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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


I've never been a fan of traditional cages, their booking always feels lazy. Not Battle Royal lazy, but they overuse the cage in the match and the wrestlers don't always get to have a good match around the gimmick.

That being said, I love gimmicked cage matches, like Hell In A Cell and the Elimination Chamber. Those cages allow wrestlers to work inside the confines of the gimmick and adapt the cage into their regular stuff. Plus I think they allow wrestlers to be more inventive than regular cages. Yeah, occasionally you'll get something batshit insane like a steel cage not paying it's air bills and being destroyed by Mark Henry...but there is only so much you can do with a decades old gimmick that has run it's course.
Hell in a Cell matches are obsolete. They've all been god-awful in recent years, so what's the point?

Jesus, remember that Orton/Sheamus one? They didn't use the cell once and Sheamus gave Orton a backbreaker over his knee while on the steel steps, as if that somehow enhanced the damage caused by the move.


Hell in a Cell matches are obsolete. They've all been god-awful in recent years, so what's the point?

Jesus, remember that Orton/Sheamus one? They didn't use the cell once and Sheamus gave Orton a backbreaker over his knee while on the steel steps, as if that somehow enhanced the damage caused by the move.

HIAC isn't obsolete, the PPV just makes them boring. Any time you force a specific gimmick match into a feud at a specific time before you even write the feud, it's not going to work right.

Elimination Chamber PPV isn't bad though because it's not typically forced into a feud. It's a second chance at Wrestlemania match. Didn't win the rumble but you're a top guy? Go into the Chamber and come out a champ or other #1 contender to get in a main event at Mania.
again, that's poor booking. Hell in a Cell, in theory, fixes every illogical issue a normal cage brings to the table.

HIAC isn't obsolete, the PPV just makes them boring. Any time you force a specific gimmick match into a feud at a specific time before you even write the feud, it's not going to work right.

It's obsolete in this modern era where guys don't bleed and no one's taking a big, crazy bump, especially when WWE continually hype up how dangerous and crazy the cell matches are. But, I agree, the main problem is that it's a freaking gimmick PPV, instead of being the most violent feud ending match in WWE. There's no point putting two guys in a cell under any other circumstances, just as there's no point if you aren't going to have them actually use the cell for fear that they might bleed all over the place.


I've never been a fan of traditional cages, their booking always feels lazy. Not Battle Royal lazy, but they overuse the cage in the match and the wrestlers don't always get to have a good match around the gimmick.

That being said, I love gimmicked cage matches, like Hell In A Cell and the Elimination Chamber. Those cages allow wrestlers to work inside the confines of the gimmick and adapt the cage into their regular stuff. Plus I think they allow wrestlers to be more inventive than regular cages. Yeah, occasionally you'll get something batshit insane like a steel cage not paying it's air bills and being destroyed by Mark Henry...but there is only so much you can do with a decades old gimmick that has run it's course.

I feel a lot of gimmick matches can hurt the product if not booked well.

Last Man Standing matches for example, where you stand around doing nothing for like 5-10 seconds.

It isn't so bad until it happens in rapid succession.


I feel a lot of gimmick matches can hurt the product if not booked well.

Last Man Standing matches for example, where you stand around doing nothing for like 5-10 seconds.

It isn't so bad until it happens in rapid succession.

I feel like Last Man Standing matches are booked good more often than bad though....but I do hate when they go for the win too early and too often....come on, you know the guy is getting up from one chair shot.


I feel a lot of gimmick matches can hurt the product if not booked well.

Last Man Standing matches for example, where you stand around doing nothing for like 5-10 seconds.

It isn't so bad until it happens in rapid succession.

I was listening to the Review a Raw podcast and they had on a former WWE writer. He says that the WWE keeps a huge list of all the gimmick matches they have ever done and the last time it was done. That's probably why we got the faux-inferno match at SS, because someone noticed they haven't done one in forever.


could never
Keep Miz away from my beloved NXT.


I miss Carlito.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Carlito was also the guy that complained his fat ass had to be involved in a storyline where he got to make out with Torrie Wilson and get Ric Flair to help him get over.



WCW Thunder 7/8/98

Goldberg is the new WCW Champion! This is the go home for Bash At The Beach. Crowds have been chanting Goldberg for hours in the building.

TO THE CONFERENCE CENTER. JoJo states that Curt Hennig has issued an immediate challenge to face Goldberg for the championship at the BATB. The Giant/Hennig vs Goldberg/Greene tag match has been changed to solo matches. A decision on the US Championship will be made in the near future.

TO THE SCHIAVONE. He announces that DDP vs Hennig will be the main event tonight. Hennig is his guest, but is clearly late, so Tony has to stall for time. Hennig and Virgil finally come out. He thinks he shouldn't have to face DDP tonight. It interferes with the game plan and it won't happen tonight.

Tokyo Magnum/Shiima vs Public Enemy

You know how WCW lost $80Million? Giving PE pyro every show. This just sounds like an awful match. This was before CIMA got jacked and started naming moves after steroids. It went about a minute and a half before CIMA was put through stacked tables, with the ref not caring at all. Magnum then tries to dance with PE, but they attack him. The Dancing Fools run in and attack THEM, which was totally deserved as far as I'm concerned. Magnum then tries to dance with them, but they attack him, too. WCW wrestlers are so racist. Benoit's influence, no doubt.


A video package about all the mainstream publicity Rodman and Malone are getting for WCW. Publicizing how much publicity a match is getting?


The Cat vs Villano ?

Villano got a jobber entrance and I never got a good look at which number was on his tights. I'll assume IV. Why not. He attacks right away and beats Cat down in the corner. Villano bumps to the floor, when another one slips in to take his place. TWIN MAGIC! Cat beats them both.

. He brings out Eddie. Even EDDIE GUERRERO is happy that Goldberg beat Hogan and offers his congratulations. Chavo seems to be making Eddie pretty crazy, too. He's going to fuck Chavo up at BATB. "Nobody likes bald people, Chavo!"

. DDP is his guest in the ring. He also congratulates Goldberg. "I'm proud of you Goldberg, and that's a SHOOT, and you know that." It sure sounds like DDP lost his way early on in the promo and is making most of this stuff up on the fly. Hennig will feel the BANG tonight, no matter how hard he tries to get out of it.

Judo Suwa vs Juventud Guerrera

Lol, Suwa was so skinny. I'm more familiar with the more portly, dickhead heel Suwa. Juvi hits some stiff chops. A spinning head scissors sends Suwa to the floor. Juvi follows up with a pescado. Suwa comes back with a body slam and hits a very light Vader bomb. Juvi hits a missile dropkick to the back of the head. Juvi Driver for the win. Kidman distracts Juvi, with allows for the rest of the Flock to attack him. Oh good, another Kidman/Juvi match is on the way.


MONGO is the guest. He's got something to say to Arn Anderson about the Four Horsemen. He had a video package of Arn giving a promo against Ric Flair from 1995. He wants THAT Arn back. The Arn that became the driving force of the Horsemen.

Stevie Ray vs Konnan

Stevie cuts a promo before the match, saying all the problems are with Booker T. Furthermore, he's dedicating this match to Booker. I'm dedicating this match to cutting. Stevie blasts Konnan in the face with a chair. It made me happy. Booker prevented him from from continuing the beatdown. Fucking Booker.

Hennig is on the phone with Rude, who is with the lawyers in Atlanta to make sure the match with DDP won't happen tonight. Apparently, it is a done deal.

Raven/Whoreass vs Kanyon/Saturn

Interesting match. We're also told that they will be reairing Hogan/Goldberg in full on Nitro. Kanyon hits a spinning neckbreaker on Whoreass and goes after Raven on the floor. Whoreass recovers and hits a suicide vie. Raven with Dat Mr. Wrestling 2 knee lift. Russian leg sweep into the guard rail. Whoreass hits a Superfly Splash. More of a Superfly brick, but whatever. Fireman carry Flapjack Norton. Saturn comes in and hits suplexes and superkicks. Frankensteiner! Saturn gets a table out on the floor. Kanyon hits an electric chair on Whoreass. Saturn goes for the splash through a table again, but Lodi threw powder in his eyes. Whoreass put Kanyon on the table and Saturn jumped anyway with an elbow. Raven pins Kanyon for the win.


Steve McMichael vs Rick Fuller

On the go home show for a PPV.


Chris Jericho vs Ultimo Dragon WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Jericho comes out and claims he's injured so he won't be able to wrestle at BATB. Dean is suspended due to his actions on Nitro, and after he beats Dragon tonight, he won't have an opponent. He demands JoJo come out, but he never does. Exclusive IPPV on Friday. Wait, if Jericho is too hurt to wrestle at the PPV, why is he wrestling tonight? Ultimo was also said to have a concussion. Dragon gets the best of Jericho in the opening moments, sending him to the floor, doing a Tiger feint, and hitting a pescado. Jericho does some shenanigans and ends up doing a Shattered Dreams styled dropkick in the corner. Jericho catches the handspring elbow and turns it into a German suplex. He goes up top and gets caught. After much struggle, Dragon ends up hitting a super gourdbuster. Jericho basically no sells it and hits the butterfly backbreaker seconds later. Dragon sleeper, but Jericho gets to the ropes. Alabama slam into the Liontamer is reversed into a small package. Then a rana for another 2 count. Another attempt is finally countered into the Liontamer for the win.


TO THE SCHIAVONE. Kevin Greene is the guest. He congratulates Goldberg. "I've never faced an athlete quite like The Giant." Except when he faced Giant a few weeks ago. He's going to bring the heat this weekend.

DDP vs Curt Hennig

Hennig comes out. A gopher delivers some paper work to him, that I assume is the paperwork that will stop this match from happening. He makes Penzer read it. Virgil tries to attack and gets hit with a Kanyon Cutter. BANG! Hennig bails and looks hurt. Goldberg's music starts up. A bunch of pyro happens, but WE'RE OUTTA TIME. You've got to be shitting me. I can pretty much guarantee that Goldberg wasn't there, didn't show up even with his music and pyro, and those fans went home very pissed.

The announced card for Bash at the Beach

Hollywood Hogan/Dennis Rodman vs DDP/Karl Malone
Goldberg vs Curt Hennig WCW Championship
The Giant vs Kevin Greene
Bret Hart vs Booker T WCW TV Championship
Eddie Guerrero vs Chavo Guerrer Jr. Hair Contra Hair
Raven vs Saturn

I'm sure there will be some filler matches, but that's all that that has actually been announced. No Kanyon, no Sting/Nash/Lex, no Hall, no Benoit, no Finlay, no MONGO. What I would like to know is why Piper beating up Savage/DDP in the cage match, and the nWo beating down all three men has not been mentioned since it happened. They did show that Savage was hurt, but DDP never brought it up and Piper hasn't been mentioned even once on TV since then.


Worlds end was super awesome

Nick frost does a torture rack into a back breaker

Just got back from that and I was laughing so hard at the entire encounter. Great movie, still trying to decide where it fits qualitatively with the other two.

NXT is all entertainment, except for Bo. If you don't enjoy NXT, you probably don't like wrestling very much. It's JCP/CWF, but with top indie talent and WWE production. Anyone who doesn't like that is a JERK.

Be fair--there's more to NXT's unentertaining side than just Bo. There's Tamina, CJ Parker, Scott Dawson and Sylvester LeFort (seriously, who thought "pair the one-note over-the-top-fake-French Macho Man and super-redneck" was a good idea?)

I wonder if Emma's schtick would get over on the main show.

It would be great if they brought her up Wyatt style where the gimmick survived the transition rather than Big E style where she has to start at square one with a new approach to promos and characterization. Though maybe square one with the same gimmick would be the best way to get her over--let her start out clumsy and without the dance, then let the audience root for her to finally make the flip into the ring, or have her show up doing the dance just like she did with NXT. It'd also be worth revisiting her earlier work to see what other factors led into her popularity. Underdog status? Lack of self-awareness? Just plain charisma?

1. Bork vs Punk
2. Bryan vs Cena
3. Cesaro/Zayn 2/3 Falls
4. Punk vs Cena
5. Cesaro vs Bryan
6. Punk vs Taker
7. Christan vs ADR Summerslam
8. Cesaro vs Zayn II
9. Shield vs Kofi/Sheamus/Orton
10. Idk. Maybe BoD vs Shield.

I agree with almost all of these picks. Love that you show the SS WHC match some love--if I go by the thread, it got heavily overshadowed by the other two matches. Don't remember the second one I highlighted (Kofi/Shield). When did it air?


Just got back from that and I was laughing so hard at the entire encounter. Great movie, still trying to decide where it fits qualitatively with the other two.

Be fair--there's more to NXT's unentertaining side than just Bo. There's Tamina, CJ Parker, Scott Dawson and Sylvester LeFort (seriously, who thought "pair the one-note over-the-top-fake-French Macho Man and super-redneck" was a good idea?)

It would be great if they brought her up Wyatt style where the gimmick survived the transition rather than Big E style where she has to start at square one with a new approach to promos and characterization. Though maybe square one with the same gimmick would be the best way to get her over--let her start out clumsy and without the dance, then let the audience root for her to finally make the flip into the ring, or have her show up doing the dance just like she did with NXT. It'd also be worth revisiting her earlier work to see what other factors led into her popularity. Underdog status? Lack of self-awareness? Just plain charisma?

I agree with almost all of these picks. Love that you show the SS WHC match some love--if I go by the thread, it got heavily overshadowed by the other two matches. Don't remember the second one I highlighted (Kofi/Shield). When did it air?

There are some duds on NXT, but there were also duds at the highest peak of any promotion. Fake Macho isn't offensive to me, and I totally forgot about CJ Parker. I like the redneck tag team, but I don't ever see them getting called up. Tamina isn't on enough to impeed any enjoyment.

I don't remember when the Kofi/Shield match aired, but it was with in the last 3 months. It in between WM and Kofi getting hurt. It was on Raw I believe. I'm pretty sure it was Kofi/Sheamus/Orton. WHC at Summerslam was really good, but had no chance of really standing out on that show.


There are some duds on NXT, but there were also duds at the highest peak of any promotion. Fake Macho isn't offensive to me, and I totally forgot about CJ Parker. I like the redneck tag team, but I don't ever see them getting called up. Tamina isn't on enough to impeed any enjoyment.

Is it a redneck tag team anymore? All I ever see is Scott Dawson. The other guy hasn't shown in a while. And I don't find fake Macho Man offensive, just extremely annoying. He's like a parody of wrestling/heels/heelish managers played straight, with no sense of irony at all. Pure gimmick, no substance about him.
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