Fell apart real bad?![]()
He is like 60 years old, so yeah, do not watch recent Canek.
Hes stuff in the 90s and 80s is the best.
Man, the Steve Austin Podcast is absolutely horrible. It feels like he's such a shill for his advertisers. Maybe I just got a bad ep (DDP)
Thanks for this
Killing me, yo. His podcast is amazing. I did feel DDP's episodes were a bit iffy. DDP is a great dude, but there is nothing he likes more in the world than talking about himself. I still prefer Austin's drops more than anyone else in podcasting, but they do get terrible when Moe is involved. I really don't like his interjections. I feel about him the way that many people have felt about Redban on Rogan's shows.
Also, no one seemed to give a shit out this and it made me sad:
Man, the Steve Austin Podcast is absolutely horrible. It feels like he's such a shill for his advertisers. Maybe I just got a bad ep (DDP)
Thanks for this
Also, no one seemed to give a shit out this and it made me sad:
Listen to some of the mixed martials ones. SCSA is much more engaged when he's talking to legitimate athletes instead of carnies.
I'll try another one of his. It was pretty rotten and DDP was the bright spot. I have a few more I can try.
Also people do give a shit about that gif, I already saw it crossposted on another forum a wrasslin buddy of mine linked to, so it's already making the rounds!
Link me. I need to know that going frame by frame to add a stupid blue dot was not done in vain.
Speaking of podcasts, The Miz was on Art of Wrestling last week;
Warning; may make you gain some appreciation for The Miz.
Also, Grado's on AoW this week and episode 2 of Colt & Grado's online;
Oh Grado, I can only understand about 50% of what you're saying, but you're a funny fucker nonetheless.
GTA shit is slowly leaking. Time for my Sin Cara hiatus from the internet.
Which is to say you wont successfully pull off this hiatus?
I made an OT wrestling thread and didn't try to put over legit shook since it's about as over as Wade Barrett
If I had software that allowed me to just hover a blue dot over Christian for the entirety of a match instead of having to go frame by frame, I'd do it.
Certain gifs go super slow on my phone. It feels like every frame is twice as slow as the one before it. So it's OK in the beginning, and by the end frames pause for longer than I would look at a photo of the moment the gif is trying to convey.Killing me, yo. His podcast is amazing. I did feel DDP's episodes were a bit iffy. DDP is a great dude, but there is nothing he likes more in the world than talking about himself. I still prefer Austin's drops more than anyone else in podcasting, but they do get terrible when Moe is involved. I really don't like his interjections. I feel about him the way that many people have felt about Redban on Rogan's shows.
Also, no one seemed to give a shit out this and it made me sad:
See all these lists show me irrefutable proof that WWE needs more masks, are they sure they can't throw one on Sami Zayn? and change his name while they're at it.
Speaking of Zayn, I stayed up to watch that 2 out of 3 falls match last night, I was right to do so, good call Wrasslegaf.
If I had software that allowed me to just hover a blue dot over Christian for the entirety of a match instead of having to go frame by frame, I'd do it.
No, El Generico was good, but Sami is way too good a face to be under a mask. I would not mind a brief appearance of El Generico during a Zayn story on the main roster, where he's banned from the arena or something and shows up as a luchador.
No, El Generico was good, but Sami is way too good a face to be under a mask. I would not mind a brief appearance of El Generico during a Zayn story on the main roster, where he's banned from the arena or something and shows up as a luchador.
Certain gifs go super slow on my phone.
Something about the name just bugs me, more than most of the WWE name generator names.
I've really gotten behind the name of Sami Zayn. Its up their with Seth Rollins as actually good names
So I need to be watching NXT, eh? How do I go about doing that in the UK?
The only things I don't like about Sami Zayn's name are;
1. It removes all possibility of Sami Callihan being called Sami Callihan, not that there was much chance of that any way. I just got used to him being 'The Callihan Death Machine'.
2. When called up to the main roster, Sami will do some crazy flip and King will say something like "Wow! Did you see that? That was IN-ZAYN!", cue awkward silence from Cole & JBL.
Wow friends, a shiver just ran up my spine. Mixed martial artist Wanderlei Silva just cut the hottest promo in any sport since Dusty Rhodes' "Hard Times".
Absolutely chilling. I'm legit shook right now.
It seems wrong to say this, but Dusty's was more intelligible.Wanderlei Silva just cut the hottest promo in any sport since Dusty Rhodes' "Hard Times".
Great presence and fire, but after a while he starts rambling like an indy geek with no time limit. Said what he needed to say in the first minute or so.
Also, I just had to watch Hard Times again. Will that promo ever be beat? Fucking chills.
Terry Funk's Beautiful Dream is up there though;
Amazing. I make a point to use 'gutless individual' in real life as often as I can.
Wow friends, a shiver just ran up my spine. Mixed martial artist Wanderlei Silva just cut the hottest promo in any sport since Dusty Rhodes' "Hard Times".
Absolutely chilling. I'm legit shook right now.
Wand looks like a shitty Face Off make-up job. can't wait to se him getting subbed by Sonnen.
I wouldn't put money on Wand but...when you start to question the smart choice, you know you've seen a damn good promo.
He's not called the Axe Murderer for nothing. His budo spirit clashes with Sonnen's style.