Pretty good show overall - not amazing, but it felt like they've at least settled Cesaro into that Finlay high mid-card/low-end main eventer role. Enjoyed the Ryback-Miz stuff with Bryan and Show - shame they kinda wasted Bryan, but whatever - they'll be doing a lot more of that. Speaking of which, NO STING in the Shield vs. Wyatts match sucks. Bray's a cult leader - have him bring in SOMEONE NEW. Amell was new, and awesome doing a hop over the ropes and a spear - Arrow threw a better one than Edge.
Rusev stuff was all great. Rusev having his own flag is a perfect heel move, and Summer doing the camel clutch led to a hilarious visual. Main event was a match - hurt by it being a rushed match in concept and in execution. The fake tease has been done WAY too much, and they've added so many rules that the whole "OH MY GOD, HE'S CASHING IN" thing means nothing. He's cashing in...if the other guy is awake, the bell has rung, yada yada yada.
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Please, allow the Force to save me