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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer

How many wrestle gaffers are playing Rocket League? I've noticed a lot of love for it in the thread, perhaps we should do a tournament?

The Wrassle Gaf G1 King of the Rocket League Fest. Doubles so we can have tag team names, obviously. Assuming there's enough interest we could do a draw for the team members (and names).

Apart from time zones it could be fun. I presume the winners would get tag belts for their avatars or something.

What say ye gaf?
You should do a ranking of Kane's masks. I want to know where that one fits in.

Ask and you shall receive

1. Klassic Kane
I mean, nothing was gonna top the original. Why if it probably didn't cause Good Guy Glenn to struggle actually breathing properly I like to think we'd still see this one today.
Comes with multiple styles of wig, like who can forget late 1998 Fuzzy hair Kane? though I'll stick with the 2000-2001 style myself.

2. Entrance Attire Helmet
Behind this mask is another mask, genius really.
Just as shame that you go from foreboding helm of doom to...

3. The modern mask of emphasising ones nose.
It looks silly yet that kind of worked out when they just had Kane go full ham with Daniel Bryan.
Also contains powers that make him "the demon" Kane

4. Towel of 2003
When one gets unmasked and needs to hide their face instead of just getting another mask sometimes you just got to throw a towel on your head, shades of the legendary Tazz.

5. 2002-2003 mask
The cheapest looking mask of the bunch, I'm sure Kane found it in a happy meal when he was off injured and figured this was the perfect chance to not overheat behind the old mask anymore.

in conclusion

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I liked Vader's mask because he just wore it for shits. He didn't need it. He just put it on to put the fear of God into you with it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Ric Flair was never cool looking though.

I appreciated his weird variety of fashions in the 80s, but the dude wasn't good looking, badass, or had some magnificent physique. It was all persona.
Red and black original mask looks better, but black and red is more fear-inducing. The '02 mask is great all-round - good mix of face-covering, but allowing him to cut wacky promos.
I'm happy that the narc that is Kane will not be crushing my vibe at Summerfest.
I'm more surprised that you even have a vibe to be crushed at Summerfest.

The most hype I think I mustered over the past month was marking out for Taker before remembering that the match itself would probably be fecal matter which put an immediate downer on things.

Fucking BARF. What the hell is he wearing?!?!
Desperate times when you're facing THE ALLIANCE, maybe he thought he could blind them with redness to save the WWE.

I would pay hard earn money for a Kane game. It can be like Sub Zero- Mythologies...
With quality cutscenes like this I'd hope.
Careful Sunny Mac - safe words won't help you now!!!

Oh yeah, btw - thanks Ghosts... :-(

Sorry man. Don't blame me, it's not my fault we're in bizarro thread where an image of an old man eating the face of a young woman is more socially acceptable than an image featuring one of today's hot young promising superstars about to enjoy a hearty meal.
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