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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show

sailorswayze please make my superkick shirt

I lose all respect for people driving unde the influence, fuck you Angle.

You really can't not drink or do drugs when you're driving? You really can't drink a soda instead? Stop being an ass.
It's not even his first time if memory serves me right.

What a dumbfuck. Taxi's are always available too.

His eyes are so creepy, as usual.
A second after the photo he did a double lariat to them both.

I was always under the impression that he did that after he took a picture with anyone; it always seemed like he had less pics with fans floating around, and I just figured that was why.

Hansen's in good shape, though.

Guess who was just busted again in Texas for DWI after impact taping:


edit: Here is also some Smark Spoilers for next weeks impact:

Bully Ray promo with Chris Sabin about the cage match at Hardcore Justice. Brooke Hogan came out with the contract and said if Bully lost he'll never get another title match. Just like Sting a couple months ago. Ugh.

Jeff Hardy defeated Samoa Joe in a very good BFG match. I believe Mr. Anderson distracted Joe from the announce table but I'm not sure.

Mr. Anderson defeated Magnus in a BFG match after Bobby Roode came out & hit Anderson with a chair. That disqualified Magnus.

Tito Ortiz came out for a promo. Angle interrupted him to tell him he respected him. Bully Ray then came out & said he didn't respect either of them. Dumb segment.

James Storm, Gunner, & ODB beat Bromance and Mickie James. Gail Kim attacked ODB afterwards and then Mickie got a cheap shot jn after.

Kaz and Daniels went to a double count out on purpose. Such a dumb finish. Then Roode came back out & announced a new faction with them 3. Cause that's what TNA needs.

Chris Sabin and Kurt Angle defeated Team 3D. In a typical TNA move, Sting came out with Sabin and got by far the best pop of the night. But of course it was just a swerve for Angle to come from behind. Half the crowd left because of this.

I wonder if TNA's going to shore up anything for Angle if he gets nicked. After all, this whole MEM vs A&8s thing could go on for months. It goes without saying that it was stupid for him to drink and drive in the first place.

Those spoilers don't sound too egregious, all editorializing aside. Only things that seem iffy are
Bully's promos with Sabin, Ortiz and Angle
, which...yeah.


Quick, someone tip Dallas Page off and let him know there's an opportunity to fleece the sheep for more money.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
His ears actually work as wing flaps, allowing him a greater degree of control over his descent.

I'd like to see a spot where someone goes to box his ears, but ends up selling his hands being hurt.


Just make the ears part of PAC's gimmick. When he was a youngster, he had trouble doing what his mother told him, so she'd grab him by the ears to get his attention. Over the years, his ears became stretched out and now help him fly. Problem solved.
I don't think it is frantic at all. It's very basic and usually follows a pretty strict formula of "Match ---> Announcers talk --->In ring/stage interview ---> Match ---> Repeat all night" Sometimes you'll get two matches in a row or something, but I don't get any kind of frantic pace. It's basically the same as today, just with crowds and wrestlers that are excited to be there instead of a bunch of guys looking bored and fans looking more bored. The main difference is the complete lack of stupid "X is walking to ring/office while looking happy/sad/angry" things that WWE feels that have to use at every break.

Actually, the lack of backstage stuff period is great. All angles are done in front of the audience, which is really the way it should be. The fans pay to see the wrestlers in person, not on a really big screen. They could have just stayed home for that shit.


It's impossible to tell when Piper is drunk or sober. He sounds and acts drunk even when he's completely dry. That's just Piper.

One thing that is obviouse is the backstage interviews and in ring interviews were masterful compare to today. For the life of me I can't understand why the WWE doesn't invest in getting someone competent to do interviews.

Now some idiot asks a questioned and it's 100% of the time followed by the wrestler repeating the question and shitting on the interviewer. It's a lost art.
So I just finished watching Devitt vs Okada from Kizuna Road to go into the G1 Climax, which I'm watching now (birthday weekend woo!)

...GODDAMN IS OKADA OVER AS FUCK. Holy shit. Devitt/Bullet Club bring great heat too. Crowd went mad for Gedo trying to save his buddy
Excuse me? Can Ishii do this?:

cause this, this is wrasslin'

There's literally only one or two instances where walking on your hands in a wrestling match would be useful and that's one of them right there.

Ishii? He just drops people on their fucking head;


Also, Samuray Del Sol > Kofi;


BronsonLee said:
So I just finished watching Devitt vs Okada from Kizuna Road to go into the G1 Climax, which I'm watching now (birthday weekend woo!)

...GODDAMN IS OKADA OVER AS FUCK. Holy shit. Devitt/Bullet Club bring great heat too. Crowd went mad for Gedo trying to save his buddy

Bullet Club are getting ridiculous heat. I can't think of anyone else in Japan right now getting such a big heel reaction, they fucking despise Devitt, it's pretty awesome.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
sometimes i think wrestlers should have to submit all their spots to a board approval

because i guarantee you only benjamin and anderson thought this was actually a cool spot. The springboard into attempted cutter spot. The paydirt spot was pretty cool, but Shelton should stick to the t-bone.
because i guarantee you only benjamin and anderson thought this was actually a cool spot. The springboard into attempted cutter spot. The paydirt spot was pretty cool, but Shelton should stick to the t-bone.

Yeah, the springboard into a cutter looks just as dumb as whenever someone comes off the top and Randy catches them in an 'out of nowhere' RKO. I really liked the Paydirt counter though, thought that was pretty cool on Anderson's part.
Ishii? He just drops people on their fucking head;


Bullet Club are getting ridiculous heat. I can't think of anyone else in Japan right now getting such a big heel reaction, they fucking despise Devitt, it's pretty awesome.

RIP in peace Tanahashi. If you aren't dead, just stay in CMLL when you make the trek, thx you bum :p

Yeah, they are hardcore against Devitt doing anything. So surprising. BOSJ really helped him a ton.


I'm listening the John Pollock review for the G-1 Climax tournament and it seems like from his reviews of both days Tanahashi is getting John Cena reactions now. The opponents either get cheered or its 50/50. Is that true?
I'm listening the John Pollock review for the G-1 Climax tournament and it seems like from his reviews of both days Tanahashi is getting John Cena reactions now. The opponents either get cheered or its 50/50. Is that true?

Yeah, it's been that way for a while now - in front of the right crowd (such as today's show in Korakuen), Tanahashi will get a ton of boos. It often depends on the opponent, though. Yesterday, he wasn't booed much, but it was a very split crowd because he was facing Kojima, who is a big long-time fan favourite. Tonight, Tanahashi was getting straight up booed from the very start - they knew this would happen though, as Korakuen is a very hardcore crowd who love an underdog story and Ishii's become something of a cult favourite, so Tanahashi was playing a very slight heel character, his usual self but with a bit more arrogance and show-boating. Got a ton of boos though, it was pretty crazy.


There's literally only one or two instances where walking on your hands in a wrestling match would be useful and that's one of them right there.

Ishii? He just drops people on their fucking head;


Also, Samuray Del Sol > Kofi;


Bullet Club are getting ridiculous heat. I can't think of anyone else in Japan right now getting such a big heel reaction, they fucking despise Devitt, it's pretty awesome.

R.I.P. Hiroshi Tanahashi, 1869-2013

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I put in the FF14 name generator for a Midlander and got this on my first try

Donald Byron
(姓の意味: 牛小屋)



So not worth it

The Thursday, August 1st edition of TNA Impact Wrestling on Spike TV scored a final cable rating of 1.03, down from last week’s 1.05, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Despite the heavy socal media promotion centered around the “#August1Warning” mystery-man, Impact Wrestling declined five percent in overall viewership.

Impact Wrestling this past Friday averaged 1.246 million viewers, down from the 1.314 million viewers the show averaged last week.


WCW Thunder 4/9/98

Apparently this tape had some of the show cut off, because it started talking about Saturday Night and something that went down between Goldberg and The Flock.


Fucking Prince. Come on. Don't start a show with this cunt. They aren't on the same page, wrestle way different styles, yet they tried a reverse frankensteiner. STUPID STUPID STUPID. Looks like Prince blew out his knee on a flip out of a back drop, but he kept going, including doing springboards, so who knows. He wins with the Northern lights THROW. Suck my dick. Jericho comes out and says there is no way that Prince is a cruiserweight. He will bring a scale to the ring later tonight to prove it.


Recap of Mortis trying to join The Flock and Raven trying to kill him with a DDT on the ramp. Kanyon! Then a recap of nWo stuff from Nitro.

Raven grabs a mic and gets in the corner. He talks for a few seconds before a fan jumps the rail and grabs him out of the ring by his hair. The fan is tackled by security. Raven gets back in the ring to continue his promo, but his mic is now dead. He doesn't realize it. Most of the promo is in audible, but part of it is picked up by the camera mic. They're chanting the Atlanta Braves' chant at them. Lol. Bad night for Raven.


Buff is the guest tonight. He claims to be 5-1 against Lex. I guess they have a match on Nitro.

Konnan vs Chris Benoit

NO. I hope Benoit kills him. Yes. I know what I said. Why couldn't he have put his murderous rage to good use? Benoit won. Sadly, as you may have figured out, there was no murder after the match. Well, there was, but a long time after the match and it didn't involve Konnan.

Curt Hennig vs Jim Duggan

Oh come on. I think this is the point where they officially gave up on Thunder. Rude runs Tenay off. A PA botches and gets on camera taking coffee away. Rude handcuffs Duggan to the top rope. I can only hope Bulldog and Anvil get involved. Oh, hey guys. I'm glad you could make it. Fucking WCW. Maybe they're just front loading the show with everything I hate.


Glacier vs Lex Luger

Oh god why did I finish off all of my booze last night?

More Nitro recaps. What the fuck is this shit?

Kidman vs Hypnosis

Kidman gets knocked the the floor. Hypno hits a dive not unlike that year that Taker almost killed himself at WM. Back in the ring, a BK Bomb and stomps get Kidman in control. Dude really shouldn't be blasted on H while trying to wrestle. It doesn't seem like a good drug to wrassle on. Kidman hits a tornado bulldog. Fans get interested in something. It was Jericho coming to the ring with a scale. Because of this, the ref misses 3 pinfalls that Hypnosis could have won on. He goes up top, but La Parka hits him with a chair right in the ass. Kidman hits the SSP for the win.



. Skeeavone talks with Jericho. JJ gave Jericho authority for this weigh in. Prince comes out. He weighs 218. That shit ain't calibrated. Scale to the face! Good. Fucking Prince.

Disco Inferno vs Scott Steiner

Uh oh. Disco is going to get killed. Sadly, nothing particularly gif worthy in the killing.

A really bizarre ad for Lost In Space played. No sound effects or music. Just dialog. It looks like a super serious Alien style movie based on that ad. Wasn't it a really terrible sci fi/comedy/action mess?

Booker T vs Chris Jericho WCW TV Championship

Finally something good for me. Jericho gets laid out with a lariat right away. Then kicked in the side of the head. He tries to fight back and gets dumped to the floor. Jericho decides to leave, but Book drags him back. Eye poke! Stun gun. 1004 moves, guys. He knows 1004 moves. Jericho crotches Book and hits a missile dropkick while he's up there. Big vertical throw. Lionsault is missed. Big spinebuster isn't. Ax kick. Pancake Norton! Harlem side kick. Jericho pulls the ref face first into the missile drop kick. Jericho was disqualified for it.


TO THE SCHIAVONE. Flair was supposed to be there tonight, but due to tornadoes, he couldn't make it. Bischoff and Scott Steiner come out instead. Bischoff gives the real reasons why Flair isn't there. It's because Flair looks in the mirror and wonders why he can't be as good as Hogan. God, don't bring Flair into the Hogan/Piper shit. Please. Oh, I guess we're going to get get a preview of 3 Ninjas on Shit Mountain. God damn, that looks FUCKING TERRIBLE. Scott says Flair didn't show because he didn't want to face Big Poppa Pump. Ric Flair is a coward! This brings Arn Anderson out. Ric Flair left a part of himself in cities all across the country. I think Arn is such a great wingman that he's bragging about Ric's trim even when he's not around. Lex Luger also comes out. Scott attacks. Bischoff turns around into Rick Steiner, who suplexes him on the floor.


Kevin Nash vs Rick Steiner

Nash insists that the nWo guys are loyal to him. Piper is the finest "switch hitter" in the business. I believe that was a homosexual joke. Fuck this show. And of course, Konnan is at ringside. The rest of the nWo come out to surround the ring. We're into OVERTIME! For this shit? This goes about a minute and a half before the nWo get involved. Jackknife to Rick. Norton, Steiner, and Crush prevent Dillinger and security from coming to the ring. Giant comes out but WE'RE OUTTA TIME.

Terrible show. This was 2000 levels of "Oh, I forgot we had a show tonight". The only thing it was missing was a Hogan and Piper rant. Otherwise it hit all of the things I hate in the first hour of the show. Had I known the shit I was about to watch, I would have saved my booze for it.
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