also, if Goldberg comes back, let him go nuts on the mic:
no point in posting pictures of my favorite masks as they've already been posted for the most part.
Mortis, Ultimo Dragon, Psichosis, La Parka.
I think you forgot someone.
Alucard said:Been watching steadily for a year, but I've seen enough to know they just can't get it together.
Just kinda noticing Boots doesn't watch TNA. How low does your product have to go to stay hidden from Bootaaay's eyes? Pretty crazy.
I think it's more a case of them dropping everything that's ever briefly looked promising that's more damning than "so bad its good" wrestling. The wrestling in TNA is serviceable, quality even sometimes - and that KIND of makes it worse.
Huh, I never knew the Road Warriors owed their tag team ability to a ventriloquist dummy;
I vaguely remember Ellering riding out with the dummy & LOD at Summerslam '92, but never saw this promo explaining why.
Think I'm done with TNA til I hear some good buzz about them. I just can't invest my time in a company that:
-follows up weakly or doesn't follow-up on angles (Manik unmasking, Chavo/Hernandez split, Joseph Park/Abyss)
-doesn't have announcers who can put consistently put over the action
-has very little sense of joy or fun in their product
-draws things out WAY too long (A+E, AJ, Park/Abyss)
-hotshot but have weak follow-up (Sabin, RVD, Aries)
Been watching steadily for a year, but I've seen enough to know they just can't get it together.
Falling Edge, good shout for El Samurai's mask. Dude is awesome.
Also, I don't think I've seen Great Sasuke mentioned yet, love his mask;
The Mask talk here is seriously aching without a Kane dump by Soulplaya. Med school's hittin him where it hurts.
Yeah, it is. I'm usually too tired to post. I lurk, but don't post.The Mask talk here is seriously aching without a Kane dump by Soulplaya. Med school's hittin him where it hurts.
He couldn't wrestle in these, so they don't really count, but Muta has had some amazing ring entrance masks;
What is the most insane way you have seen to end a feud?
Mine haves to be the death of Muerte Cibernetica:
Also when I was a kid I love Súper Muñeco mask:
Think I'm done with TNA til I hear some good buzz about them. I just can't invest my time in a company that:
-follows up weakly or doesn't follow-up on angles (Manik unmasking, Chavo/Hernandez split, Joseph Park/Abyss)
-doesn't have announcers who can put consistently put over the action
-has very little sense of joy or fun in their product
-draws things out WAY too long (A+E, AJ, Park/Abyss)
-hotshot but have weak follow-up (Sabin, RVD, Aries)
Been watching steadily for a year, but I've seen enough to know they just can't get it together.
strobogo said:Sami Callihan looks like a tool and I hope he never gets called up to the main roster.
I understand. I want to like them and give them way more leeway than I would WWE.
My biggest problem is consistency. Some angles get rebooted or forgotten in a week and others are drawn out way too long.
Callihan's a useful dude, I think he'll actually fit very well with the WWE style - people forget he's a great seller, probably because he's mostly known for wrestling crazy matches in CZW or the like, but if you go back and look at some of his jobber work for ROH on HDnet, he was pretty impressive working with very little given and always did well putting over his opponents.
Also, if we ever get Ambrose vs Callihan on the main roster, I bet it will be great and I bet WrassleGAF will collectively lose their shit.