must be the accent
Since we're reminiscing about simpler times, when we had hopes and dreams;
amidst all the talk about KO's body type how have I missed that his wife is gorgeous?
Except that Austin was picked by Vince from the start.
But yeah, it's the closest we had. That and Punk's pipe bomb stuff if HHH didn't hate Punk and bombed it.
#Frecklestein is currently trending on twitter
Ultimo Guerrero says strongest wrestler he ever faced was Jon Strongman Andersen.
The longest running daily ability to post in his account's history!
Austin was brought in to just be a good hand in the midcard, there were no big plans for him and he definitely wasn't expected to be the top guy when he was the Ringmaster.
Speaking of longest running, JredBL. Can you believe that John Cena is so close to breaking Flair's record for title reigns?
When I say he's the greatest of all time I mean it. He is a big time player and it's only a matter of time until he sets the record.
It's seems just like yesterday Cena had started his journey to break the record when he defeated you to win his first WWE championship! You remember that, don't you JredBL?
And this week Booker T pissed me off, not Sara Lee's smiling. So what if it's common practice for every Diva to look like they're chewing a lemon. Have the balls to have one of them up there actually looking like they're enjoying the match.
A-HAH I knew he was great then. He hit me about as hard as I've been hit and I was in the Brawl 4 All.
Oof, Bart Gunn probably couldn't do to Cena what he did to you, Jred! That's a moment I like to re-live every night after Monday Night RAW on the WWE network!
I miss heel R-Truth
and Heel masked Cody
and Hall of Pain Mark Henry
I remember seeing her 7 years ago at the Wrestlemania Weekend shows. She was gorgeous back then, and she is still gorgeous today.
What I want right now is for all you fat, out of shape, neck bearded nim rods to step aside, so I can take my robe off and show Mrs. Owens what a real sexy man looks like. Hit my music.
For Sunny
I have to say friends, the Ace Crusher and its variations has to be the best finisher in wrestling. So simple, yet so effective.
I have to say friends, the Ace Crusher and its variations has to be the best finisher in wrestling. So simple, yet so effective.
Slightlyconfuse is there a hole in your life now that LU isn't on anymore?
Don't remind us.
No news on season 2?
Don't remind us.
No news on season 2?
Their least attractive woman is a 9.You can say a lot of things about Montreal but one thing is for sure.
They got some damn good women there.
I tend to mostly lurk around this thread and might post every once in a while during raw or a PPV. I just wanted you all to know that I think you all are amazing and sometimes downright hilarious.
I'm going to go back into hiding now.
tfw u realize brock will never gorw his beard againWe need this Brock
Hey you want another season fast just give them the money they need to start it up again. That is whats holding it back. Plus i'm use to waiting because I am a Venture Brothers fan.