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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


I'm about to shoot right now:

CM Punk has impressed me this year. He's backed up his Best in the World character with actual MOTYs this year. He's trying to grab that HBK spot of showstopping PPV matches, and I commend him for that.
I was thinking I'd like to see Goldberg return to the WWE and rewrite Ryback as his demented evil son that Goldberg has to put out of his misery...preferably by smothering with a pillow.
Or the more likely scenario they could get into a shouting match:

THis match should be another DDT classic
Um...OK. AJPW's bat-shit insane owner Shiraishi made his wrestling debut today at All Japan's Ota Ward show. He's been being trained by Masanobu Fuchi and teamed with KENSO against the team of Masahiro Chono & Joe Doering;


Chono's like, wtf is that?


Shiraishi supposedly wasn't as bad as you'd expect. He hit some big kicks and locked in an STF on Chono, of all people. Of course, that didn't sit well with Chono, who escaped and tapped Shiraishi with his own STF.

Elsewhere, Suwama defended the Triple Crown against Go Shiozaki in what was said to be an amazing 30+ minute match. The attendance was down, though. 1,304 fans, whereas eight months ago they sold out the place with 4,800 fans. Lastly, Diamond Ring's Kento Miyahara has signed with All Japan, although whether he'll be working exclusively for the promotion remains to be seen.


Stro has finally reached the beginning of the end of great WCW.

I'm in the middle of BATB98 and I can tell they're on the down slide already. Goldberg winning the title was the apex. It feels like the wheels are falling off a WEEK later. They already stopped announcing matches or even hyping Thunder, they clearly didn't really plan out what they were going to do with Goldberg, all the celebrity involvement, dropping angles, and general lack of cohesive story telling through out shows.


Well that sucks, I just renewed my subscription a few days ago. :(

Other stuff to watch on Hulu, especially with the TV season ramping up. As a cable cutter it is essential. Right now, all I have is Master Chef and NXT, but I'm sure I'll pick up a few things in the next few weeks.


So not worth it
Other stuff to watch on Hulu, especially with the TV season ramping up. As a cable cutter it is essential. Right now, all I have is Master Chef and NXT, but I'm sure I'll pick up a few things in the next few weeks.

It's legal to lamp shows and movies in NL, so I do that to keep up. I use Netflix to watch older shows.

Hulu's ads are annoying, but I'll use this month to finally watch The Shield I guess.


The PPVs in particular become awful. Road Wild 1998 is so bad you'd think it was 1999.

After a while, I don't think WCW knew what it was booking towards

WWE always booked towards their PPVs.

But you'd get major matches/blow-offs on Nitros, or they'll hype matches and then bait and switch the audience

Then their PPV would be booked a week before the show.
Just had this weird thought.

Remeber that plan of WWE to have everyone wear masks at 'Mania for the Guiness? What if they tried pulling it with those Wyatt goat masks?

And God that Swiss Death. So beautiful.
The more i think about it, the more i like the idea of RVD and Dolph switching roles. RVD would get to continue his feud with Shield, Dolph would be back in the WHC picture, with a mouthpiece (kinda). Unfortunately, they already went in the other direction and I'd rather they not back out now.

Be fair--there's more to NXT's unentertaining side than just Bo. There's Tamina, CJ Parker, Scott Dawson and Sylvester LeFort (seriously, who thought "pair the one-note over-the-top-fake-French Macho Man and super-redneck" was a good idea?)

Slyvester Lefort is legit French, yet he sounds like a guy attempting to do a French accent



WCW Bash At The Beach 7/12/98

Raven vs Saturn

Saturn is back to wearing his Eliminators trunks. I expect this will probably be the match of the night, depending on how bullshit Booker vs Hart ends up. Saturn beats the shit out of Raven right away. Really nifty drop toe hold into an ankle lock. Saturn misses a guillotine leg drop. Raven does a butterfly suplex. A table comes out. Raven attempts to superplex him on it, but Saturn throws Raven DICK FIRST into the ropes. He goes for a dive, but Raven moved, so Saturn crashes and burns. Russian leg sweep into the railing. It goes back in the ring. Raven locks on a sleeper. Saturn gets out with a jawbreaker. Kick combo in the corner. T-bone suplay. Saturn bring a chair in. Springboard leg drop with the chair on Raven's face. Riggs and Lodi get involved and both get suplexed. Saturn does a flying drop kick into the corner, but hits Nick Patrick, who takes the most amazing bump. Bulldog on the steps. Saturn gets another table out. He puts Raven on one, then puts the second table on top of him. He goes up top, but Kanyon pulls Raven out of the way. Saturn jumped anyway and barely touched the top table on the way down. Looked terrible for everyone. Kanyon brings Raven in the ring and hits a Flatliner on an open chair. Flatliner SWERVE! BANG! The Flock roll Saturn in the ring and he kicks out. Drop toe hold on the chair. Saturn kicks out again. Really shitty looking superkick into the chair. Riggs gets hit with the DVD. Raven hits the Evenflow for the win. This was really disappointing. Botches everywhere.





TO THE MEAN GENE. Eddie Guerrero is the guest. Chavo will face Stevie Ray tonight. What? Chavo challenged Stevie I guess. He's going to shave Chavo's head bald tonight.

Kidman vs Juventud Guerrera

Again. Of course. Kidman has his shirt tucked in, which seems weird for a heroin addict. He looks a bit cleaner recently. This is like the Kofi vs Ziggler match of WCW 1998. I'll just do the gifs. Juvi wins with the 450.




Stevie Ray vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Chavo taps out to a handshake.


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Eddie Guerrero Hair Contra Hair

Crazy Chavo is best Chavo for sure. Chavo starts by biting Eddie's ass. Bushwhacker styled offense. Eddie hurts his foot kicking the ropes and Chavo then dances. Chavo takes a seat on a chair in the ring. It's mostly a straight comedy match for the first few minutes. Eddie hits a DISGUSTING dropkick to the back with Chavo in the corner. Looked like it broke his torso. It was really gross. I'll grab a still of it, too. Eddie then goes on to work over the back. Eddie takes his patented monkey flip bump, then Chavo does a weird dive from the top that basically was a giant missed flip, but he no sold it and hit a tiltawhirl back breaker. Eddie throws him to the floor and attempts a brainbuster, but Chavo reverses and hits a suplex on the exposed carpet. Rug burn for sure. Eddie hits a big superplex back in the ring. Chavo goes for the frog splash. Eddie gets his knees up and hits a tornado DDT. Eddie then goes for the frog splash, but Chavo moves and hits his own tornado DDT. He goes to cut Eddie's hair, but the ref stops him. In the middle of this, he gets caught in a small package. Eddie wins! Chavo shaves his own head. I bet he misses having the hair to be able to shave it.



Disco Inferno vs Konnan

Lol, what? This shit came out of nowhere. Zero build or any kind of angle. Nash is out there, but this is the 3rd PPV in a row he hasn't wrestled on. Was he hurt during this period or doing a movie? He's only had 2 or 3 matches even on TV in the past 3 months. Lots of talking, but not many matches. Lex puts Alex in the torture rack. For some reason, the ref cares more about that then the match in the ring, which allows Nash to powerbomb Disco. This was about 3 minutes long and a total waste.

The Giant vs Kevin Greene

I'm sure this is going to be top level stuff. This and the main event. Fans are chanting Goldberg. This will actually probably be better than the main event. This is actually pretty passable. Giant won with the chokeslam.



Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio Jr. WCW Cruiserweight Championship No Disqualification

Jericho comes out with a top hat and cane for some reason. Maybe he's a droog. Or maybe he's a magician. Oh, he's doing a soft shoe routine. JoJo comes out and says he's got a guy Jericho can face. Jericho runs his mouth and agrees to make it a title match and no DQ. And that opponent is REY MYSTERIO JR.!!! Rey is back, tanner and bulkier than ever. Springboard fameasser. Rey tries a 619 around the ring post into head scissors, but they botched it. Jericho goes after the bad leg, but then runs away to the beach. Rey hits a diving rana off the life guard chair. Back in the ring, Jericho hits a top rope powerslam. He brings a chair in the ring and waffles Rey's leg. He tries to Pillmanize Rey, but misses. Rey then uses the chair. X=Factor. Diving rana is countered into the Liontamer, but Rey gets to the ropes before it can get locked on. Dean Malenko comes out. Rey rolls Jericho up. New champion!!! Dean didn't even do anything. I'm not even sure that Jericho saw him. But he did after the match and ran to the back. Dean chased him. Arn held Jericho up until Dean could get to him.




Bret Hart vs Booker T WCW TV Championship

Okay, so Bret comes into (the) WCW straight from the Screwjob as possibly the hottest guy in the business. He's been in WCW since December. It's July and he's having his first title shot of any kind and it is for the lowest tiered title WCW has. Granted, the TV Championship had some prestige at that time, but Bret was WAY above it and it devalues him more than elevates the belt or Booker. Imagine if Sting got screwed at Starrcade and came into the WWF as the undefeated WCW Champion and he got his first title match at Summerslam. For the European Championship. Book actually out wrestles Bret in the opening minutes, because Bret wasn't taking this seriously. He gets hip tossed to the floor. Bret hits a stun gun on the railing. Book hits a spinewalkslambuster, but it seemed to piss Bret off more than anything. 5MOD start. Book comes back with some kicks. Axe (me a question) kick! Missile dropkick! Bret gets to the ropes and bails to the floor. Book tries some kind of dive over the top and gets caught with a chair on the way down. Match is thrown out and Bret tries to destroy Book's leg with a chair after the match. Ring post figure four. I don't even think this went 10 minutes. And ended in a DQ. Stevie comes out and Bret leaves.



Goldberg vs Curt Hennig WCW Championship

Hennig comes out alone. I'm not sure what it says about the championship when Goldberg beating Hogan is sold as the biggest event in WCW history, yet Hogan still main events the PPV. Even crazier to think about: The show before Goldberg beat Hogan for the belt, he main evented with Glacier. From Glacier to Hogan. Hennig takes his best bump in years off a shoulder block. Bill went for the rolling knee bar, but Perfect just kept rolling out of the ring. Press slam to powerslam. Perfect goes after Goldberg's knee. Perfect plex! Didn't matter. Spear. Jackhammer. Title retained.


Hollywood Hogan/Dennis Rodman vs DDP/Karl Malone

Oh my god, there are 40 minutes left for this. Pretty sure Joss Whedon is in the front row. This match is so thrown together. I would have to guess that the NBA did a better job building this since Rodman made ONE appearance and one of Malone's was 2 hours of a helicopter shot of him in a semi. Goldberg winning the title kind of fucked DDP over, too. He started this angle of going after Hogan for the belt, but now there is no belt and DDP/Rodman really had no reason to have an issue before it was decided to have this match. Nothing feels organic about it at all. What if the Bulls and Jazz didn't face each other in the finals? Would David Robinson be in this match instead? The real athletes start out. Rodman is pretty good at 80s chickenshit heel. Hogan comes in for a pose off. Malone slams Hogan. DDP wants Rodman. Rodman bumps for DDp and insists that DDP pulled the hair. Lol, Rodman is blown up after two bumps and some stalling. He has a solid arm drag, though. They had a few really awkward bumps into each other. Rodman is dead. Lol. Elite level NBA player and he's blown to shit in 4 minutes of actual in ring work. This isn't good. Rodman dropping elbows on Malone might be good for ESPN, but not good for someone who wanted to watch a good wrestling show. DDP hits the Kanyon Cutter on Hogan, Malone hits the Kanyon Cutter on Rodman, then Beefcake hits a Stunner on DDP. Hogan makes the pin. Malone then hits a Kanyon Cutter on Beefcake. BANG BANG BANG BANG! And one on the ref. BANG! A god damn 20 minute PPV main event with two non wrestlers and the other two were in their mid 40s.






So not worth it
So, my iPad crashes everytime Strob makes a post, so of course I was blaming the iPad, but to be fair to the thing, there's 94MB worth of .gifs in that post.

That iPad Mini with extra RAM can't come quick enough lol.

This though:

Best ever.


I don't even bother checking wrasslegaf on phone or tablet. There are always going to be enough gifs per page that it is just going to lead to a crash, even when I'm not responsible for it. And I actually cut a few gifs out. There were 5 or 6 I ended up not using because I thought it was getting excessive.


I don't even bother checking wrasslegaf on phone or tablet. There are always going to be enough gifs per page that it is just going to lead to a crash, even when I'm not responsible for it. And I actually cut a few gifs out. There were 5 or 6 I ended up not using because I thought it was getting excessive.

You still put them on Tumblr right? Because those things take 30 min to load anyway so why not put a few more.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Well good thing this DDP+celebrity/Hogan+celebrity main event is a once in a lifetime match...

Hogan's partner in the truly awful sequel to this match is Bischoff.
I'll say this. When Kevin Greene did the wrestling stuff, he never half-assed it. You could tell he fucking loved what he was doing and he really busted his ass to be good.



This was my favorite thing of the whole show. Nick Patrick was legit lol worthy there. That and Eddie's dropkick, which was just brutal and looked like it broke Chavo's back. But look at that bump! I feel like the bump by itself would make a solid reaction gif.

EDIT: Extended solo from Nick Patrick


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's true, it's great on a 4" screen, but it looks huge on a 8" screen, huge = shit.

Alright Aiii whatever you say

Never mind you could use a mobile site for a mobile device
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