If she was just cute, she wouldn't have been involved in half the angles she's been in. Her point is valid. She is more than just a pretty face, and it shows on the mic and in the ring.Watching it again I lol'd at "I'm not here because I'm cute". Yea, I'm sure she'd be just as popular and still would've been involved in storylines wherein she dated 5 top guys within a year if she wasn't cute.
Not only that, but we'll see reactions by Trinity and Nattie, reacting in the Total Divas reality to a promo delivered WWE Universe AJ Lee that was totally kayfabe. But I guess the whole line about "you won't even shake my hand" will be shown before the actual promo. I guess AJ will join the cast as April Mendez, the bad girl, or something. Who knows?
And then the Total Divas reality and WWE Universe reality will clash, creating a temporary rift from Total Divas into the WWE Universe where Nattie, Trinity and April will meet there evil counterparts Natalya, Naomi and AJ (who of course all have beards now, in proper mirror universe fashion) and drama ensues.
It's so meta it makes me really confused and uncomfortable. Like, there are at least three disbeliefs I could be suspending and I don't know which one(s) is/are the right one(s).
So is this a new thing... to say this?
I can easily say this last episode of Breaking Bad left me legit shook.....like really legit shook.
Like, you could gif a certain scene in this episode with the words LEGIT SHOOK on it and people would get the term.
So is this a new thing... to say this?
This made me lol for real. I'm not racist when drunk or sober. I just really hate Konnan. I enjoy I believe every Latino in WCW except for Konnan. Konnan's ethnic background has nothing to do with my hatred of him. You son of a bitch. How dare you.
As long as they introduce Big E as AJ's friendzoned lovestruck wannabe boyfriend and he can crack jokes every episode like he does on Twitter, I'm fine with this.
I doubt however AJ will be a big part of the show other than some backstage WWE stuff, just recently she said she tried to stay as far away from the Total Divas cameras as possible. They'll use her as a catalyst for one of the stories and that's it.
What if that submission botch a few weeks ago was actually planned as like an "oh shit" moment for Total Divas.
Also, these seasons are gonna need finales, but nothing really big or finale worthy has really happened so far.
Whose ideas was Total Divas? It sounds from some of the reports that it's not liked backstage. Everyone just keeps their mouth shut because it Cena's girl. If those ratings stick then this show could stick around. Especially considering E! doesn't have much else other than a few hit shows. They already asked for more episodes.
As long as they introduce Big E as AJ's friendzoned lovestruck wannabe boyfriend and he can crack jokes every episode like he does on Twitter, I'm fine with this.
I doubt however AJ will be a big part of the show other than some backstage WWE stuff, just recently she said she tried to stay as far away from the Total Divas cameras as possible. They'll use her as a catalyst for one of the stories and that's it.
As much as I know its scripted, it still really bothers me that individual shows can have defined beginnings, middles, and ends. Why are there no two-parters where people stayed pissed at each other for a week and a half instead of only 5 days or something.
Fuck yeah. Can we get him this get up?
I thought this was a wrestling thread where we came to talk WRESTLING. Not about some dumb scripted show where all the drama is fake, all the "feuds" are staged for the entertainment of plebs, and everything is so meta and back asswards you can't tell what's going on, or if anyone but a monkey could write it.
So let's get back to talkin' bout wrestling, not that other garbage I just described.
I thought this was a wrestling thread where we came to talk WRESTLING. Not about some dumb scripted show where all the drama is fake, all the "feuds" are staged for the entertainment of plebs, and everything is so meta and back asswards you can't tell what's going on, or if anyone but a monkey could write it.
So let's get back to talkin' bout wrestling, not that other garbage I just described.
Dude, I was doing that speech before you even joined here. Welcome to my world.I thought this was a wrestling thread where we came to talk WRESTLING. Not about some dumb scripted show where all the drama is fake, all the "feuds" are staged for the entertainment of plebs, and everything is so meta and back asswards you can't tell what's going on, or if anyone but a monkey could write it.
So let's get back to talkin' bout wrestling, not that other garbage I just described.
About 24 hours late, but I would have Bryan again briefly win the title at TLC, only to have HHH abuse his power by hitting another pedigree and making himself champ and forcing the ref to count it. It would be a huge abuse of power, allow Bryan to get a win against Orton, and give Vince reason to come back to put Bryan back in the Rumble after HHH bans him for failing a wellness test... lacking the required amount of meat in his system.I would go:
Orton vs Bryan at NOC, Battlegrounds and HIAC with all three being a screwjob or DQ finish, with Hell In A Cell being the big screwjob that finally pushes Vince to recognize that Triple H is pushing it too far. Survivor Series is Team Orton vs Team Bryan for Bryan earning one more shot at TLC. Bryan looses at TLC due to shenanigans because everything is legal at TLC. Bryan enters the Rumble at #1 and goes through all 30 guys to win the Rumble. Final entrant will be Cena, and him and Bryan will be the last two. Also at the Rumble, we'll get Triple H vs Randy Orton because Triple H has realized that he can't get the job done. Triple H wins the belt at the Rumble. Elimination Chamber comes around and instead of the usual title match and #1 Contender match, both ECs will be #1 contender matches with Bryan's shot on the line (another win building momentum to Mania for Bryan). Triple H vs Bryan main event at Mania w/ Bryan's big moment and also proving to Triple H himself that he is championship material.
Wonderful 101 is the dolph ziggler of video games
it works real hard
but no one's buying
Wonderful 101 is the dolph ziggler of video games
it works real hard
but no one's buying
Eh. There's lots of cute girls, they don't all consistently get screentime as she does. She obviously has more to offer than just being cute.Watching it again I lol'd at "I'm not here because I'm cute". Yea, I'm sure she'd be just as popular and still would've been involved in storylines wherein she dated 5 top guys within a year if she wasn't cute.
Whose ideas was Total Divas? It sounds from some of the reports that it's not liked backstage. Everyone just keeps their mouth shut because it Cena's girl. If those ratings stick then this show could stick around. Especially considering E! doesn't have much else other than a few hit shows. They already asked for more episodes.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I forget. Durandal? It's my old chara from 1.0. I wouldn't mind making a new one but I think I gotta pay dollas for it.
Little kids give no fucks about how ugly the system is, that shit is going to sell like wild.
Why don't you gringos try talking about CMLL or AAA for a change?
More April Mendez please. Then E! needs to make a show about an Australian and Brit living in Florida.
The 09/05, 09/14 & 09/29 New Japan shows have all gone up for pre-order over at;
I'll probably be getting all 3, although the first Korakuen show looks a bit weak on paper. I'm sure both those elimination tags will be fun, though. The Korakuen main event on the 14th looks cracking as well, really looking forward to that one, and Okada vs Kojima, obviously.
Special Tag Match: CHAOS (Shinsuke Nakamura & Toru Yano) vs Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki & Shelton 'X' Benjamin
Boots what did you think of Gredo's entrance?