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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I finished my new computer and slowly realized how I can't wait for the government to have all my information and privacy, so I don't have to remember all these fucking passwords.


Yoooo the Heeling from Sasha Banks on this week's NXT....Hail To The Queen...

P.S., watching NXT 4-Way it's amazing how much difference 11 months makes...the crowd LOVES Baron Corbin's debut, and Bulltits Dempsey is booked as a monster.
Lex Luger vs. Yokozuna. Why am I doing this? Just going to use this post to shout out the real hottest show of the Summer - Bash at the Beach




Backstage news from WCW Starrcade 1997 (1/5/98 Obsever issue):

And that was hardly the only question. Probably the most important question of all regarded Kevin Nash, scheduled to wrestle The Giant for the second straight PPV show. The day before the show, WCW received word that Nash had suffered a mild heart attack at his home in Phoenix. Nash, who is 39, has a family history of heart problems including his father dying of a heart attack before the age of 40. Nobody was exactly clear as to the actual story, as there were also reports it was thought to be a heart attack but actually a bad case of indigestion (which medically that mistake is not unusual to be made) causing massive chest pains, or massive chest pains from an anxiety attack suffered due to stress because his father-in-law has a serious health problem, which coincidentally enough is the exact same problem Undertaker had a few weeks ago which caused his blood pressure and heartbeat to go through the roof and caused him to miss a house show, and the health problem is said to be the same life-threatening health problem that Undertaker's father is undergoing. The only thing anyone seemed to know for sure is that Nash was undergoing tests to see what kind of a problem it actually was.

A man who legitimately has a bad heart is one hell of a risk, even with the style he works, in the ring, yet there didn't seem to be nearly the concern one would expect from a lot of parties close to the situation if a superstar in the business was suffering a serious health problem that could keep him out of action for a long time. The reports were that Nash's father-in-law was in bad health with a life threatening bowel problem, the same condition as Undertaker's father. Others were openly questioning it believing that Nash had somehow found out the finish (and he was supposed to do the job) and everything else was a cover reason. Others speculated that even though there was probably some truth to some of the stories it was a combination of both the former and the latter. It's really become a screwed up business when someone may have suffered a legitimate major health scare and his friend at the same time may have suffered a legitimate dislocated knee (Hunter Hearst Helmsley), but since they were friends and their group is building up a tremendous track record of excuses to avoid doing jobs (Helmsley was scheduled to drop the European title to Owen Hart at the Nassau Coliseum on 12/29 but showed up injured from the show the previous day in Hamilton, ONT; although at the same time Scott Hall has actually done a lot more jobs than he's given credit for) so many within the industry don't believe a thing anymore. It's a problem that ultimately was industry created. When promoters create an environment where the wrestlers themselves feel they are being manipulated and worked and doing angles specifically to fool the boys breeds that problem even worse, it is only natural for the wrestlers themselves once they get in a position of power to try and play the game back. In an industry that needs some level of trust for a cohesive product, but never really has true trust because the business is built on a house of lies, even though the health of the industry is near peak levels, the foundation of the industry has never been so completely screwed up. Nash had managed to postpone his first PPV match with The Giant, originally scheduled for World War III, claiming his knee hadn't recovered from arthroscopic surgery a few months back and his entire ring time over the past several months consisted of the cameo at the end of the Battle Royal. He got out of numerous other booked house show matches with Giant (he did a few just before his injury) due to the knee surgery. But he had also told people that he wasn't going to work a program with The Giant and in recent weeks before any of these problems surfaced had told people he wasn't doing the match at Starrcade for a variety of reasons, among them because he didn't think it had been promoted correctly and because he didn't want to do the program to begin with.

And Nash wasn't the only problem on the show. Konnan called and said that his girlfriend had given birth to a premature stillborn child and that he couldn't leave Mexico. This left a hole in the six-man tag match. The company wanted Randy Savage to fill the spot, and in negotiations to get him to fill the spot literally a few hours before the show was going on the air, had to agree to change the originally planned finish of The Steiners & Ray Traylor going over. To get Savage to agree, the finish was changed to where Savage got to score the pin using the elbow off the top on Scott Steiner. This left Scott Steiner visibly livid to the point he had major words with booker Terry Taylor and they tried to alleviate him by letting him do so many big moves at the end for saves before doing the job, although he still wasn't happy at all. Dean Malenko was originally mad because he had asked for Starrcade off because his wife was due at about that time. He was told if his wife was in labor or had given birth, that he didn't have to do the show and that Rey Misterio Jr. would sub for him in the match against Eddie Guerrero. Apparently he was also unhappy about Guerrero vs. Malenko being advertised on the television the previous weekend when he believed the company had a good idea that he wasn't going to be there. Malenko's wife Julie gave birth to a girl on 12/25, and the plan was to put Misterio Jr. against Guerrero in the match. However, with Konnan and Nash both no-showing at basically the 11th hour and the company knowing basically all along that the advertised Raven vs. Chris Benoit match also wasn't going to take place due to Raven not being fully recovered from his inflamed pancreas, at that point they felt it important not to have another no-show and actually chartered a jet on the last day for Malenko to come in for the show.


is he trying to win my heart, friend? i've gotta hear this

it was spectacular, one guy tried to start a brooklyn sucks chant, so owens called him disgusting, he then pointed out how hypocritical they were for claiming they want nxt to grow but bitching when they sell out in other venues and being possessive over the product, also said he felt sick every time he had to perform in front of them because they were so ungrateful
So Cesaro is gonna be wrestling greener that baby turtle shit ZZ, can't believe they put a hit on Cesaro just cause he was getting over. RIP.
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