FINALLY cena applied something he learned.....but apparently it was from #TotalDivas #RAW
HaaaaaaThis gif sums up the last
Wait, why did HHH come out?
Is he going to pedigree The Miz during the commercial break?
What was the point of Mr. H's coming out there?
Did I miss Sandow?
real talk right now, looks like they are ready to elevate bryan. They let him showcase his wrestling skills and his promo abilities. He'll prob win via some BS like Punk did at MITB, but I'll take it.
That fucking good. And Bryan not slapping Cena back because he doesn't think of him as a wrestler...SO GOOD.
Gotta say that Cena probably won that battle of words, but both guys were strong.
This pro-Cena crowd will convince them to make Cena retain
What awful luck for D-bry. Week after week of huge pops and huge YES chants and the go-home show for Summerslam is filled to the brim with Cena marks. He has no chance on Sunday.