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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


Man God

Non-Canon Member
no point in posting pictures of my favorite masks as they've already been posted for the most part.

Mortis, Ultimo Dragon, Psichosis, La Parka.


Think I'm done with TNA til I hear some good buzz about them. I just can't invest my time in a company that:

-follows up weakly or doesn't follow-up on angles (Manik unmasking, Chavo/Hernandez split, Joseph Park/Abyss)
-doesn't have announcers who can put consistently put over the action
-has very little sense of joy or fun in their product
-draws things out WAY too long (A+E, AJ, Park/Abyss)
-hotshot but have weak follow-up (Sabin, RVD, Aries)

Been watching steadily for a year, but I've seen enough to know they just can't get it together.
Falling Edge, good shout for El Samurai's mask. Dude is awesome.

Also, I don't think I've seen Great Sasuke mentioned yet, love his mask;


Alucard said:
Been watching steadily for a year, but I've seen enough to know they just can't get it together.

I could have told you that two years ago. TNA is a lost cause. It doesn't matter how many bright moments there are at any one given time in the promotion, because those moments will always be outweighed by the torrent of illogical shit that TNA creative spew onto television. It's so incredibly frustrating, because there was potential there at some point, but the TNA name has become so tainted I don't think they'll ever recover.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Just kinda noticing Boots doesn't watch TNA. How low does your product have to go to stay hidden from Bootaaay's eyes? Pretty crazy.

I think it's more a case of them dropping everything that's ever briefly looked promising that's more damning than "so bad its good" wrestling. The wrestling in TNA is serviceable, quality even sometimes - and that KIND of makes it worse.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Stro, Alex Greenfield liked your gif enough to RT it:


Say hello to your new pals :)
Huh, I never knew the Road Warriors owed their tag team ability to a ventriloquist dummy;


I vaguely remember Ellering riding out with the dummy & LOD at Summerslam '92, but never saw this promo explaining why.

Just kinda noticing Boots doesn't watch TNA. How low does your product have to go to stay hidden from Bootaaay's eyes? Pretty crazy.

I think it's more a case of them dropping everything that's ever briefly looked promising that's more damning than "so bad its good" wrestling. The wrestling in TNA is serviceable, quality even sometimes - and that KIND of makes it worse.

Definitely, it does make it worse. It's just hard to believe that a promotion can go so quickly back and forth between highs and lows in terms of the in-ring product. TNA is totally bipolar. And, yeah, I'd gladly watch $5 Wrestling or IWA Deep South over an episode of Impact.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Huh, I never knew the Road Warriors owed their tag team ability to a ventriloquist dummy;


I vaguely remember Ellering riding out with the dummy & LOD at Summerslam '92, but never saw this promo explaining why.

Unfortunately the first time I got to SERIOUSLY watch any LoD was when they had the goddamn dummy. I had read wrestling mags for years as a kid and knew they were awesome, but all of a sudden they show back up in WWF with...a puppet.

Was very hard to convince my brother they were badasses.


Think I'm done with TNA til I hear some good buzz about them. I just can't invest my time in a company that:

-follows up weakly or doesn't follow-up on angles (Manik unmasking, Chavo/Hernandez split, Joseph Park/Abyss)
-doesn't have announcers who can put consistently put over the action
-has very little sense of joy or fun in their product
-draws things out WAY too long (A+E, AJ, Park/Abyss)
-hotshot but have weak follow-up (Sabin, RVD, Aries)

Been watching steadily for a year, but I've seen enough to know they just can't get it together.

Well, they have gotten to a serviceable tv show. If you watched it during the late 2010-2011 period the show was complete crap with Russo booking.

It just seems him basically killing the product has made it hard for them to turn it around and them having money trouble just makes it even harder. What young talent wants to come in when the WWE has that new facility?

The other bad thing about it being average now is that the podcast I listen to is fine but man it was hilarious during the Jeff hardy heel run into the Mr. Anderson title reign. Man there was some great ones like the Mr. Anderson autotune that will never be beaten with today's below average to slightly above average tna.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The Mask talk here is seriously aching without a Kane dump by Soulplaya. Med school's hittin him where it hurts.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Titan does have a really pretty mask. However with masks I like, in general (Psicosis kinda gets a pass for me) I like simpler masks that make people look like something. Less elaborate swirls, more big blocks, etc. Kane's original mask was really good, honestly.


TNA has been a lost cause since Hogan and Bischoff came in. The 3 month period where Russo was booking the most straight and logical shows of his life right before they came in were the last time TNA has been worth regularly watching. Not even A Double, ROOOOOOooooo, or Bully Ray are worth watching the rest of the shit around them.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Didn't know you were on Twitter, Stro - would have credited you clearly had I known :(


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Watching NXT right now, AJ Lee deserves a lot of props for being a diva that people actually give a shit about.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What is the most insane way you have seen to end a feud?

Mine haves to be the death of Muerte Cibernetica:


Also when I was a kid I love Súper Muñeco mask:

This is pretty awesome. So evil! Or is it?! lol @ the lava!

I think one of the more pedestrian ways to end a feud that is insane was...Vince exploding in a limo. A shame we didn't get any normal resolution.
Think I'm done with TNA til I hear some good buzz about them. I just can't invest my time in a company that:

-follows up weakly or doesn't follow-up on angles (Manik unmasking, Chavo/Hernandez split, Joseph Park/Abyss)
-doesn't have announcers who can put consistently put over the action
-has very little sense of joy or fun in their product
-draws things out WAY too long (A+E, AJ, Park/Abyss)
-hotshot but have weak follow-up (Sabin, RVD, Aries)

Been watching steadily for a year, but I've seen enough to know they just can't get it together.

I understand. I want to like them and give them way more leeway than I would WWE.

My biggest problem is consistency. Some angles get rebooted or forgotten in a week and others are drawn out way too long.


Neo Member
sup guys, wondering if you can give me some advice

I'm thinking about getting tickets to the WWE live show in Glasgow during the November UK tour, there are still some floor seats available about six rows back. problem is, on some ticket sites it's generically labelled 'WWE Live' and on others it's labelled 'WWE Smackdown', and the show is the day before the RAW taping in Manchester. given the price of the tickets I wouldn't want to see just the Smackdown house show roster, for that money I'd like to see D-Bry, Orton, Punk etc, is there any chance of that happening or am I just being too hopeful?

also, does anyone know what the VIP experience tickets do? the seats seem to be on the floor behind where the announce team would be for TV, but is there some kind of wrestler/fan interaction or what?

big thanks for any responses.
Watched as much of a crappy IWA East Coast show as I could stomach. There was a flippy-do multi-man match where some dude got knocked loopy on a crucifix, a Lucky 13 match that was so, so bad the only highlight was when both wrestlers turned on the ref, stapled a dollar to his ass and then left. Mad Man Pondo wrestled some dude and, although this was probably the worst Pondo match I've seen in terms of him giving a fuck, he did take a backbody drop right after the bell. Can't recall the last time he actually bumped. He didn't look too happy about it either. The only thing worth a damn on the show is the main event of Sami Callihan vs Facade - Callihan sold well for Facade's kinda shitty offence and he was just about the only wrestler on the show whose moves looked legit. Oh, except for Kevin Sullivan, who wrestled some random for five minutes or so and still throws a mean punch. I was rather surprised to see that he can still go pretty well for a 63 year old. Callihan put over Facade in the end, after Facade escaped a rear naked choke by rolling back into a pin for 2, punted Sami in the skull and locked in a seated cattle mutilation to force Sami to tap. Not a great match or anything, but pretty good, especially compared to the rest of the show.

Callihan means business...


...but does not scare this little kid;

strobogo said:
Sami Callihan looks like a tool and I hope he never gets called up to the main roster.

Callihan's a useful dude, I think he'll actually fit very well with the WWE style - people forget he's a great seller, probably because he's mostly known for wrestling crazy matches in CZW or the like, but if you go back and look at some of his jobber work for ROH on HDnet, he was pretty impressive working with very little given and always did well putting over his opponents.

Also, if we ever get Ambrose vs Callihan on the main roster, I bet it will be great and I bet WrassleGAF will collectively lose their shit.


I understand. I want to like them and give them way more leeway than I would WWE.

My biggest problem is consistency. Some angles get rebooted or forgotten in a week and others are drawn out way too long.

That's the issue. 3 Impacts ago, Manik and Sabin had a fantastic match that was preceded by a really good promo and new direction for Manik. The week after? ZERO mention or appearance from Manik? This past week? A meaningless 4 and a half minute non-title match against Sonjay Dutt with NO mention of Manik's character's direction, struggles, or of how incredible of a match he had against Sabin two weeks ago. Instead, we got Tazz singing random songs and talking about random shit. It's a goddamned joke.

And hey, weren't they doing a Chavo/Hernandez split up story like a fucking MONTH ago? Zero meaningful follow-up!
I watched The World's End last night and Nick Frost totally
does a torture rack into a backbreaker followed by an elbow drop
(i liked it a lot)


Callihan's a useful dude, I think he'll actually fit very well with the WWE style - people forget he's a great seller, probably because he's mostly known for wrestling crazy matches in CZW or the like, but if you go back and look at some of his jobber work for ROH on HDnet, he was pretty impressive working with very little given and always did well putting over his opponents.

Also, if we ever get Ambrose vs Callihan on the main roster, I bet it will be great and I bet WrassleGAF will collectively lose their shit.

Too bad. He looks like an extra pasty and emo Taz.
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