Jimmy King
Is the Cesaro Section like the DiBiase Posse
Do I get free food for being in it
You get the scraps that fall off the table.
Is the Cesaro Section like the DiBiase Posse
Do I get free food for being in it
Is the Cesaro Section like the DiBiase Posse
Do I get free food for being in it
Is the Cesaro Section like the DiBiase Posse
Do I get free food for being in it
What sucks about the Cesaro section is that because WWE didn't come up with it, they resent Cesaro and the fans for it, and make it less likely that they'll push him.
They're vindictive people.
If you really want to get Cesaro uber pushed, prove he can draw and make money. Buy Cesaro merch, watch only Cesaro segments on TV. Signs are good for exposure, but you need to go beyond that.
Cesaro has looked strong for the passed few weeks.
When Cesaro's appeal goes beyond purely in ring, then I'll maybe start to become a fan. As of now he's just a good worker, and that isn't enough.
That second and third one...
I actually agree. He's always great fun in the ring but it's time to pin a character on this guy. He's got the ring stuff down, if he's gonna go up from here he needs a gimmick.
What does this mean? You monitor their wctivity outside the ring? Like you read up on their twitter and shit?
How can Taker sell me on Super slam with less than a week to go
That second and third one...
perhaps he could entice you by letting you be a part of his epic entrance
Kid rock comes out with himHow can Taker sell me on Super slam with less than a week to go
Maybe I'm just an old asshole, but I feel like Taker is goofy now. Probably always has been, but I didn't care before. I guess it's different because he really shouldn't be here in this state right now.
Maybe I'm just an old asshole, but I feel like Taker is goofy now. Probably always has been, but I didn't care before. I guess it's different because he really shouldn't be here in this state right now.
I wish he would start doing those as Dr. Steve Brule.JBL's almost certainly forced grin whenever he has to shill the network slays me.
Honestly the more I think about that Women's match the angrier I get.
The Women of NXT could be stars if they were able to be themselves.
Instead they are forced to carry the dead weight of the Bellas and the supermodel/reality show based division instead of a division based on wrestling talent and charisma.
They're actually going through with this match with as little build up as possible?
This match is ending in a DQ or something.
Look at the shit firm on that pull up maggleSeth needs a statue of himself doing crossfit