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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer

Warped Tour wants to be 21+ years or older.

Who the fuck over the age of 21 goes to Warped Tour besides the shitty bands?
Dudes trying to relive their use while complaining about the line-up.

I don't know if there's a cross over audience for Marc Maron and wrassling. But tough guy CM Punk was on the latest episode as a UFC badass.



Gym motivation for the rest of time.
lol @ Orton cracking fat jokes at Owens. I hope this catches on.

Also the WWE has already ran this "Divas Revolution" into the ground. It's like WWE creative doesn't realize that women don't have to only act like catty high school cliques. Stop giving this shit screen time pls.


lol @ Orton cracking fat jokes at Owens. I hope this catches on.

Also the WWE has already ran this "Divas Revolution" into the ground. It's like WWE creative doesn't realize that women don't have to only act like catty high school cliques. Stop giving this shit screen time pls.

Stop it. It's bad enough Orton did it. You bringing it up might make some dudes here start threatening to leave again. :)
Friend Bootaaay, or anyone else who would like to answer, how many stars would you give the Bonesaw/Human Spider match? I'd personally only give it 3 due to time, but I'm curious as to how the thread feels.
fuck, noooooooo
Warped Tour wants to be 21+ years or older.

Who the fuck over the age of 21 goes to Warped Tour besides the shitty bands?
Lmao, seriously? Guess it'll just be the drunk dudes who wanna mosh hard, but even those guys are the minority lately

Even me and my dudes couldn't justify going this year, but it's a wonder we kept going for as long as we did

Jamie OD

The end of Raw reminded me of the Mr. Thompson gag from The Simpsons.


Sheamus: When I say "Cash it in" and press down on your foot, you just smile and nod.

Ref: Ok.

Sheamus: Cash it in!

Ref: .........


So not worth it
I believe Sunny warned me about RPO, but I'm half-way through...
So I'm halfway through Ready Player One and I'm determined to finish it, but fuck this book is the very definition of a cheap pop. The protagonist is a complete anti-social piece of shit. Literally living behind his computer, to the point where he paints his fucking window black because seeing sunlight is scary or something wtf. He also has no friends and lusts after a video game avatar. If you knew this person in real life you'd go out of your way to avoid talking to them or being near them.

He also gets
a bunch of people murdered
and barely gives a shit, because
two of them are his aunt and her boyfriend, who steal a very old laptop from him once, so they probably deserved to die
. What a piece of trash.

The book itself is written poorly, with over-indulgent prose throughout. But I can forgive that. What I can't forgive is the poor story structure, where events just happen without rime and reason. Guy just happens into stuff and there's no real reason for him to know any of the information he just knows out of nowhere, but he does. It's deus ex machine after deus ex machina, it's insane.

And then there's the reference. Which is where the cheap pops come in. 99% of the references serve absolutely no purpose in the story, they're just there for the nostalgia feelings. "Oh hey guys, remember this thing?" I mean, at one point the guy gets a mount ingame that's
a DeLorean from BTTF, but with KITT installed and the flashing red lights on the front. Oh, and the Ghostbuster logo is on the side, because remember Ghostbusters, guys?
It's the absolute most cringeworthy thing in the book, but there's tons of examples like this.

The MMO world itself is equally bad in that it's not original. For instance, part of the world is just "Azaroth absorbed into the OASIS (the MMO in question)", the rest are just 80s references. Oh here's a world that looks like an old game. Here's a building that resembles this pizza chain from the 80s. I'll give the author some credit for mining the 80s like this and there are some original ideas here and there and it's the only reason I'm sticking around to see the end of it (and I'm really bad at dropping stuff midway through), but I cringe at nearly every reference in this book and not getting drawn in by those really exposes just how poor the story is.

The back of the book shows a quote attributed to Huffington Post that says "Delightful... The Grown-Up's Harry Potter" which makes me fume. Harry Potter has flaws, but that had a self-contained original world that took the author tons of effort to carefully craft and feel like it's lived in. RPO has none of that depth, it's a shallow world with shallow characters which is supposed to connect to the reader through nostalgia, it has none of the quality of Harry Potter and the comparison just angers me.

Finally, there's a huge disconnect between the intended reader and the way the book is written. It's obviously a mediocre written young-adult book in the vein of The Maze Runner's of the world... But the references make the books aimed at 30-40 year olds, who actually have a connection to the 80s... It' makes no sense. Had the author spend more time writing for adults, reduced the references to ones making sense to the world instead of just name-dropping thousands of references, perhaps the book would have been decent.

I can see this book making a decent translation to a 2-hour movie though, the framework is okay and Spielberg could make this work by dropping all the extra references. The main character definitely needs to be tweaked to become even remotely likable.

Fuck this author, really.


Not until she break AJs record.
Do you recall who was the longest reigning Diva's champion was until AJ beat her record? And how meaningless it matters?

Remember that memorable Dean Ambrose US title reign? Held for 351 days and rarely, if ever, fought on PPV. I'll counter that. Rarely, if ever, defended the title period.


So not worth it
Do you recall who was the longest reigning Diva's champion was until AJ beat her record? And how meaningless it matters?

Remember that memorable Dean Ambrose US title reign? Held for 351 days and rarely, if ever, fought on PPV. I'll counter that. Rarely, if ever, defended the title period.

It's not the record, it's WHY they're breaking it that's petty and just shitty. Also, in the pretend world they're creating it's pretty dumb to have a big record, make a big deal out of it and then have it broken within a year and a half, it makes it even more meaningless. Also, severly degrades the division. Just look at how Ronda Rousey makes all the other women look like weaklings. Perception matters.

Also, it was Maryse.


Don't need to tell me they're petty and ignorant. And how pathetic they've turned titles runs into lengthy ones just to make a big deal about it (you can argue the same goes for everything else; they talk about Sheamus winning the WWE title before, winning the Rumble, winning KotR, and now winning MitB. But who is Sheamus?). Or talk about Orton being a 12x champion. Is he suppose to be a bigger icon in wrestling than someone like Bret Hart or Hulk Hogan? Because he's held the title more times than both of those two combined.


Whatever about the title and how its being handled the women are just being given absolutely nothing compelling to work with storywise.

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