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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show

Got to think this is Tenzan's last G1 - this is his 19th tournament and the dude's looking very creaky. Out of all the veterans left standing in New Japan, Tenzan is by far the most beat up.

Devitt is a piece of trash and you should hate him too.

I'd cheer your precious Hitler over Devitt

no I wouldnt

No one cheers for Hitler. He's the ultimate heel.

Speaking of Hitler, did you know that DDP's 'diamond' symbol is also the hand symbol used by the Hitler Youth and, as described by the Führer, represents the unity of National Socialism?


DDP is a Nazi. Legit shook.

Jamie OD

Yeah, it really feels kinda corny, but because it's Japan, because it's representing that US style of match interference and heel shenanigans, it's gaining a ton of heat, so I can't really argue against it. I seriously never expected to hear a Japanese crowd chanting for Lance Freaking Archer like he was the biggest face on the planet, but that's how hated Devitt is, apparently.

I still like it. What I find appealing is Devitt knows at least half the stuff he say gets lost in translation and he doesn't care. So it's funny when he just does something like cal Tanahashi a wanker.

Anyway, watching the show on delay now. Pretty good so far, currently at Devitt Vs Archer.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
notice how it aligns

oh shitttt, legit shaking



Speaking of Hitler, did you know that DDP's 'diamond' symbol is also the hand symbol used by the Hitler Youth and, as described by the Führer, represents the unity of National Socialism?

Time to edit the Kanyon Cutter montage so that Kanyon yells Heil Hitler! instead of BANG!


Got to think this is Tenzan's last G1 - this is his 19th tournament and the dude's looking very creaky. Out of all the veterans left standing in New Japan, Tenzan is by far the most beat up.

No one cheers for Hitler. He's the ultimate heel.

Speaking of Hitler, did you know that DDP's 'diamond' symbol is also the hand symbol used by the Hitler Youth and, as described by the Führer, represents the unity of National Socialism?


DDP is a Nazi. Legit shook.

Of COURSE you would go out of your way to link Kanyon to Hitler just to show how superior your race is. You just have to bring everyone down with you on your path to genocide, don't you?
I guess I should mention that I made a RedBubble and I made this shirt that's now for sale:



Buy it and prevent me from going broke at college.

If any of you have any ideas for shirts you'd like to see or any ideas to throw my way at all that'd be cool!
I got the #EMMALUTION one because it's the greatest thing ever.

I have no shirt suggestions, other than saying a DDP is a nazi shirt would be a bad idea probably.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Sami Zayn should be Sheamus's friend from college who talks all this shit then Sheamus has to step in and save him constantly but they go back so he cant turn on them.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Of COURSE you would go out of your way to link Kanyon to Hitler just to show how superior your race is. You just have to bring everyone down with you on your path to genocide, don't you?

Hey man, don't blame ME just because your hero has National Socialist leanings. BANG!

Positively Nazi.

I have no shirt suggestions, other than saying a DDP is a nazi shirt would be a bad idea probably.

Yeah...I feel like Dallas is the kind of man who'd lawyer up if someone starting suggesting he was a Nazi, lol.

Incidentally, a friend of mine had a shirt that said 'Love him or hate him, Hitler killed a ton of Jews'. I have never seen a single piece of clothing incite more violence in my life.

Just saw that. OH MY GOD! That match was wonderful.

I loved the look on Shibata's face as Kojima was laying in the machine gun chops - he was entirely unimpressed and you just knew he was about to fuck Kojima's shit up. Also, the almost casual way he just punts Kojima in the face as the match starts. Love it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Incidentally, a friend of mine had a shirt that said 'Love him or hate him, Hitler killed a ton of Jews'. I have never seen a single piece of clothing incite more violence in my life.

Wow, yeah.

I saw one that said "AIDS kills faggots dead" but I don't know if it was comparable.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Incidentally, a friend of mine had a shirt that said 'Love him or hate him, Hitler killed a ton of Jews'. I have never seen a single piece of clothing incite more violence in my life.

'I'm not a nazi'
'btw these are the people i hang out with'
Got to think this is Tenzan's last G1 - this is his 19th tournament and the dude's looking very creaky. Out of all the veterans left standing in New Japan, Tenzan is by far the most beat up.

Tenzan's back has been shot since I stopped watching puro in like 07. He's still a good guy to have in the G1 because he can lose an unlimited amount and people still care about him.

Finished night one over lunch and overall it was very good. Tanahashi - Kojima and Shibata - DBSJ were the best matches for me. Kojima's really knows how to work around his own health issues. He probably can't handle the world title anymore but I still think he could be the IC champ. You can tell Davy loves working shoot-style. He would've been huge back in 90's.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
That's awful.

I really wish we could change conversation, to like how everyone should laugh at Devitt or Ohno is still with NXT and doing signings right now.

Hell, you could even help me try and find an old thread in Gaming about proper and realistic structural design for buildings and homes in video games instead of the normal (random pillars and no load bearing walls at all).

Even Bo is better than this conversation, and he's Bo Dallas despite his best attempts not to be!

Good first half to the second day of the G1;

Karl Anderson beat Shelton Benjamin with the Gun Stun
Yujiro Takahashi beat Hiroyoshi Tenzan with a moonsault
Yuji Nagata beat Toru Yano with a backdrop driver
Lance Archer beat Prince Devitt with the Blackout
Satoshi Kojima beat Katsuyori Shibata with a lariat

Shibata vs Kojima might just be my favourite match of the G1 yet, what a goddamn slugfest. GIF: http://i.minus.com/ibsyR8HXggl5g7.gif Also, Archer vs Devitt was surprisingly great, even with the Fale interference. Bizarre to hear "Archer" chants from the Korakuen crowd, but I guess Devitt's hated enough to make Suzuki-gun faces in this instance.

G1 has been just amazing, I'm really surprised by how much I keep getting drawn into each match. Shibata vs Kojima though, that is really top tier and I would love if they became a main feud for future shows.
G1 has been just amazing, I'm really surprised by how much I keep getting drawn into each match. Shibata vs Kojima though, that is really top tier and I would love if they became a main feud for future shows.

I really wouldn't mind seeing Shibata & Sakuraba challenge TenKoji for the tag titles, that could be a neat little feud, imo, and a good excuse to get the belts onto another team. Another Kojima vs Shibata match stemming from that would be a cool bonus.

Dragonzord said:
'I'm not a nazi'
'btw these are the people i hang out with'

Hey, you try living in the armpit of England that is south-east Essex. I'd say 1/3 people I know down here are poorly informed, tabloid reading, xenophobic, racist bigots.
For those that watch NXT: How is Xavier Woods/Consequences Creed doing?

He's been in their for eons, I am surprised that he hasn't been called to the main roster yet.

He's pretty damn over there, from what I've seen. And given he spoke at the Performance Center opening, as well as the recent report that WWE is interested in building up a black babyface (not to mention the ability to say they have a guy with a Ph.D, which I understand he's working on at the moment), I think he's got some really good things ahead of him.

Dr. Xavier baby!
vferrel said:
WWE really messed up with Harry Smith. Wasn't he a cowboy at one point?

Something dumb like that.

The guy can't cut a promo, so I guess that held him back. He's fine in Japan, because he just needs to do 'angry gaijin' and scream about how he's going to destroy everyone.

Of course, WWE could have just stuck him with a manager. Jimmy Hart, maybe. Hell, anyone that could talk, allowing Smith to just do what he does best and wrestle.

remnant said:
That type of shit is so fucking stupid

Nah, it's all about the strong style.

For those that watch NXT: How is Xavier Woods/Consequences Creed doing?

He's been in their for eons, I am surprised that he hasn't been called to the main roster yet.
He has a nerd gimmick but other than that he's still pretty much the same for how long he's been there his in ring is pretty subpar


DH Smith should start talking like Zandig in Japan.

"I'm gonna fucking kill all you motherfuckers in this fucking building! AHHHHRGHG. FUCKING VIOLENCE. FUUUUUUUCK. JEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZUUUUUUUUSSSSSSS!" *Respectful applause*
So I gave AfterDarkWrestleGAF the preview last night. Here it is one last time.

Vince McMahon Fashion Show

If you haven't noticed I make stupid videos and occasionally stream wrestling for days at a time. It's mostly been just for friends and Gaf but now I'm branching out into the twitter game so I could use any support that you guys could offer me.

http://wrestlejammer.blogspot.com/ No plans on streaming any time soon, but this is what I use.

If you like stupid comedy and bad wrestling, give my youtube a sub and twitter a follow. The facebook is just gravy to help spread the word. The stream is gonna be strictly announced here because I'm not trying to get too much attention to that lol just a little GAF thing I've been doing.
strobogo said:
DH Smith should start talking like Zandig in Japan.

"I'm gonna fucking kill all you motherfuckers in this fucking building! AHHHHRGHG. FUCKING VIOLENCE. FUUUUUUUCK. JEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZUUUUUUUUSSSSSSS!" *Respectful applause*

The respectful applause always gets me. Like when Alex Koslov asks the crowd to stand for the Russian national anthem....and they politely do as he asks.

Then, after Koslov sings said national anthem terribly, they respectfully applaud, lol.

slightconfuse said:
Devitt Yellin g at Chono got a good laugh out of me.

Devitt: "Chono, I am REEEEEEEAAAALLL!"
Chono: *gives no fucks whatsoever*

I kind of want to see Devitt vs Chono.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
A small part of me actually wishes Davey Boy Jr would start acting like Hiromichi Fuyuki. Especially the poses during the Team No Respect days.
Something dumb like that.

The guy can't cut a promo, so I guess that held him back. He's fine in Japan, because he just needs to do 'angry gaijin' and scream about how he's going to destroy everyone.

Did you listen to his interview on the Observer radio show? DBSJ was really honest about the challenges of working WWE without being too negative. I think the worst part was that everyone wanted him to be a different character and it confused him and the audience. Plus they wouldn't let him do even mildly interesting moves like throwing guys back into the ring like his dad did. Someone who doesn't have huge charisma will never get over like that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
GWF Observer notes:

People backstage have said Bootaaay is going to be debuting a new gimmick soon, a beer-swilling South Essex "real tough guy" who is a poorly informed, tabloid reading, xenophobic, racist bigot.

GWF higher-ups have yet to sign off on the new gimmick, as they have cause for concern that the Equality Cup could be compromised with the debut of a new gimmick that is sure to upset people.


Since you have seen so many Nitro's recently answer this for me. Did you like the way the show was produced during the 1997-1998 years? I found the frantic pace so much fun compared to today.

I don't think it is frantic at all. It's very basic and usually follows a pretty strict formula of "Match ---> Announcers talk --->In ring/stage interview ---> Match ---> Repeat all night" Sometimes you'll get two matches in a row or something, but I don't get any kind of frantic pace. It's basically the same as today, just with crowds and wrestlers that are excited to be there instead of a bunch of guys looking bored and fans looking more bored. The main difference is the complete lack of stupid "X is walking to ring/office while looking happy/sad/angry" things that WWE feels that have to use at every break.

Actually, the lack of backstage stuff period is great. All angles are done in front of the audience, which is really the way it should be. The fans pay to see the wrestlers in person, not on a really big screen. They could have just stayed home for that shit.

How many sheets to the wind does Piper look every time he's out? You should include that in your reports.

It's impossible to tell when Piper is drunk or sober. He sounds and acts drunk even when he's completely dry. That's just Piper.


Guess who was just busted again in Texas for DWI after impact taping:


edit: Here is also some Smark Spoilers for next weeks impact:

Bully Ray promo with Chris Sabin about the cage match at Hardcore Justice. Brooke Hogan came out with the contract and said if Bully lost he'll never get another title match. Just like Sting a couple months ago. Ugh.

Jeff Hardy defeated Samoa Joe in a very good BFG match. I believe Mr. Anderson distracted Joe from the announce table but I'm not sure.

Mr. Anderson defeated Magnus in a BFG match after Bobby Roode came out & hit Anderson with a chair. That disqualified Magnus.

Tito Ortiz came out for a promo. Angle interrupted him to tell him he respected him. Bully Ray then came out & said he didn't respect either of them. Dumb segment.

James Storm, Gunner, & ODB beat Bromance and Mickie James. Gail Kim attacked ODB afterwards and then Mickie got a cheap shot jn after.

Kaz and Daniels went to a double count out on purpose. Such a dumb finish. Then Roode came back out & announced a new faction with them 3. Cause that's what TNA needs.

Chris Sabin and Kurt Angle defeated Team 3D. In a typical TNA move, Sting came out with Sabin and got by far the best pop of the night. But of course it was just a swerve for Angle to come from behind. Half the crowd left because of this.
What happened to the rumors that Angle was on death's doorstep in like 2006? Is it just a later version of "Tommy Dreamer's back is so screwed up he can barely walk, much less wrestle" from the ECW days?
Guess who was just busted again in Texas for DWI after impact taping:


edit: Here is also some Smark Spoilers for next weeks impact:

Bully Ray promo with Chris Sabin about the cage match at Hardcore Justice. Brooke Hogan came out with the contract and said if Bully lost he'll never get another title match. Just like Sting a couple months ago. Ugh.

Jeff Hardy defeated Samoa Joe in a very good BFG match. I believe Mr. Anderson distracted Joe from the announce table but I'm not sure.

Mr. Anderson defeated Magnus in a BFG match after Bobby Roode came out & hit Anderson with a chair. That disqualified Magnus.

Tito Ortiz came out for a promo. Angle interrupted him to tell him he respected him. Bully Ray then came out & said he didn't respect either of them. Dumb segment.

James Storm, Gunner, & ODB beat Bromance and Mickie James. Gail Kim attacked ODB afterwards and then Mickie got a cheap shot jn after.

Kaz and Daniels went to a double count out on purpose. Such a dumb finish. Then Roode came back out & announced a new faction with them 3. Cause that's what TNA needs.

Chris Sabin and Kurt Angle defeated Team 3D. In a typical TNA move, Sting came out with Sabin and got by far the best pop of the night. But of course it was just a swerve for Angle to come from behind. Half the crowd left because of this.

I hate the smark responses. Shut up and just report the matches. Don't need your opinions.


So not worth it
I lose all respect for people driving unde the influence, fuck you Angle.

You really can't not drink or do drugs when you're driving? You really can't drink a soda instead? Stop being an ass.


The main event of SD is a pretty great triple threat with RVD, Orton and Christian, worth watching. Lot of awesome counters (especially Orton's powerslam counter late in the match).

Jamie OD

WWE really messed up with Harry Smith. Wasn't he a cowboy at one point?

He did an interview on the Wrestling Observer site last week before he left for the G1 and described WWE as having too many chefs in the kitchen. He thinks the reason WWE told him to wear a cowboy hat was just because he's from Calgary and those hats are apparently common over there. He also kept getting conflicting advice from the agents. John Laurinaitis would tell him to be the smiling babyface while Arn Anderson told him to be the serious tough guy. He was also told not to do Power Bombs because at the time WWE was trying to sign Batista again and they didn't want anyone else using anything resembling the Batista Bomb.
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