Would Brock be Dangerous Alliance or TMF?
And look at how show was booked.Whatever struggle mess Team lesnar was
just...look at that garbage
This is still somehow better shot than a regular AAA show.I recommend everyone watch this Dr. Wagner vs LA Park vs Pagano vs Pirata Morgan indie show highlight video. It's 3 minutes of these four dudes beating the shit out of each other in highlight form, and it's so much fun to watch. And if you like it, the whole match is on youtube(though it's fancam because Mexican indies)
Dream you can trust me here it's free
Too much money to be made not going to Canada.I just realized that house show the Reigns incident happened in?
Happened in Canada
Fuck Toronto, at this rate all of Canada is gonna be on WWE's shitlist. Say goodbye to them getting any important Raws
You missed Rick Rude Sunday
I recommend everyone watch this Dr. Wagner vs LA Park vs Pagano vs Pirata Morgan indie show highlight video. It's 3 minutes of these four dudes beating the shit out of each other in highlight form, and it's so much fun to watch. And if you like it, the whole match is on youtube(though it's fancam because Mexican indies)
Dream you can trust me here it's free
Lucha fans tend to shit on Wagner for not going 100% in the ring by coasting on his charisma, and his ability to cut a promo. But the look at the incredible shape he's still in. Dudes having the last laugh right now.
I recommend everyone watch this Dr. Wagner vs LA Park vs Pagano vs Pirata Morgan indie show highlight video. It's 3 minutes of these four dudes beating the shit out of each other in highlight form, and it's so much fun to watch. And if you like it, the whole match is on youtube(though it's fancam because Mexican indies)
Dream you can trust me here it's free
Black Terry Jr does good workThis is still somehow better shot than a regular AAA show.
Lucha fans tend to shit on Wagner for not going 100% in the ring by coasting on his charisma, and his ability to cut a promo. But the look at the incredible shape he's still in. Dudes having the last laugh right now.
He's always in good shape. He's just lazy in the ring and settles for lucha brawls most of the time. He also happens to be very good at brawls.
I wouldn't call it laziness. Self preservation, is more appropriate.
Honestly, why not? Wagner probably gets booked 9 shows a week. Might as well enjoy an almost pain free retirement when he gets there.
Or you could be a genetic freak like Kane, who still does a ton of shows each week as an old ass man and looks fantastic for his age.
Or you could be a genetic freak like Kane, who still does a ton of shows each week as an old ass man and looks fantastic for his age.
Tim tams ain't no joke!
Rescheduled for today:
You're Welcome.
He's an internet darling.what the fuck did that jobber do to deserve his own day?