night and hopefully that continues. Some real quality evil GM shit on that show with the 3-on-1 handicap matches, good to see The Shield have a main role again as the security force for the reborn Corporation, oh my. They're like the Big Bossman but he didn't die, he just split into three other rasslers.


but that's the thing, they do have big, talented guys. more than ever, dare i say.

Cesaro, Del Rio, Sandow, Sheamus, Orton, Henry, Drew (being wasted), Ryback (getting better), Swagger (don't like him but he can go), etc.

DB should be having a best out of 7 with Evan Bourne for the CW belt. or vs Tyson Kidd. or vs Del Sol, Generico and PAC coming up. and vs a non-botching Sin Cara vs guys who understand his style.

am i the only who notices WWE is side-stepping an amazing CW division that would be a hit in 2013?

How over are any of those people? How over is Daniel Bryan?


but that's the thing, they do have big, talented guys. more than ever, dare i say.

Cesaro, Del Rio, Sandow, Sheamus, Orton, Henry, Drew (being wasted), Ryback (getting better), Swagger (don't like him but he can go), etc.

DB should be having a best out of 7 with Evan Bourne for the CW belt. or vs Tyson Kidd. or vs Del Sol, Generico and PAC coming up. and vs a non-botching Sin Cara vs guys who understand his style.

am i the only who notices WWE is side-stepping an amazing CW division that would be a hit in 2013?
Why segregate guys like Daniel Bryan into their own division when they can wrestle everybody in the main events and more than hold their own? This isn't MMA where there's legitimate reasons for divisions like that and the titles can be equally as important. Some of the best pro wrestling stories are the ones where it's a little lad beating a bigger lad.


Bourne was pretty over. fuck, if not for the drugs he could be (out of place) in the main event. wasn't Steph high on him?

Mildly, for a bottom card guy, maybe. That is maybe 8% of how popular Bryan is (invented off the top of head).

That list you made. They HAVE pushed most of the people on that, and almost none of them got over, or got mildly over (not good enough for top face). Bryan got mega over WITHOUT a push, so now they're pushing him with the hope he'll be giga over.


The thing about Bryan, is despite his short height, thanks to his intensity in the ring and strikes/submission based style, he always looks right at home beating the crap out of bigger guys.


Compare it to Rey Mysterio, whose high flying offense looks laughable against big guys, like attacking them with a feather.
Lambda Piscium said:
but that's the thing, they do have big, talented guys. more than ever, dare i say.

Cesaro, Del Rio, Sandow, Sheamus, Orton, Henry, Drew (being wasted), Ryback (getting better), Swagger (don't like him but he can go), etc.

DB should be having a best out of 7 with Evan Bourne for the CW belt. or vs Tyson Kidd. or vs Del Sol, Generico and PAC coming up. and vs a non-botching Sin Cara vs guys who understand his style.

am i the only who notices WWE is side-stepping an amazing CW division that would be a hit in 2013?

See, I'm half agreeing with you, because I'd love a cruiserweight/jr. heavyweight division with the current roster. But that's something that should be weight based and Bryan isn't far off the generally accepted weight-limit (at least as far as Japanese promotions regard it) of 220lbs. Also, I can more than buy him beating guys the size of Cesaro. Hell, I could buy him kicking Morishima's ass. Why? Because I've seen him do it and the only obstacle to how that's received is how over Bryan is and, last time I checked, he's pretty damn over. Also, it would be a real shame to relegate someone of Bryan's versatile talents to wrestling guys who are almost exclusively going to work a cruiserweight style. One of the whole reasons people started calling Bryan the 'best wrestler in the world' back in 2006 was because he could be called upon to wrestle a great match with ANYONE.


I never minded Rey, dunno why he seems to get treated like this appalling, undeserving champion or whatever. He was a worthy main eventer and all of his matches were pretty great, they just booked him terribly once he won the damn thing.

And the Royal Rumble he won had him wrestle Psicosis for a bit which was cool.
We found the guy that justifies Vince's big dude thing.

don't get me wrong, i like DB. i just don't like DB as the HW champ wrestling HWs week in, week out.

it's a mix of old school weight class divisions and years of MMA. i'd like to suspend desbelief but it's getting harder. i see Cesaro and DB in the same ring and i thik "fuck, Cesaro would dismantle this guy in 60 seconds".

Lesnar vs Punk was a great match cause i went into it knowing that Punk would lose and get thrown around like a ragdoll and he had to use a chair and nutshots as equalizers. i do have some complains about the match and it's booking in parts but again, it's me using real world logic instead of WWE logic.
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